Happy International Day For the Elimination of Violence Against Women


Yes, I know what you are thinking. Lonely Author is not playing with a full deck.

Well, this Chimp may have misplaced a few of his picture cards, but there is a method to his madness. Please bear with me.

Yes, I realize this is nine months early (November 25th).

Friends asked why I ignored International Woman’s Day on March 8th. Honesty, these days fail to excite me.

For those of you who have followed me closely, you know where this is coming from.

Why do we need these days?

Here we are in the 21st century and women are still abused, underpaid, and unappreciated. And I’m not even talking about the atrocities against women or the exploitation of young girls happening in many countries around the world.

That is why I don’t get excited about these days. I don’t think they are helping. Not the way I wish they would.

I will leave you with this thought.

Shouldn’t everyday be International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women?

Or better yet…

Shouldn’t we live in a world where we don’t need an International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women?

Be well butterflies.


180 thoughts on “Happy International Day For the Elimination of Violence Against Women

  1. Yes, you’re right, Andrew, we women should live in a world free of violence and injustice. So should every man and child and woman of any ethnic background, or religious persuasion, even none if that be their choice, and every nationality. No more violence, no more injustice, no more inequality, no more hatred, no more war, just no more evil, anywhere, everywhere, all the time, forever, for God’s sake and for ours, just no more. Enough already.

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  2. We absolutely SHOULD be living in a world where there are no requirement for these days. Women are equal and to my experience usually better than their male counterparts so why are they still treated like second class citizens?
    Us men is the answer.
    Sorry ladies.

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  3. I was on a blogging hiatus when International Women’s Day rolled around. I didn’t get to write anything about it on my blog but I tweeted Maya Angelou’s lines. Yes – why do we need International Women’s Day to begin with? Thing (fact) is, as much as we want to eliminate the invisible glass ceiling, and abuse against women, it’s still there. As much as we want equality, it’s still not there. Especially in some parts of the world. Events like these help us gain momentum – albeit (sadly) once a year – provided that we maintain it. Thanks to men like you who cherish and appreciate women. We need more men like you to support our cause. Oh, and, what a perfect timing – I’m writing something similar based on an event at work yesterday. Hope it’s posted on my blog by the time this comment is released.

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    1. Smiling. I will read it a little later. Thanks for sharing. You know I came from an abusive home. WHY IS THAT STILL HAPPENING IN 2016? And here in the United States, women are still paid less than men. Why? Some of the best and efficient co-workers I ever had were women. And they were making less than me? Thank you for stopping by to read. Mucho appreciated.

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  4. Can we just eliminate violence altogether? Use your words, kids, not your fists!

    … or guns, or weapons of mass destruction, or even your more violent language…

    Let it go… Embrace Love, Light, Compassion and Hope….

    Sorry, Chimp. Figured as long as we were rewriting the script, I’d submit my suggestions, as well… 🙂

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    1. Love your words. Here in New York City, there is a new craze slashing innocent people for no reason. I think there have been close to two dozen in the first three months of this year. Sick of the violence. Thank you for contributing your profound thoughts to this post. Stop the violence.

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    1. Sadly, some of us have lost our way as a species. How can people be so hateful or violent? I wish these days soon become a distant memory as you say. If not for us, then for future generations of butterflies. Thank you for reading and contributing your wisdom.

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          1. I have sons and I hope I have done well by them, they are both good men. I also hope I have set a good example by being a strong woman. Abuse is abuse in my mind, whether committed against men or women, and mot to be tolerated by anyone.

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                1. then u should come India definitely.here r many chanced to u for beutifully ha ha in each moment at ur travelling here’s village,town n city..i fear ur thiny body will change into a faty man.welcome to my India,dear dew.

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  5. I get what you are saying but at least until people can recognise women as equals and not some thing to own or beat – a day of awareness -does just what it says. Hopefully over time people will be conditioned to treating women better

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Agreed. Right now this day of awareness is desperately needed. I believe our schools need to do a better job of teaching out children that violence is never a solution. Thanks for stopping by to read. Have a good weekend.


  6. Glad you had so many responses, and all positive. You make an excellent point, we have to stop all violence, against all, including the violence of competition. But to end violence we must first think differently, and believe differently. There was a cartoon on one of these blogs a couple of days ago with the caption: Who wants change? says the man at the podium and all the hands went up. Who wants TO change? he asks and not one hand went up. To stop all violence we have to change and then act differently. That, in my opinion, can only happen when we learn to practice compassion.
    And I liked you badass poem too. 🙂

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    1. Thank you for taking the time out to read my work. I appreciate that. I agree with you. People need to stop talking about this and act. I for one, constantly use my blog to speak on this subject. I have been an active participant working with womens groups and volunteering in shelters for battered women. I do my best to educate everyone around me of the damages of violence, hate, and abuse. Also, have taken the time to post my own personal stories of my abused childhood in my posts entitled, “Fragments of Me.” I am trying to do my part. Thanks for reading.


  7. It’s 2016 and women and little girls are exploited and abused, sometimes by their own families and/or for the profit of their own families. A woman is running for president (and might win) but some women live in fear of their own husbands; some girls exist in terror of their stepfathers, their drunk uncles, the dirty old man grandpa.


    1. Thank you for reading and commenting. This just popped up in my dashboard. I don’t want you or anyone else to think I ignored them. Yes, the things that are happening to women and little girls are horrible. Like you said, their own families are exploiting them. Thank you so much for dropping by to contribute your thoughts on this serious problem. Be well.

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      1. I didn’t have to mention toddler pageants, no one purpose a gun to my head and made me mention it…but I can’t believe the mothers who start their kids in that, who sexualize their toddlers, and then they’re shocked that the guy in the trench coat and no pants is hanging around those pageants, looking to grab one of those tarted up tots while no one is looking.

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  8. Thank you for this–all of us up here in this part of Canada need a voice like yours today. We just lived through the Jian Gomeshi trial and yesterday, he was found not guilty of sexually assaulting women because, as the judge put it, the plaintiffs’s stories contained “inconsistencies”. Unfortunately, while it’s disgusting, it’s not surprising, despite the fact that it’s the 21st century.

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    1. Terrible. These are the things that drive me crazy. Weak judges letting people off for the wrong reasons. Maybe the next time he does it the victim will be consistent with her story. This is outrageous. The judge really believe he did the right thing returning a predator to society? Thanks you for stopping by to read and comment.

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  9. I want to weep. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post, friend. It always means more when a man speaks–which is yet another sad truth–but I give credit where it’s due. Thanks again.

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    1. Smiling. I grew up in an abusive home.
      I don’t understand why in this day and age this still goes on. Thank you so much for taking out the time to read & comment. Hopefully, our children will see the day when we don’t need these days. Be well.


      1. I’m so sorry you grew up in an abusive home. I’ve never really recovered from the abuse I grew up in, and then married into… I can “be well” alone, so that’s what I do 🙂


  10. It is hard to understand how half the world can continue to be treated so badly. Many religions believe that women are inferior, and the mutilation done to women over the centuries, from foot binding to FGM, is inexcusable. Unless the gifts a woman brings to the world are appreciated, a day of recognition is meaningless.

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  11. Great post, Andrew! 😀 It warms my heart to know there are men like you in the world! Or shall I say, chimps?! One day, days like this will be obsolete – hopefully sooner rather than later. This post is meaningful and touching, in more ways than one. Thank you. Hope you are having a nice weekend, and Happy Easter! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for dropping by to read. I will deliver this message until I turn blue in the face. How is it that women are still abused and/or treated like second class citizens? Yes, I dream of the day that this day and others like it become absolete. Thank you for contributing your thoughtful words and for your support. Yeah, I am having a good weekend. I you are as well. Have a Happe Easter. Be well.

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      1. It is my pleasure, Andrew! I enjoy your posts. You write really well! 🙂 I don’t know the answer to the question you pose. It is a shame. Happy Easter to you too! I am glad your weekend is off to a great start! 😀

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    1. Exactly. There are certain parts of the world that view women differently and there’s not much we can do about that. Ut in our part of the world, women are still second class citizens, under paid, often unappreciated, and sometimes abused. Thank you for reading and commenting.


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