He Lost Her


He Lost Her


He thought he lost her
because he didn’t love enough
With time he realized
he lost her
because he loved too much


Photo of Allie taken by me.

180 thoughts on “He Lost Her

  1. Is there such a thing as loving someone too much? I know what they say about doing or taking everything in moderation, but I don’t think it applies to love.
    Or does it?
    p.s. Beautiful Allie 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, I believe there is such a thing as loving too much. First, it can be so suffocating that you end up pushing the person away by clinging too much. Second, you love too much to the point that you don’t love yourself enough and the things you feel when you are with that person is what matters. What happens if that person leaves you? All your happiness disappears with them. Normally, I would say tthere isn’t enough love, but we can push people away loving too much. Thank you from Allie. And thanks for reading and commenting.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Is the Chimp trying to scare me? By telling me that loving too much is not good? Sigh. This is the first time the Chimp is letting me down (though I know he means well by trying to make me see the reality).

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  2. *Sigh*
    This is the third time I have been drifiting off on some god damn pink cloud, in 2 days! 🙂 Two of those times, you were responsible for making me dream dreams of love. One time was because of another blogger. 🙂
    These words are simply beautiful and there is a whole story behind it, I can feel it! Hehehe.
    Well done. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiling. Thank you for your kind words. I wish I could make everyone float on pink clouds. So, let me get this straight, I have two and the other blogger has one. The Chimp can be competitive. lol Thank you for your kind words. Have a great day.

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      1. It’s hard to believe in something you’ve never known.
        I used to be the one who believed in Santa Clause…in God….in angels….in “happier ever after”…but somewhere along the way, I realized that those things don’t really exist.
        Faith is a wonderful thing and I used to be filled with faith and hope.
        Now, I have faith that there are some who have it all and some who don’t.
        But…it’s okay. When I think about what everybody says…”some day you’ll know (yuk) love….some day some man is going to sweep you off your feet”….I think it would be great but I know in the depths of my soul that it will never happen because I won’t let it. I don’t think I want it….and I’m comfortable with it.
        Does that make any sense? Or, does that make me truly crazy? LOL

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          1. That’s what my therapist keeps telling me…and I defiantly tell him “you are NEVER going to break down my walls.”
            I don’t know why I said that to him…maybe because he is a man…maybe because I find such comfort in being numb…maybe because…who the hell knows? LOL
            And….are you SURE about Santa? 🙂

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            1. LOL I still believe in Santa. It is one of the great joys we can give our children. Now, back to love. You are too untrusting of men. There has to be a good one out there somewhere. Well, I will nag you until you begin to believe in love again.


              1. That’s the one thing I did give my children….their love of Christmas. They remember how special it was for them.
                You know, Andrew….my own children don’t “love” me…aside maybe the inherent crap we’re born with or the obligatory nonsense that they feel like they have to say…..but I do know one thing.
                Nobody and I mean nobody…even my children…is ever going to treat me like garbage again and i am NEVER going to beg for attention and affection again. I did that for 65 years. No more.

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                  1. Ha. I was writing “I don’t make mistakes” and it triggered something Loser said….a woman I used to know was commenting on my outfit once (she knew her husband had eyes for me and she knew it.) I hadn’t been able to find the exact color of shoes to match my dress, so I dyed them.
                    This woman didn’t believe me and gruffly said “show me a mistake.” Loser jumped in and said “she doesn’t make mistakes.” LOL
                    I don’t think there was a twenty year period in my life when somebody wasn’t treating me like garbage….and with my photographic memory….I would remember. 🙂

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                    1. UNderstood. I have the advantage of a pornographic memory, so I wouldn’t remember things like that. Well, you are now in the best time of your life. A period when no one is dumping on you.


                    2. You do or don’t have the advantage? You’re such a funny chimp.
                      I used to joke and tell people “I’ll never forget that as long as I live.” I’d wait for them to say “what was it” to which I would respond “oh, I don’t remember.”

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                    3. Smiling. Seriously, I think you are a fascinating woman. I imagine an elgant woman of beauty. Great at conversation, witty, great at entertaining. Actually, I will sum it up in two words. A CATCH.


                    4. OH! How cool is that? Did you know that ala Scarlett O’Hara, not only can I raise one eyebrow….I can raise them both. I used to make my grandchildren giggle when I would raise one and then the other back and forth. Nobody in my family can do that and it is hilarious to watch them try. I’m going to have to remember that! 🙂

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                    5. Hmmm. I’m really good at reading body language. Loser got to the place he would take me with him when he was interviewing a prospective hire. I could tell when they were lying. I could tell when they were “self-comforting” and I could tell whether or not he could trust them. I was never wrong.
                      At my childrens’ wedding/baby showers, they would ask everybody questions and I would watch and tell them if they were telling the truth or lying. It was fun.
                      Oh…and my best party trick was fetching beer! LOL

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                    6. I know, right? My brother-n-law (my little sisters’ husband) said something like that to me once and I said “well, where the hell were you?”
                      He said “you were already taken.”
                      It just occurred to me that I have written about everybody in my family…but my sisters. I’ve written a bit about my older one but the younger one……I have seen her maybe three times in fifty years and the only time I heard from her when we lived in the same town, she called me wanting money.
                      I think about all this shit but the one thing that is the strangest of all is that Loser and I were together for forty-one years and our parents never met. Isn’t that strange?

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                    7. Losers’ mama called my daddy once…drunk of course and told him that I didn’t know how to cook or clean or raise children or be a wife to her son and she was worried. Then she said “but we’d sure like to meet you.” My daddy graciously declined by saying “not at the present time.” It took me thirty-five years to tell Loser what his mama had done. When I did, he laughed.
                      I kind of wish (now) that my mama had met his mama. My mama would have chewed her up and spit her out (just like the snuff that his mama dipped.) It would have been fun to watch because my mama was a BITCH!

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                    8. You dirty ole chimp. LOL
                      There was a time when I would have given my soul or my life for somebody…but those days are long gone. I’m going to hang onto both of those things a while longer. 🙂

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                    9. Seriously, you are adorable. You are a kind soul who has given so much to so many unappreciative people ) and one undeserving Loser), you have nothing left to give. You are beautiful, funny, talented, and the perfect woman for a man to have draped next to his arm.

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  3. Kind of feels like a no-win situation. Not enough or too much. Do we ever know when we’ve found that sweet spot in between? I’m not so sure… because even when you think you’ve found it, your love may draw that line somewhere else…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Exactly. We never really know. What may be be too much for one person may not be enough for another. Isn’t that funny? But I disagree with you on the no-win situation. I understand why you say that, but I always feel like we win when we are in love. I will keep taking my chances. Thank you for reading. I cherish your support.

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          1. Well I should have put a tracker on that sucker because I can’t find it. And of course… If I have and I don’t know it, isn’t that the same as not? (This may be inspiring me to write something but it won’t be pretty…!)

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              1. I’m a little concerned it will come across as a big fat whiny bitch session. 🙂 But I did already quickly type an entire page. Now I just have to see if I can get anything non-whiny and/or worthwhile out of it. I’m pretty sure no one comes to my blog to read my bitchy whining. Or is that whiny bitching?

                Then again…that “letter” I wrote that time was really bitchy and it was one of my most popular posts ever…. (of course it was pretty hot, too… so there’s that).

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                  1. I’m sure I could write something dark… but like you said… no one wants to read my bitching. I leave those in the “writing to get it out of my head” pile. 🙂

                    You know… “letter never sent”… the fuck you- you can’t have me anymore because you threw me away letter. That was a very high ranking post.

                    And somehow I think your pornographic memory is just fine. In you’re anything like me. And I know you are…

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                    1. No, I meant dark as in deadly, scary, haunting, vampires, wixked, and all that kind of stuff. Ah, that letter. Funny how posts we don’t expect much do so well. That is like my “The Man Behind The Blog” is my greatest post.) The post has 391 likes & 417 comments). And I wrote it as an “About” page. Weird. As for my pornograpgic memory, Cinderella it is working fabulously after I have saw one of the prettiest set of feet in my life. Still glowing.

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                    2. My darkness knows no bounds. That is one thing I do not have already written from my old notebooks and files.

                      My about page is quite popular also… but not YOU-popular. ME-popular… which is much less popular. 😛

                      I came across a challenge today that I was thinking of doing and it involves feet… might have to post another picture for that… and I’m glad I made you glow. It goes nicely with my lovely gown and horse-drawn carriage.

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                    3. Yes, your popular is around 400 you said… mine is under 300 views and only 35 comments… That’s what I mean!

                      It’s just a challenge with photos.. .with different questions each week… and one of them is about feet this week, so of course there would be a photo….

                      Yes, naked under gown. How did you know? Do you have x-ray vision?

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                    4. Please ping me when you do it. Or let me know through private channels, so I can be one of the first to see. Thanks. Appreciate it. I hope to have x-ray vision by the time I meet you. If not I will wear my x-ray vision glasses I saved from the box of Cracker Jacks. Seriously, your feet are amazing.

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                    5. Pinging you would be my pleasure. Really. It would. Private channels also sounds quite inviting. Your private channels or mine?

                      You could go without x-ray vision, Cracker Jack Boy, because I’m pretty sure you’d prefer the whole unwrapping part anyway. Hm… now you have 2 Jack-related nicknames. Interesting.

                      And my feet thank you. You know I took about 25 pictures of them to get the right shot… so I have lots…

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                    6. And I am quite the energetic Chimp. You can ping me often. Ours. Yeah, unwrapping is more than half the fun. Don’t believe that., Those feet are photogetic. First shot was perfect.


                    7. Hey, you don’t know that the one I shared was the first shot…. 🙂 Pinging shall commence shortly… through various channels. And I’m glad you’re up for it. Energetic is good. Cracker Jack…. hammer.

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    1. Hahaha Honestly, I do love that shot of her. I caught Allie in all of her bubbly glory. Yeah, I am careful how I balance the love. Also, very careful how I distribute my love to her. lol Thank you for your kind words. (Now you see why the Chimp is always happy).

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  4. I believe this to be true in some sort of way. What do I know about love? Absolutely nothing. I do believe I could love hard, but with that being said, I would need my space. I hope he would need his space too.

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    1. Chimp laughing. Scarlett, what do any of us really know about love? All of us have gone through our own trial and error when it comes to love. As I tried to suggest in this piece & you suggested in your comments, love is balance. Loving hard is how it should be, but everyone needs their space. I know I certainly do. Smiling. Be well.

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    1. First, I agree. I think you could use that first line of your comment in a poem or one of your limercks. Thanks for the compliment, I will relay it to Allie. That bag was a Christmas gift. I have pretty decent taste, don’t I? Thanks

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  5. Well…I wouldn’t mind trying out what it’s like to be loved too much, as that’s completely foreign to my experience. Unless it’s like being suffocated… You really need an HOV lane here so I can zoom to the end of comments 🙂


  6. A couple that experiences harmonious love does so at such depth, that words and actions become perfect byproducts. This experience prevents too much or too little. When people attempt (what I call) “cognitive love” expectations become unclear because they originate in the mind instead of the heart. It is a “forced love” that may be perceived as overwhelming instead of welcomed and shared. The outcome often ends in despair. Sometimes people are more in love with idea of being in love than actually knowing what it feels like to experience love.
    Your poem proves it doesn’t take many words to teach important lessons. Well done, my friend.


  7. OH Andrew, sometimes the way I see it, when we love someone more than ourselves, we let them choose as they please, even if it means that it will hurt us.
    On another note, the model in the picture, seems to have loving eyes only for you 😀 😀

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    1. Smiling. Thank you for saying that. I am working on it. I find writing in every form help me with my fiction writing. Screenplays need sharp action and brief description. Poetry is all about the precise word. So each platform helps me to hone the others. Thanks for reading and your kind words.


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