Not Long Enough


Not Long Enough


Will not be long enough time to be in love with


175 thoughts on “Not Long Enough

        1. Ismail, you really humble us. And I’m grateful for your words. But its Andrew who is the hugely popular one, not I. I’m contented with my little dedicated lot.
          Thanks for such heartwarming words.

          Liked by 1 person

  1. Those are beautiful lines, Mr Poet! ❤ Have a good week ahead! 🙂 ((PS: If you have a few minutes, check out this song: "Video Games" by Lana del Rey… I thought of it as I read what you wrote))

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Eternity is not long enough to be in love with you
    8 hours is too short to have a conversation with you.

    Good morning Papi. I hope you slept well. I did too. Going out shortly but will be available. Wakey wakey. Surround yourself with my love. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 2 people

              1. You know, D left a comment there trying to be funny. I gave it back to him and for anyone who reads that “Andrew says somme-in and its just adorable”.


                    1. I don’t think I should comment on that one. Should I? the subject matter is the world not approving of you and me. don;t think my comment would be very appropriate. what do you think?


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