Forgive Me Father


This is dedicated to all my haters.  Please watch your step as you form an orderly line.  You truly are number one.   (Wanna guess which finger I’m extending?)


Forgive Me Father


Forgive me Father
For I am guilty of love
Come and be the judge
Like your modern day preachers
Orating sermons of black sludge

Little green skinned disciples
Claws preaching on holy keyboards
Judging all of your children
Clinging tight to Bibles
As they cast the first stone

Father you always taught love
Now sacred hypocrites spew hatred at the pulpit
For when they are not walking on water
These predators must be
Slithering on hallowed ground

Father, my debauchery warrants punishment
Banish me to Satan’s dark inferno
While I’m there, what should I tell
All of these judgmental disciples
When I bump into them in the bowels of hell.



Karma is a bitch.


221 thoughts on “Forgive Me Father

  1. So well done, Andrew. Bravo!
    What is the point of preaching about God and morality when there is so much malice in the heart, right? That THEY make scheme after scheme to harass someone who has done nothing to harm them. And then they go Karma is a bitch. You nailed it.

    I only wish I had written this.

    Liked by 8 people

      1. Yes the dedication is very easy to read.

        I have way more haters than you who for some reason will go to any lengths to make sure I fade away.

        Once again, this was a very well done poem. And i truly do wish it was my pen that wrote this.

        Liked by 1 person

                    1. Hi Nandita. I just left you a text message.
                      Timro dherai chinta lagi ra cha. I hope timi tyo stage ma chainau hola jun timile malai bhaneko thiyou. Teskai daar lagcha. Maile timilai reach garna katti try gare. 2 ta id bata mail gare. Call gare. Txt chode even left a voice messvae Kataii bata pani reply aayna so I gave up.

                      If there is anything I can do to help. I am here I am ready.. Aba yo pani ignore garayou bhanne maile k bhanne.. Lets start it over again clearing the doubts we had.
                      I hope this will bing a smile on your place.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Hi Ankit. I’m getting bogged by too many messages. So I’m really staying away. Its stressful. But thanks so much for your concern. You are kind.i will be myself soon.

                      Liked by 2 people

          1. Good idea regarding email. That was a downfall.
            As for the blocking that everyone suggests. The faster I blocked them. The faster they created a new email to send with a fresh name. These people really have nothing better to do

            Liked by 2 people

        1. We tried that. I was moderating but the hate comments were still arriving on her phone. We are going to give it another go, she will have to turn off those notifications.

          No one is sending me hate,. It is all going to her. We will figure something out. IN the meanwhile, I had fun writing and posting this little jab. LOL Thank you for thinking of us.

          Liked by 2 people

          1. You’re welcome. My other suggestions are for her to start over, keep her blog invite only, and realizes these people don’t really know her or her heart, their opinions are meaningless. Anyway, fading back into The ethers again as I focus on my research proposal.

            Liked by 2 people

  2. Sounds like youve been having a rough go it. I hope its not been here on your blog. I’ve seen indications of others who’ve had a bad experience though I haven’t myself…yet? I feel sad that it appears youve jot had a good christian experience either? Heartbreaking. Guess my church preaches love. Sadly, spititual growth is a process. Imperfect people still learning, still have a heart problem I guess. Good news though, they aren’t really apart of your relationship with God. Thats just between you. They just haven’t realized it yet. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. God and the Church preach love. That is the only thing I preach as well. Love is the greatest gift in life.

      Unfortunately, there are some hateful people, who preach the word of God as they condemn and judge everyone.

      Thank you for reading and your words. I am wise enough to know not all church going people are like this. I love God. And I could never do anything to hate anyone.

      Appreciate your visit and words. God bless.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. First off, I am sorry about all the hate that you are getting. But I truly believe you can and you are handling it well.
    I’m jealous, because you are so good you have haters. I wish I had haters too. I am sorry this looks intense. You are a source of inspiration and a motivator. You don\t deserve this hate. You and Nandita are influential ones. I have seen it and I have felt it.

    I also read Miss Understood yesterday. I know how it feels. I wanted to share my recent experience on how someone who I looked up and loved so much misunderstood me. All I had was love and she took was hate. To be honest with some occasional rage. I still have love.

    btw this was such amazing.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Ankit. Appreciate everything you said. I myself have not received and more hate mail in quite a while. Nandita has been the big victim. Now because of a couple of Bible toting idiots we temporarily lost a great writer. That is a shame.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Sorry I wasn’t finished with my reply. I am sorry you have had to go through any discomfort yourself. No one is deserving of that. Delighted you liked this post. Thank you for your king words and support. Honestly, the person who needs and deserves our good vibes is our friend Nandita. Thanks

      Liked by 2 people

  4. I learned long ago that if I answer remarks by haters, it just feels the fire and it just keeps escalating. They are not worth a response nor your time. Please don’t keep the drama going… It takes away from the beauty of your poetry. I also see your joint blog is now private? ?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Powerfully put, Andrew. I’m so sorry for all the hassle and hate you and Nandita have experienced. It’s a vulnerable thing to share our words with others and not everyone will appreciate them. The hope is that they will pass on and read something else instead of staying to leave nasty comments that actually say more about themselves than those they are criticising. Poetry can often be a misunderstood medium but that’s no excuse not to be kind. Hang in there, friend. Love wins! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your kind words and support. I will hang in there. Nandita is taking a brief rest to recharge and enjoy the sun.

      I hope I didn’t offend you with this poem. Jesus preached love. There can be no disputing that. He never wants his children to hated or be bullied. And anyone who truly believes in the word of God shouldn’t exhibit that kind of behavior.

      Thanks for your support. God bless.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. No offense taken. My poetic style might differ from yours because I write primarily as a woman of faith with the purpose of sharing about God’s goodness and grace, His overwhelming love for all the human race. Your thoughts are strongly expressed with due cause. And I could read the hurt and frustration between the lines, as well as a deep desire to believe in better things, to want love and understanding to be the main motivation for your own work and how it is received. May it be so. Keep on doing what you do so well. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m guessing your pinky! However, you’d have to be drinking a fancy cup of tea too.

    I have read and reread this over and over. It’s true perfection! Possibly my favorite of all time! I was wondering if it would be possible to reblog this? If you prefer I don’t, I COMPLETELY understand. I think this speaks to haters on so many levels. 👏🏼💋👏🏼💋

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’d love to wrap my arms around you and place a BIG kiss right on your lovely lips, right in front of our spouses, God and everyone that judges, just to show them that love ain’t ugly. It’s a beautiful thing that should be shared freely! 💋💕💋💕💋💕

        Liked by 1 person

  8. As I read your dedication, I realized this was for Nandita. You are a true friend.
    Religion and hypocrisy go hand in hand. Followers of “Thou shall not kill” and “Killing is sin” have killed milliond in the name of their God.
    Great poem.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am humbled by your words and appreciation of this poem. Yes, this was for sweet Nandita. She preaches love and these people shower her with hate. Thank you for this wonderful message.
      I am certain she will see it and smile.

      Liked by 3 people

  9. So…these HATERS are hiding behind situational ethics, like being “God people?”
    Wow. Reminds me of the two God people I grew up around. One preached hell fire and brimstone after spending every night at the bar, trying to pick up women (while his wife was at home.)
    The other was my uncle, who slammed his hand down on the podium and preached about the “evils of man.” He kept trying to get me to go to Florida with him….had three children by “other women” while married to my aunt….yet….he would condemn everybody else with utter abandon.
    Bottom line…they were both pigs…and so are all the haters who condemn those who write beautiful, heartfelt poetry and try to mend broken wings.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. This poem is awesome! and right to the point.

    Email messages should have a better protected shield, against idiots who have nothing better to do than to bother a good person. I’m so sorry you have to experience this kind of bad behavior.

    I’m here for you my friend. My apologies for my absence. My girlfriend needed me to be there for her. This past Sunday. It has been 1 year since my mother-in-law passed away. My girlfriend misses her mom very much and I’m being there for her. I’m back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Unfortunately, these idiots aren’t picking on me. Our mutual friend is getting all of the hate. Which leads me to think that some ugly mental midget thought they had a chance with me and now they are abusing her.

      Thanks for your loyal support.,

      Liked by 2 people

  11. A wonderful poem and it’s the kind that I would want to send to a lot of people. I can’t stand hypocrites or people who think that they are better than other’s. They all need a huge dose of humble medicine and a knock from their imagined pedal stools!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Reblogged this on missameliaandsir and commented:
    THIS!!! This works for every kind of hater, judgemental and all around miserable person that thinks it’s ok to intentionally harm others. These two people are wonderful humans that don’t deserve this. Please, always remember, for every nasty excuse of a person, there are many more that wish you only love and happiness.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. AH! This was just what I needed to read this evening. I was talking earlier with my husband and our son , who is visiting, about “haters”. I got quite worked up about it. So reading your post put it into perspective for me and the blessing of your humor has redeemed me from my anger and frustration.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL. I don’t know why people waste their time bullying and hating. My friend, a wonderful poet has stopped blogging. It is a shame.

      Happy you enjoyed this. I needed to snub these haters. Thanks and take care. I wish you and yours all the best as you deal with those who aren’t so kind.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. This was absolutely amazing and so incredibly true!! There are way too many haters in this world and they seem to be increasing, which is just sad! I always say to those being ugly, “Don’t throw stones in a glass house.” I will never understand why people are just so angry and down right mean. Bullying is not the way we are supposed to act. We are supposed to do onto others as we would want done on to ourselves. Not to make anyone mad, but the haters need to stop taking lessons from certain presidents! Thank you so much for sharing this! Again this was so incredible!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for sharing your insightful thoughts. Yes the haters appear to be growing by the day. Something I blame on social media and the ability to hide behind a computer.

      Humbled that you enjoyed this poem. Obviously, I had great incentive and inspiration to write it. Thank you. Very grateful for your words.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do agree with you that social media plays a part with the haters. People do hide behind their keyboards and online feel they can say whatever they please. It is definitely not okay and I hope that people will grow up and start treating others better!

        Your poem was absolutely amazing and I appreciate you sharing this! I hope you have a great day!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  15. The problem is that there’s a huge difference between church people and Christian people. I have learned that it’s entirely possible to memorize a lot of scripture and yet completely miss the message. Those who make that mistake become judgmental.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:

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  17. Not all of us are as you say. But I agree (in my own slant) Karma is foolish–and yes I see your point that karma might somehow provide payback on the heads of those condemning you! Good poem anyway—a great piece of writing. If there were an award for bitter sarcasm, you’d get it. I would label this a “therapy poem, don’t you agree?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Been talking about you. Has Holly, of House of Heart blog visited yet? asked her to—you and she have both twisted my head around thinking the poetry was real—to which she has said, “IT’S JUST A POEM, JON!”

        Liked by 1 person

        1. No she hasn’t visited me in quite a long time. And when I get the vibe a woman doesn’t want to be bothered I stay away respectfully. So no we haven’t talked.

          Although I have an awful reputation for being a flirt, I am respectful of all women. After all John, wordpress isn’t a dating site. I sincerely hope nice things were said during your chat with her. I wish everyone well, my followers and unfollowers.

          Regarding my little poem, please note, even a poem that is “JUST A POEM” must have had some kind of inspiration.

          Be happy. Be. well. Be inspired.

          Liked by 3 people

          1. Holly is one of the few—the only? I can talk to about most things—except politics! I didn’t mean to belittle your poems or hers–you just both write to …get my attention from time to time. Nothing more! I did, however, add your website info and her’s so people can see what I’m talking about! And no, it isn’t a dating site—that would drivr me away!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Oh, I wasn’t offended in any way. She is a wonderful writer. And I know you have great respect for people poets and bloggers.

              Honestly, my blog has become a bit of a challenge. On Monday I reached 4,000 followers. Today, three days later I have 4050. Followers are coming in fast and furious. I can’t keep up. And the reading of blogs is nearly impossible. Thus I have a new policy. I read and follow those who read and follow me. I am loyal to anyone loyal to me. My following of blogs starts by my reading those who have liked or commented on my posts. So, anyone who has stopped following me has inadvertently lost my faithful follow since I am reacting to what I find on my blog. It is the only way for me to blog efficiently.

              Just an FYI, there is only one poet I will read faithfully for the rest of my life even if she never reads one post of mine. My adorable loving brunette.

              Thanks John. Hopefully this will uncomplicate things. I am considering posting a message to my followers advising them of such.

              Liked by 2 people

  18. I feel sad, Andrew. Most of your comments were in my SPAM folder and I don’t know how this happened. And I thought you were just busy that you haven’t dropped any comment on my posts. Anyway, I’ll comment later so I can make it up to you. I have to sleep first and it’s already 12:45 am here Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, I don’ t like to say this publicly. Your poems are among my favorites. I may miss one on occasion due to all the blogs I have to follow. But I consider your posts important. So I don’t miss too many. You are a wonderful poetess.

      No worries

      Liked by 2 people

  19. Not a hater, at all. Some good points are made here. Some harm done. But all are not so. Not same. Not haunty. Not haters. Not predators. Not purveyors of darkness. Some genuinely love the Lord and all he has made. Some wish others would stop calling themselves the faithful, but at the same time, they understand, but for the grace of God, go I. [Insert puffy heart here]

    Liked by 1 person

    1. By no means was I trying to sat all those who believe in God are haters. There are many that think they have the right to preach and judge because they know a few verses or because they go to church. ONLY God has the right to judge. And the nasty haters I am referring to are WordPress peeachers who are sending venomous comments to other bloggers.

      Wasn’t trying to offend you or any other followers of God. I am a Christian. And I believe in God. So I try to harm no one.

      Thanks for reading and for sharing your thoughts on the subject. Always appreciate that. God bless you and yours.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No offense was taken. It just breaks my heart whenever this type of hypocrisy is put into play. I grieve with you in a world where believers play at God’s business. Also, I so appreciate that you don’t hide behind a mask of faith in your writing. It’s beautiful, heartfelt, and inspires me many days. Thank you for being out there, and being you!

        Liked by 1 person

  20. I am saddened that these kinds of things are continuing. People should be ashamed of themselves. I do find that many times the overly zealous are the most judgemental. For goodness sake, people, no one is twisting your arm to read or watch what you don’t wish to see. Move on, please, and leave my lovely friends alone! xxoo

    Liked by 2 people

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