A Faded Man

Normally, I like to keep my posts fresh, but a reblog of this post would be fitting today. I have never liked the saying “behind every great man there is a great woman”or the different variations. It should never have been recited in schools because it only served to perpectuate the perceived differences between the sexes and the notion that women need to be behind men. The words should have said, behind every great man there is A SHADOW. That great woman is standing by his side and possibly in front of him, as President Ronald Reagan credited Nancy Reagan. He often said she pushed him to make many of his decisions including the improvement of relations with Gorbachev and the ending of the Cold War. This year, for the first time, a woman may run for President, according to many in President Reagan’s cabinet, a woman has already served in the White House.

The Lonely Author

A Faded Man

A faded man with dulled glories from yesterday

no planning for tomorrow just living for today

fractured remembrances he can no longer view

strange faces replaced the family that he knew

memories erased from the chalkboard of his mind

leaving no recollection of the wife he left behind

Inspiration is all around us. I recently viewed (for the umpteenth time) a wonderful movie based on a book (The Notebook) from one of my favorite authors, Nicholas Sparks.  It reminded me of Nancy Reagan and the sad end to President Ronald Reagan’s glorious life.

Today, coincidentally, is the thirtieth anniversary of the first meeting between Reagan and Gorbachev.

One other note: We don’t have to wait for Thanksgiving to be grateful.

Keep writing.


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92 thoughts on “A Faded Man

  1. You know, I have never read ‘Bible’ but Our late honourable President Mr APJ Abdul Kalam, once quoted the creation of Man and woman, in one of his books- He said God created Man first but he wasn’t able to see God. Then Woman was created from man’s rib which nearest to the heart and protects it .
    Same was suggested as the role of woman in man’s life–Supportive, protective and Equal. Not to be suppressed. Because if if one suppreses a woman he indirectly is doing harm to himself. You can Correct me if I misunderstood the concept.

    And…I respect you for your opinion.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. That is exactly what I was trying to express in my statement. Woman is man’s equal. Wise men understand that. Fools continue to supress them. Thank you for contributing your wise thoughts to this post. I appreciate that. Have a wonderful week.

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Powerful words written here, it’s amazing. Alzheimer’s is heartbreaking and steals so much from families like the Regan’s but the Notebook was a beautiful movie that helped people understand what it is all about. It seems many women have served in the White House which is great, wish I could vote in the U.S. this year if you know what I mean 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Understood. Alzheimers is terrible for the families more so than the victim. How did Nancy feel after 60 years of marriage knowing his memories had been erased? The Notebook illustrated the horror of this disease. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful week.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I just received a load of notifications, this being one of them. Don’t want you or anyone to think I ignored their comments. Smiling. It had to be heart breaking for Nancy. THank you for stopping by to read and comment. I appreciate it. Well, it is too late to wish you a wonderful week, so instead, have a great weekend.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. This was an elegant commemoration. I like the idea that the woman is not behind the great man, but beside him, much like Nancy was. On BBC news last night there was one point where the narrator who was narrating a summary of her life said that on accepting his presidency she “looked adoringly into his eyes.” .. whilst standing beside him. That really resonated with me.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. President Reagan always wanted her alongside him. I’ve read of times she walked into the Oval office to use the phone while meetings were going on. Wise men understand the beauty & power of having an equal (woman) by their side. Thank you so much for reading and commenting. Have a great week.


        1. A load of comments just popped into my notifications, this being one of them. Don’t want you to think I ignored you. Yes, they had a special relationship. Everyone should be so lucky to grow old and in love together. Smiling. Thanks for saying you love my posts. I appreciate that.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Yeah .dt is a tregady for nancy n her love.reading ur poem n ur pic r reminded me dt scene when i have seen her with Reagan on wheel chair.how much she had cared him. dis is true love.Reagan was lucky.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. People may like or dislike Reagan’s policies but no one can contest his patriotism and simple common decency. In March of 1980 I attended the Lincoln Day Dinner on Miami Beach at which he was the speaker. This was before the November election. At least 2,000 people in the huge dining room. Oh how they cheered unrelentingly at his every sentence. I paid $25 for an obscure back of the room table but friends in the Executive Committee of the Republican Party of Dade County gave me a seat at the $50,000+ contributor table just 8 feet away from Ronnie and Nancy. It was glorious.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry for the delay in my response. Today, I received a load of notifications for this post. I wouldn’t want you or anyone to think they were ignored. As you stated, Reagan was a great patriot and a decent man. Wonder what he would think if he witnesses the political arena today. (And I mean arena). Wow, you were lucky to be so close to him. It must have been an exciting night. Thanks for sharing that. And thank you for stopping by to read and comment. I appreciate it. Have a wonderful weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiling. You made me blush. There are so many things women can do that some take for granted. It’s tragic that in this day and age there aren’t more women in positions of authority and politics. Thank you so much for stopping by. My friend, not asking you to reveal your identity, but how should I refer to you. -Andrew

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Your poem is beautiful. A friend recently had to place her father in a nursing home because of his dementia–a very difficult time for her, but the best thing for him. He’s already forgotten his home, and is starting to no longer recognize family members. Her mother truly is the support standing next to him, regardless of whether he knows it or not.


    1. Sorry for the late reply. I just received a boatload of notifications, this being one of them. I am sorry to hear your heart breaking experience.
      It tears at my heart to think of your mother loyal by his side. It has to be devastating. Thank you for stopping by to read and share your story. I wish you and yours all the best.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Fabulous repost will reblog later on friends but my feelings concur with yours over Nancy Reagan she was his inspiration and he was her rock .. I will slightly sexist on this part … I believe and vast experience had taught me women are equal to men in all but one thing … They want to have what men have but men do not want what women have .. It’s called an l pause .. Equality of the sexes but l call it coat tailing to do what men have done and do it better they say .. Well why not do it their way not want what men want and still want to be treated like a woman when it suits them .. Certain jobs are only and can only be done by women and same applies to men .. God made us equal not to earn but to learn … Ian

    Liked by 1 person

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