The Lonely Author: Guest Poet Isha Garg

The Lonely Author: Guest Poet Isha Garg

I am thrilled to present poet Isha Garg; author of Dark River, a deluge of poetry.

Click on Isha’s name to be directed to her inspiring blog Ishaism. To order Dark River click the title above or click here.

Video timeline:

0:00 Intro

0:19 Drew Opening

0:35 Poem of the Day: a vagabond in love

1;19 Drew introduces guest poet Isha Garg

2:21 Isha discusses her love for poetry.

3:28 Description and dedication of Dark River

5:01 Introduction to poem

5:39. Isha recites Haunted (from her anthology, Dark River).

6:45 Drew thanks Isha for reciting such a beautiful poem.

7:02. Isha thanks Drew for hosting her n The Lonely Author on Youtube.

7;28. Drew thanks one of his favorite poets for appearing.

8:04. The Lonely Author mentions Thursday video will discuss What Makes A Woman Beautiful. He signs off.