Huddled Inside My Soul


Huddled Inside My Soul


Come to me

On your darkest day.

as shadows consume your light,

as tears douse the overwhelming fires

choking you in their solitary smoke.

Come to me

when your heart falls into the abyss

drowning in dark seas of solitude,

in a world eclipsed by loneliness.

Come to me

I can make you whole,

basking in my light,

once you are

huddled inside my soul.


Photo from Google Images

298 thoughts on “Huddled Inside My Soul

    1. Delighted that you appreciated this. It makes me so happy that a wonderful poetess such as you likes my work.

      Just an FYI; I found this in my spam folder. I believe some comments I have left you may be in your folder as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What you have here is so powerful, I felt every line. I am finding myself there. For a moment I lost myself relating myself there.
    And yeah, I also noticed this one not having a disclaimer. That tells me so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Andrew, we were on the same wavelength last week blogging about our souls! 🙂 I love your poem, it has a really nice flow and your choice of words are so soothing. I noticed you liked my recent post in my email notification but then it didn’t show up on WP for some reason. I hope there’s no issue with WP again. Hope you’re having a lovely weekend with friends and family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We were on the same wave length. lol

      As for your post, I read it on my phone, but didn’t comment. With my vision problems I avoid commenting via phone. I saved the email notification to add my comments as soon as I have a chance.

      Hope you are well.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. You made me smile. Three very special ladies. Walt I passionately follow everyone who follows me. I will drop by your blog tomorrow. It is getting late here in NYC. Nice meeting you. Thanks for the kind words. We can meet tomorrow on your blog. Good night. Andrew (or if you prefer Drew).

          Liked by 1 person

  3. I find so many themes in your work that are similar to my writings. It’s just that yours talk about the beauty of love. Mine talk about the destruction it leaves behind. And, the rebuilding. Sometimes.
    Sigh I sound so morose.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Do that. 🙂
        I don’t. I don’t really believe it exists either, if I am being honest.
        But, well, I am writing about life post a meeting with love all the time. So, I guess, there are some traces of it outside of books afterall. Your writings sure make it seem that way.🎈

        Liked by 1 person

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