Fragments of Me (Words)


Fragments Of Me  (Words)

My father emphasized the importance of being a man of your word.

My mother recited sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you.

I remember the night I learned about the power of words.

We visited a friend of my father. Mingling adults with drinks in hand and hyperactive children filled every room of the dinner party.

Not interested in watching my father drink, I sought refuge.

To my surprise I discovered an oasis as I entered a room of wall to wall books. Nearing a shelf, a closing door startled me.

“Did I scare you?” Robert the home owner asked.

Silent, my gaze returned to the books.

Robert sat behind a large wood desk, “Do you like to read?”

Looking at the man with the graying temples and thick framed glasses, I smiled, “Yeah.”

“Did your father tell you I am a writer? I haven’t published anything, but I love to write stories. Writers create worlds.”

He opened a book. “Read it.”

“It was the best of times it was the worst of times…”

“Isn’t that amazing?” Robert interrupted, “What a wonderful quote; a great description of the French Revolution and a fitting description of our lives.”

Robert got up to leave. “Feel free to enjoy the books. You will find beauty on every page.”

Running fingers along the books, I read the name out loud; Wilde, Orwell, Hemingway, Faulkner, Steinbeck, Dickinson.

Minutes later, the door opened. “What the hell are you doing here?”

The anger in my father’s voice sent chills up my spine.

His hand slapped the back of my head. “Plenty of girls out there and you’re in here. My son is not going to be a faggot.”

Exiting the room, a heavy foot kicked me, lifting me off my feet, slamming me into a wall.

My eyes swelled with tears, but I refused to cry.

Hours later that little boy stood at his bedroom window while his parents slept in the other room.

That night he learned some words create amazing beauty.

While the pain of other words linger long after the bruises have healed.


Fragments Of Me

Fragments of Me (Heroes & Butterflies)

Fragments Of Me (Time)

303 thoughts on “Fragments of Me (Words)

  1. words no doubt have power ! the comments i read say it too 🙂 see you got so many kind words, love and warmth from your blogger family 🙂 enriching you and passing on the message to fathers like your father as well
    wish you peace, health and more wisdom

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So terrible, I am sorry you had to endure such a thing. This is such a powerful story, with an equally powerful reminder. I hold those scars too, they still string a bit. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. oh, I love reading Fragments of me and I would repeat it each time you publish one for us, the readers. I feel sad for the boy but again whatever happens, it happens for good. I would settle with that. 🙂 Nice one as always.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. In those moments, the boy started to become the man of words we know now. In the midst of trouble, a ray of hope spreads in the boy’s sky.
    I loved reading it again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a sad and beautiful truth. My Pa was a writer but he was also tough like yours. Words like that do leave last memories. I was wondering after my Pa passed why he was like that so tough and absolute. He left me all his writings and photos sometimes I open his briefcases just to catch a whiff of him. He was a man that stood for principle but it got messed up along the way. I’m not sure how or why but his absence is so very missed in our family. Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. In a way your father’s words in an odd way caused you to follow your dream to write even if out of hidden hurt and spite. Sending a warm hug. This creative side is a tender one isn’t it? I’m thankful you share it here. I’ve found it very healing. I’ve been blogging here for 3 years and met some wonderful lifelong friends. I think words were the draw. I was drawn to the site name WordPress because this is what I do for a living and I felt I would fit in here somewhere even if no one reads my blog I’m happy to share and get to know the deeper side of those I call friend. Like you. Have a beautiful day. I love this post. I see 3 others I’ve bookmarked to read later. I always think to myself you never know who’s reading that might need what it is you have to share. I believe that snout words. We need them and sometimes we don’t even know it till later we are quieted a little moe. I love it when that happens. 🌸🌸🎈🎈💕


    1. Thank you for stopping by to read it. This series means so much to me. They make for good therapy and actually start conversations of healing with fellow bloggers who share similiar stories. As for the subject of words – I believe most bloggers are hear for connections and their love of words. I know that is why I wirte. Thanks for reading. Happy you appreciated it. Actually, I will be reposting the first one tomorrow, that one is about childhood crushes. Thanks and be well.


  6. Thanks for sharing this sad but powerful event from your childhood. I grew up with no father – my German mother kicked him out for cheating on her. I was 3 yrs old and she was pregnant with my brother. She had some boyfriends but never remarried. But I am thankful that I did not have an abusive father and a lot of freedom during childhood.
    Being involved in Boy Scouts helped a lot too. I have always loved reading too, and pretty good at writing when required. I appreciate the honesty of your writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for reading this story from my past. It was difficult being raised in an abusive home. Sorry, to hear about the difficulties in your life. Sometimes, the hurdles we have to overcome in childhood make us better men.

      Thanks for the honesty in your comments. Have a great day.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Andrew! You are right about overcoming hurdles – although I am so thankful that I had a loving mom and a safe home. Also glad my wonderful wife and I raised 5 kids (and 3 grandchildren) who still like us – we have one dude left at home but soon to married. But we give most of the credit to the grace of God!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Well, wow. Just like that, in a few paragraphs….and I know you write in a way that captures my easily distracted attention. Words are everything, and words from you I will enjoy …. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. The kick, the slap on the back of the head; all the abuses heaped into an ugly pile…
    Becoming the writer that you are had a mighty steep tuition, and some glorious rewards.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and words every day! Even this far into life it still is nice to find someone else out there who really knows what you mean when such a statement is made.
        Not that I wish it on anyone, but just the feeling that you are not alone, that feeling … Some of these things you simply don’t know until you ‘know’.
        It took time and self acceptance but I’m glad to say I have come back to life! 😀 I hope you have too!!


          1. You are most welcome! 😀 You are not the only one who is just an email away! *smiles*

            BTW I had sent you an invite to my other WP site, don’t know if you ever got it. I know you are busy so if you did and decided against it, no worries. Just wanted to check. It’s just about life and stuff.

            Liked by 1 person

  9. I’ve never read anything like what you just wrote here…you have turned it around in a way I cant put words to. Being a parent myself, I see the little kid reach out through your own lines, and one feels the need to apologise for the bruise there. Unsure how to say anything at all, except that one wants to reach out to that time and erase the needless abuse. You’ve done brilliantly with it all… your work is a vehicle and travels deep and beyond the bruise of human frailty. Its what makes writers of words like swords – double edged weapons of grace& sensitivity; qualifies pain in a way that morphs cruelty into a incredibly powered oasis. Respect.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow, you write beautifully! You brought these moments to life in such a visceral way… I felt both the magic and the terror. I can see why your novels are also written as screenplays. Wishing you much success!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. To have gone through what you had and grew up to be such an amazing and joyous person to connect with here. The love of books and reading and writing them can really take a person to an unknown world they don’t want to leave. Keep doing what you do, and putting smiles on our faces. ❤


    1. That is very kind of you to say that. An amazing comment that touches my heart like you could never know.
      It was a difficult period of my life, but it taught me one thing. It showed me everything I didn’t want to
      be as a man. I have always tried to be the complete opposite of my father.

      Thank you for taking the time out to read and leave such a gorgeous and heart warming comment. It really
      \means so much to me . Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are most welcome. I can relate in a way to what you’ve been through. It’s tough, but as you break free from it and heal, you become the best version of yourself. And wanting better for yourself, and that’s including the people who you have in your space. I’m glad to know such a beautiful spirited person like you.


  12. I’m so sorry your Dad treated you in such a way! It is so hard, sometimes, to be the intuitive, intelligent person in such a world. Your blessings and talents are often overlooked until you are an adult. It takes years to overcome such words and events, but eventually, it does happen. Forgiving their ignorance is the only way that I have been able to move on from the bullies of my past. But I also thank them, for they have also shaped me into who I am. You are a good man, Drew, and I’m glad that you were able to follow the dreams of your heart.


    1. What can I say about my Dad. He had a hard life before I came along. So I forgive him.
      Forgiveness is a wondefrful thing. By forgiving my father and is ignorance I was able to move on
      and become the person I am.
      Thank you for your beautiful words and praise. YOu almost have me in tears. Well, your words and the wine.
      Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

  13. My first thought echoed the thoughts of so many of the comments I read after that this was so sad. I felt your pain and hurt. You shared such an important part of who you are in such a powerful way, that it can make anyone feel that they know you so much better for having read it. I am honoured to be able to read your words. Thank you.


    1. Humbled by your beautiful reaction to my post. Your words touched me in ways you may never know.
      Yeah, our past plays such a major role in forming the adult we become.

      Honored that you took the time to read this and to share your flattering thoughts. Really touched
      by your kind gesture. Thank you so much for sharing yur words and helping to heal the hurt.
      Forever grateful.


      1. Most welcome ,my dear dew!! Today ,all day i read your mostly post written in 2015.nice posts,my dear!! I saw your daughter’s photo when she is in thirteen age.most wise and cute are lucky father.

        Liked by 1 person

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