To The Boobs At WordPress


Or you can join WordPress and you will feel their presence everyday.

Don’t get me wrong. Lonely Author appreciates boobs just as much as the other guy. But come on.

The Boobs at WordPress never cease to amaze me. Now, I no longer receive email notifications of new posts from the people I follow.


They may not think it matters, but it does to me. The Reader is inconsistent.

I just ran through the Reader and I saw no posts from Blogs I follow most faithfully. Nothing from Dajena, Tosha, Leslie, Meg, Geetha, Soeline, Carisa, Annie, Christina, Thomas, Lisa, Jacqueline, Jennifer, Lamarr, Marissa, Spiritkeepers, Bushka, Dr Colton, Siren Song, Souldiergirl, Miss Amelia, Mary, Suza, Monica, Sheila, Arohii, Chape, Paul, Bun, Jen. Getting Over Anxiety, Laurel, & so many others.

Should I assume they haven’t posted anything??

I follow everyone who follows me. So, imagine trying to keep up with 1000+ using only the reader.

If I receive email notifications, I can hold on to them until I have a chance to catch up with my reading. So I don’t miss a thing.

But WordPress Boobs continue to fix what is not broken.

Hey, I currently have about 7 Blogger friends you CAN’T comment on my posts. And So far, there is one Blog that I follow devotedly and my comments never appear on hers.


I tried to contact these Keystone Cops about these communication problems, but no reply.

Alas, this Chimp will find a new way to keep up with his closest friends.

I could only dream that the boobs at WordPress get an enhancement, perhaps some Big Boobs will make things better. If not, at least, they will be a pleasure to look at.
