Devil Girl Diaries – 13 (Taxi Ride)


Photo taken by moi.

Every man has that one unforgettable woman that will haunt him until his final day; the girl that got away. Allie detested television, vanilla ice cream, and missionary. She explored the depths of her sexuality; while I discovered the heights of my pain. My muse had a nickname. I called her Devil Girl. I write these words to ease my sorrows. My name is Andrew.

This is our story.

Dinner and drinks were over
Perhaps I had one too many
Okay three or four too many
Allie led me out the restaurant
In her high heels and tiny skirt
She hailed a cab
I found comfort against a lamppost
The cab screeched to a halt
Allie pushed me inside
Bumped my head as I entered
Once seated the cab sped off
City Lights flashed like a kaleidoscope from hell
I leaned my head back
Relishing the peaceful night with no antics
Her hands caressed my thigh
I loved these rare moments
She tugged at my pants
“baby, you doing what” I asked
She freed willy
I uttered more drunken words
“you no can do that inside cab here”
It was a suggestion
Not a dare
She did it anyway
I watched the back of her pretty head
My mouth opened to speak
cabbie adjusted his rearview mirror
oh, hell the what
my head fell back in ecstasy
I felt heaven
As I raced through hell
I love you Girl Devil

Until next week

131 thoughts on “Devil Girl Diaries – 13 (Taxi Ride)

    1. My wide’s nickname is Allie. When I told her I wanted to write these Devil Girl stories about a past lover, she insisted I use her name. Now, she insisted I use her photo. My wife does not follow my blog or read my writing. But every Friday night, she insists on reading the next installment of Devil Girl. Shrugging. Go figure. Shows me, I don’t understand women.

      Liked by 5 people

      1. It’s complicated. She wants to know who this woman is that still haunts you and she’s making sure she integrates herself somehow into your writing of her. It’s part insecurity and part staking her claim on you. 😉 I speak fluent woman.

        Liked by 3 people

          1. Maybe they turn her on and give her ideas. Like I said, it’s complicated. But I still think there’s a degree of competition in her mind with this devil girl of the past. Of course, that’s just my outside opinion. I could be off since I don’t know your wife.

            Liked by 3 people

                1. Of course. That’s why I reinforce all the reasons I prefer her instead of Devil Girl. I try to remove the stigma that this promiscuous girl of my past was everything to me. With women I realize Yes means no and no means no or sometime yes and maybe means… you know what I mean. lol

                  Liked by 3 people

      2. I assume you mean your wife rather than your wide?? 🙂 I think I understand your wife’s position, in that she wants you to know that she is your current love and be grateful for that (when you have sex on Friday?). She is a gorgeous looking woman. It’s a tricky one – I think I might have pretended Devil girl was all in my imagination…

        Liked by 2 people

  1. Oh, I needed this today like you wouldn’t believe. YOU are the best part of my Saturday Mornings. I also read your response to chatykerry. If your wife really wanted you to use her name and picture, I think that I just fell completely in love with her. She is just my kind of girl. So, if things ever start going south for you two, will you please give her my number. 😉

    Liked by 4 people

    1. LOL Sure will. Funny thing, my wife doesn’t read my work, but she follows Devil Girl faithfully. Sort of turned into a fantasy for her. Can’t tell you how many nights she makes me tell her stories of our sexcapades. Thank you for your sweet compliments. You are a special friend to me. Thanks for your support. Oh, if things ever go south in my relationship, this chimp will be walking around with a ruby slipper searching for his Cinderella. lol

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Another amazing installment my friend. I always enjoy reading the responses of others as well. I said I would never speak of her, but your wife is a lovely lady. There is only one thing that concerns me though. Did it not bother you to post her picture wearing such an erotic outfit? Most men I think would have a hard time with that.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiling. Thank you. Regarding the pic, not at all. She is so delighted that I used the pic. She really insisted on it. One person said it was her way to compete with Devil Girl. I don’t know about that. As for me, I am secure in myself to post it without worry. Her facebook is filled with those kind of pics. That is her style. I like to encourage women to be themselves. Thanks for the compliments and thanks for reading. NYC cabs are notorious for this. I did it with Devil Girl and many other friends. This is the original Sin City.

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  3. Would it be fair to assume that Devil Girl’s other enjoyments are unlikely to include astrophysics and the science of celibacy? This steamy adventure has more get up and go than the energizer bunny! Looking forward to next week.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your persistence, Andrew. I’ve been occupied with something that stole my life for a year but am re-starting Ink Flare on Feb. 1. You should get a WordPress note. I try to post on Mondays and Thursdays, mostly about writing, where I try to sound like an expert. You’ll have to let me know how often I fail. 😀
        I appreciate your blog friendship.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Sorry, for being a pest. You are such a great supporter of my blog, I want to reciprocate. Hopefully, I can inspire you the way you inspire me with your thoughtful comments. Again, sorry for being a pest. But a person with such depth and sweetness should be writing and spreading the positivity around.


  4. Naughty devil girl, so bored with herself she needed to get an extra kick by involving watchers or actors in your relationship. As for your wife, perhaps over and above the competition stint there is the hidden desire to live the fantasy as if it were her actually doing it all without the need to make it concrete. Perhaps that is why she insisted you use her pic. Good that both of you respect each others wishes and fantasies as well as your past experiences. Most new partners always attempt to obliterate the past of the person they are with, like they expect them to come out – freshly baked from the oven – into their lives. I’ve even had a partner wanting to go through my facebook account and delete every little picture where I had been with a previous partner regardless of whether he was in the pic or not. Jealousy is an unhealthy thing when there is no need for jealousy because it basically creates what is feared. Enjoy your Sunday!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Great observation. Let me see how best to say this. My wife is molded by her life’s experiences & past loves. We all are. Anyone naive enough to think they can banish a past lover from a person’s heart is wasting time. They’ll never accomplish it. Memories are here to stay. There are wounds from past lovers my wife will always carry with her. She really believes she is ugly. A boyfriend she had for seven years convinced her of that. He physically knocked her head against a wall (many times), screaming horrible things at her. She is convinced she is a person unworthy of love. So, I spend my days trying to heal DEEP wounds. Now I will really shock you with this. (Please note: I am very open minded). I am thankful for the men that came before me. It helps her appreciate the man she currently has. Second, all the physical pleasure she gives me in our bedroom, well, she had to learn it somewhere. Smile. I try to teach her to wear past lovers like invinsible badges, to remind herself she will never accept those things from any man. I want to thank you. This has inspired me to write a post about love and abuse. Thanks for that inspiration my friend. I consider myself a lucky SOB to have met you. Thanks. Happy day.

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      1. Welcome and sorry for your wife though glad she has come out of it not so damaged. I know I would never accept an abusive relationship again. Looking back one does wonder though how they took it for so long. Kudos to you my friend for the way you think. You’re a remarkable man and your wife is lucky to have you helping her rediscover how beautiful she is. Much love to both of you. I am so glad to have met you too. Enjoy the day Andrew!

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      2. Please tell your wife that she is beautiful. I know you have. As soon as you started posting photos of her, the first thing I noticed was how extremely beautiful she is, her gorgeous physical features compounded by the sweetness that exudes from her face. Being female, and a great deal older than either of you, I’m somewhat disinterested in sexy come ons (especially from women) but find it lovely that your poetry reveals the depth of your love for her. I get that the sex part is essential – it is for most of us – but if I thought your blog was only about sex, I would have stopped reading it long ago.
        Alli, you’re beautiful, inside and out.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Smiling. Thank you for your kind words. I try to send a subtle message about love the way it should be. Or at least the way I see it. Regarding sex, it is important, but there is quite a few things much more important. I will pass the messages onto my wife. Honestly, she needs to hear them. This week I will be posting a tale of how we met and the abuse she suffered before she met me. Love to hear what you will think. Thanks for all your support.


          1. Thomas, Geetha taught me how to correct typos. So, I went to find yours and I accidentally deleted your last comment on Devil Girl. Thanks for all your support. Once, I approve a comment, I cannot fix it. You have a great day my friend. I borrowed a nice Nikon from my daughter. Wife and I are going out to take some pics for the blog. Thank for your inspiration. So happy I started blogging and met someone like you. Thanks

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            1. haha, these things happen my friend 🙂 I am having a great day. Hope you and better half are capturing all kinds of wonderful images. You are too kind my friend, the pleasure is all mine 🙂

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  5. Mmm.. it is true, sometimes, the suggestions do sound like dares and then dares become shared enjoyments with all the ones that participate vicariously! 😀

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