Only The Lonely

A very touching gesture from a treasured friend. Thank you Resa. You have no idea how you have caressed my heart and soul. Bless you for your kindness. I will always remember the beauty of your heart. Thank you from the bottom of my heart..

Graffiti Lux Art & More

This post is dedicated to Drew, The Lonely Author!

Lonely, as I like to call him, has been resting up in the Dominican Republic.  After a couple of heart attacks, he now awaits surgery.

Restless, I went for an alley walk (no problem keeping social distance in the alleys) and was rewarded with 3 fab garage doors. The moment I laid eyes on this painting, I thought of Lonely.

I have no idea what he looks like, but I know how he feels to me. Lonely is an incurable romantic, and that fact is reflected in his well written & passionate poetry. The colours in this art are like all of the colours, from the various moods, in his poems.

I don’t know what the artist meant by the bleeding purple heart, but that’s Lonely, to me. His heart leads his way. It seems like this image, was painted especially…

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232 thoughts on “Only The Lonely

    1. Me as a street mural. Haha. Never imagined that. Such an amazing gesture
      by Resa. Really touched my heart. During this period of my life, when I am feeling so alone, so many people (like you) have reached out and touched me in so many beautiful ways that have strengthened my heart and desire to live.

      Rachel, thank you for your beautiful words and everything you have done for me. My eyes water at the thought of how you and others care. I don’t have a lover, but I feel so loved.

      Always 🌹🌹🌹

      Liked by 2 people

                1. Feeliong a little better. The doctor had me change my dosage on one of my pills. Now, I am taking a half a pill.
                  My blood pressure this week was running dangerously low.
                  Airports are shutdown here for 15 days. So, I am stuck for now.
                  But today was better.
                  I will be posting a health update tonight or early tomorrow.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. I’m sorry to have asked if you were updating anyway… I don’t want you to feel you’re always answering these questions.

                    So glad the day is better. You have no choice but to stay put now I guess. Sending hugs ❤️. I had an extra coffee for you this morning. In your honour, for when you can have one again.


    1. My surgery is scheduled for April 14th. I will be posting an update on this later tonight. The virus is making things difficult for many, but it really hasn’t affected me since I am staying in my hut resting anyway.

      Thank you for asking. Thanks for your kind words of support.
      Be safe. Take good care of yourself.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. My husband just had life saving quadruple bypass surgery, he skipped the heart attack. The severe blockage was found when he did not pass a stress test part of pre-op for shoulder surgery. I hope you will get the surgery you need soon and I hope you will recover as quickly as my husband did. He is my rock star, soon you will be one too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiling as I read this positive, supportive comment. Sorry your husband had to go through any of this. I mistakenly had taken harmful pain killers to. reduce the excruciating pain in my neck and lower back. Drugs that cannot be found in the United States. I took the risk and paid for it dearly. My heart is weakened, and doctors aren’t sure if I am ready for the surgery, but we have no choice.

      Thank you for sharing your experience. It filled me with hope.
      And I am very grateful for that.
      Thank you.
      Be safe.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You have no idea what your comment just did to me.

        I am ordering steroids from India or China myself. I have lost health insurance last year and the only way I function without pain caused by RA are steroids.

        The other choice I have is a very, very health vegan diet, which I have pushed to the side.

        Your comment hit home hard -too hard and it was needed.

        Thank you! I will have to step away and regroup.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. I traveled to the Dominican Republic 5 times in the last two years. I thought I would outsmart
          the American Food and Drug Administration, which barred the drug that relieved my pain.
          The joke is one me. It causes harmful affects on the heart, and doctors are uncertain if the surgery will make a difference.

          Sorry, if my comments were rough. I want to make sure no one ever makes my mistake.

          Please take good care of yourself. xo

          Liked by 2 people

          1. Good grief! Take care, both of you!
            Bernie may have a point about universal health care. I think he’s a grumpy old man, but I love having NOT to pay for medical services, and many medicines.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh Drew, I did not know of your heart condition. Please take care and I am sure you will recover and be hale and hearty. I understand fear and pain – Angels and deities will surround you for full recovery.


    1. Yes, that period during the holidays when. I wasn’t blogging I was very ill.
      I am doing everything I can to get back to good health and hopefully be ready
      for my heart surgery in April.
      Thank you for your kind words and concern.
      Truly appreciate it.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Absolutely stunning! Gorgeous, gorgeous art!
    Dear Drew, see how you inspire with the beautifully human qualities you possesses in a world crippled with inhumanity!


    1. Very happy you lliked it Isha. It is amazing artwork, and Resa’s super kind words
      were very flattereing. Thank you for reading.
      And your beautiful thoughts have touched me deeply.
      And I am grateful for that.
      Thank you so much.


  4. Oh gosh. This is crazy sweet….all of it!!! And what wonderful art she happened upon!!! I sure hope You are feeling well and that Your surgery comes soon, Your healing time is swift and permeated with a quality of ease. Take care!!! ❤️


    1. Smiling. It is crazy sweet. She found an interesting mural that had a hint of me.
      Her gesture was amazing. Truly uplifting At a time I deperately needed it. Life
      was in mysterious ways.

      So glad you enjoyed the mural and Resa’s words. This post itself was a work of art.
      Thank you for yur beautiful words and wishes.
      You kindness and concern fill my heart with happiness.
      And I am grateful for that.
      Have a gorgeous, peaceful Sunday.
      Be safe.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aruna, Resa found this amazing painting on the streets. She is an artist and writer who searches for murals and shares these wonderful
      works with everyone. She wrote a most beautiful post. Very touching. An amazing tribute.
      I am a very lucky man.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah!!Rosa is a amazing writer.and see that wonderful painting.that painting is really amazing which is awesome tribute to you by deae Resa.yeah,you are really a lucky and blessed person for all🌹

        Liked by 2 people

              1. Who has confident on him and God,he is never failed.for his all failures and happiness give him every time the new experiences which make him more wise and creative and humbled natured and learn to love life and all humanity,my dear friend!!are you agree?he does not feel lonilyness may he alone because he has gotten all conclusion of real life.bravery or afraid of somethings are natural instincts in every is my theory,are you agree?my dear friend!!


    1. Smiling. Resa, is amazing. Her sweet gesture of support fills my heart with such joy. The kindness and generosity of her heart…..well, I can only hope it can cure my ills. She is wonderful.

      And thank you for your beautiful words Brad. I appreciate your thoughts. Bless you my friend.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Smiling. Resa is an angel. Her tribute has touched my in a way she could never imagine.
      She has filled my heart with happiness and shown me that I am not alone.
      Who would dare ask for more than that?

      Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts.
      I am grateful for your words.
      Thank you.
      Take good care of yourself.
      Be safe.

      Liked by 1 person

                  1. I have seen your today’s post.pray for open the Airport to go Newyork.those situations in your island are same in all India.curfew and lockdown are too here.i hope-you will success to get your flight at right are blessed ,my dear!! You will found not only one but many miracles.bless you,my dear!!🌹

                    Liked by 1 person

    1. A wonderful and supportive gesture on her part. On that fills me with happiness and hope.
      Very touching gesture.
      Thank you for your beautiful words and wishes as well.
      Your kindness made this a great start to my Sunday.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Perfection Resa..
    That is exactly how I picture him..
    And yes – his beautiful romantic heart leads him..
    such a joy to know him through his writings..
    Thank you for sharing!


      1. You are dear to my heart thanks to WP..
        You’ve shared your heart with your words – giving us smiles laughs & some tears..
        Praying for a healthy peaceful recovery
        And I look forward to your writings soon..
        Plz post and let us know how it
        All goes 💕


    1. Thank you so much my friend. It was an amazing dedication by Resa. I am so grateful for her kindness and support. And for yours as well.
      I am a little better. Thank you.
      Please, be sure to keep yourself and everyone you love out of harms way during this difficult time.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Very flattering. A warm caring gesture by a wonderful compassionate woman and incredible friend.
      Resa is amazing.

      I am feeling a little better. Taking things day by day.
      Thank you for your lovely words and your much appreciated concern.
      I hope you are far from harms way. Be safe.

      Liked by 1 person

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