Miss Understood

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This is for you Nandita.

Miss Understood


Pearls of white tears
moisten her tender cheeks
cascading onto dark pages
penning words of life and love.
Mirrors fail to reflect her light
as the world responds to her affections
with green venom and thunderbolts.
Bent but never broken
she remains a mystery for so many
even as she fails to decode herself.
Unable to decipher her puzzles 
she is forever trapped in a poetic web
entangled in an endless soliloquy.
Bleeding love and empathy onto pages
‘til she can barely live or write
or love herself anymore.
Seeking refuge in her shadow
and behind a broken smile
she longs to hurt no more.
She questions destiny
will her words, her love, her life, herself
ever be an enigma finally resolved.
Or will she forever be
Miss Understood.
My indigo child of love

Photo from Google Images





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