Tell Lonely Author About Your Likes/Dislikes

Since I’ve joined Blogville I have refrained from participating in Awards and Tag games. I think it is wonderful, entertaining, unfortunately, I don’t have the time.

In 2016 I am planning a full marketing assault of biblical proportions (okay, I will rephrase that).

I will try very hard (just doesn’t sound the same).

In addition to querying literary agents about my manuscripts, in 2016 my marketing campaign will include queries to Hollywood agents about my screenplays & the submissions of these scripts to screenwriting contests.

So, if your interested in learning a little more about Lonely Author here is a little bit of info about the Man, the Myth, the Moron.


Native New Yorker. Lived 3 years in Miami and 9 months in Raleigh, N.C. Love the NYC, but I expect to move permanently to warmer climates by 2018.

Places on my Bucket list: Venice, Italy. Greece to see the ruins. Also want to visit all 50 states.

Personality: My friends say I am the MOST open minded person they know. I consider myself the MOST old fashion person I know. Have never forgotten important dates. Love humor and everything positive.  I still stand to give up my seat. Still hold doors open and pick up the tab. GENTLEMEN, THAT’S THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.

Social media: Hate facebook. A good friend convinced me to join twitter. @LonelyAuthorNY.

Favorite FoodPizza has to be number one, but steak and lasagna aren’t far behind.

Drink: I prefer wine.

Children: Catherine is an anthropolgy major set to graduate in June 2017. She is my only living blood relative.

Scent: Hugo Boss is what I am usually wearing. As for female scents, there are a few that I like, don’t know why, but Coco Chanel makes me melt.

Clothes: I wear a lot of black and grays. Rarely wear sneakers. Since my surgery all I wear is jeans.

TV: Not much of a TV guy. Prefer to watch movies. If you find me watching something it is usually HGTV. Do watch some History Channel (preferably Ancient Aliens). Some of my favorite shows of the past include Seinfeld, Allie McBeal, and 24.

Things I like most about Blogging: Meeting people, exchanging creative ideas, getting inspired by other people’s work.

I never knew what I was missing: Living in New York City I missed out on an enchanting part of the universe. Southern Belles. I have met so many in this World-o-Blog. They are delightful and so charming. A pleasure to talk to.

Since I am on the subject of Ladies: I like mine feminine. I love lipstick, painted nails (when possible), and all the girly accessories. I know my role as a man, I want her to relish in her role as a woman. So, I will spoil her. Oh, and spooning is an absolute MUST.

Comedies: There’s Something About Mary, Wedding Crashers, We’re The Millers.

Authors: John  Grisham and Nelson DeMille


Pepsi not Coke
Hate iphones. Samsung all the way.
Showers not bath.
Eclectic music taste.
Played wide receiver (damn good too).
Don’t make resolutions, I set goals.
Love lingerie (no I don’t wear it)
Pajamas only in winter.
Coffee light and sweet
I think morning sex is so underrated. (Yeah, I like to start the day with a bang).

Tell me something about you.







210 thoughts on “Tell Lonely Author About Your Likes/Dislikes

          1. Yes I am in the funny mood usually when I am compiling stuff I need to get sorted.
            As for Dajena, I am sure you can hardly wait actually 🙂 I can imagine the chimp jumping up and down in anticipation to accompany yours

            Liked by 1 person

              1. Funnily it is the stoical factor of trying to not get annoyed at having to compile stuff that gets my mind into hilarious moods. When I am forced to do something I don’t like my mind tricks me into believing its fun by setting itself out into fun mood so I keep getting the silliest images in mind and keep having hilarious thoughts which of course puts me in a very good and fun mood.
                As for Dajena, I think you would have to actually hound her on her page because I still have not figured out properly how pings and pingbacks work. She told me earlier this morning that she was off with her yelow submarine so I am guessing that means she has a lot to do today.

                Liked by 2 people

                1. Your method for doing unpleasant things is wonderful. I always said if you have to do something you don’t like- just do it; complaining about if won’t make it any easier. I didn’t even know we could ping. Thanks I will research this. I will bust her chops over this yellow submarine. Thanks

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  1. Good insight! Something about me? Well, I woke up this morning and had an idea that I wanted have a go at writing fiction, so I did and I just posted it on my blog. I wonder how it will develop – if at all.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I started out my literary career writing poetry. With very little success. Well, none actually. At the time I thought being a poet was a great way to meet “chicks” and be cool. It was probably a good thing I didn’t quit my day job. I do write poetry every now and again but mostly I graphic and crack wise every chance I get. So much sarcastic opportunity these days…

        Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m with you on Twitter over Facebook ( hate facebook), Pepsi not coke and most importantly my role in life. I’m also a believer in the old fashioned way a man, a gentleman, does things. Where we differ slightly is the war paint. I’m not too keen on the whole lippy thing today as it often seems to be applied with a trowel. Light is fine though.
    Teeshirt and lounge pants, never pyjamas, spooning wonderful and as for sex in the mornings…….at my age sex anytime would be a bonus.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Wow. Full disclosure. Very unusual in a man … but not in a gentleman. Smiles. And wait … you lived in Raleigh?? MY neck of the woods? Wish the world was a wee bit smaller.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. And I could bask in the attentions of a sweet talker like you. Smiles. By the way — I am a rebel Southern Belle. I’m the one that wears jeans and cowboy boots with a silk blouse. My nails aren’t normally painted because I enjoy throwing a baseball too much. Make-up is minimal because of this damned Southern humidity. And when I do wear it — it is to emphasize my eyes. I talk a lot with my eyes. How fun it would have been if our paths did cross.

        Liked by 2 people

              1. Have you ever looked at a glass of quality whiskey in the light? Watched the reflections and refractions? Tracking the unpredictable shifts of amber liquid as they hit upon the sides of the glass? Intriguing, compelling, but cannot ever truly be defined … those are whiskey eyes.

                Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, nothing as sexy in a woman in heels. When I go out for movies or dinner I always suggest they put on heels before entering the restaurant or bar. No reason to wear them the entire trip. I have only seen Big Bang once or twice. Very funny. Thanks for stopping by.


  4. Thanks for sharing! Im new to the blogging world. Just a few months into it. Im was hoping to reach more readers for my book and meet other authors and have been wonderfully surprised by the connections we all seem to make with each other.

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  5. I hate custard and mustard. When it comes to women I like direct and disreputable and have a not so secret crush on the mind of Kim Addonizio. Black stockings are highly rated too. I’m with you on heels. Almost never watch TV, too many more interesting things to do instead. I eat pranut butter straight from the jar.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hmmm you started with a rhyme. lol I have always had a thing for Bad Girls. Agree on the TV. Love stockings, garters not necessary wouldn’t want the lady to be uncomfortable. Comfort is important. Allergic to peanuts. Actually, the only nuts in my life are my blogging friends. Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. No not garters. Im happy with holdups which are way more practical and comfortable. Liking Bad Girls is thoroughly unsensible but I have never claimed to be sensible. Agree that you need to be mildly unhinged to blog.

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    1. They have charmed the pants off of me. (Figuratively of course, but I wouldn’t mind literally). I’m going to get in trouble for this, but New York women have a hard protect shell and it doesn’t always come with a soft center. If there is another mate in my future she will be a Southern Belle. I am fascinated. Well, that last comment means I will be sleeping on the couch with the kittens. Thanks for stopping by.


  6. I love NYC. I think men should be gentlemen too. I also prefer manly men. I think it’s wonderful when a man is sensitive. However overly sensitive wussy men are just meh. Hugo Boss is boss. Good luck with your manuscript and screenplays. Rooting for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. The only things you seemed to forget to mention were bank account and credit card info. I think I know you by now…teaser for the next posting, right? 😀
    I love my wife, my beagle, my family and friends and have a passion for living. I believe my purpose is (partially) to share information with the world showing perspectives about issues that affect the quality of people’s health and lives. I am not a fan of soda, but would trade any meal for a rich bold cup of coffee. I do not wear lipstick or paint my nails, but would appreciate you opening the door for me and picking up the tab for lunch or dinner. Humor is an important part of my life and used to balance the atrocities I have witnessed as a doctor over the many years. I enjoy participating in sports more than watching them, and have reached an age where I can enjoy the camaraderie as much or even more than the competition. I believe in hard work, discipline, commitment, integrity and believe that good ethics and morals are essential for character development.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, let me start with a confession. My pinky is currently painted coral. My wife tries all her nail polishes on me. Happy to read your loves. And I have a passion for life as well. Humor is so important to ease the pains of life. And you hit a grand slam with the last line. I agree 100%. And now I am super happy, my Jets may actually make the playoffs. Hey thanks for sharing this with me. Appreciate it.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. WOW! I LOVE THIS! You are brilliant. I actually have something kind of like this in my head that I was planning for the new year! Great minds think alike huh? Here is a like… I like the blogging world because I get to meet people like you😊 A dislike is dealing with stupid people😁 This is so much fun Andrew, you just made my day😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Moi brilliant? This chimp liked the compliment, but I won’t go bananas. lol I am asked so many questions and turn down so many tags and awards where people can get to know me. So, I felt a little obligated. I would be very interested in reading your likes and dislikes. Please let me know when you post it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ummmm yes you are! We had a connection from the start! Bloggerville as you call it is an incredible place for sure. I’m so happy to be a part of this amazing circle of talented people. So glad you did this finally😊 Well, I will get it going after the new year which is only a few days away from us! Thank you for stopping by my blog Andrew😉 Have a great day!

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Well that was quite delightful 😊 I really enjoyed it.. You are an all around interesting man and I love that you’re a gentleman – not many around.. One day we will swap stories over coffee… Thank you for letting us know you better😊

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  10. That’s a great post! Nice to know more about ‘The Lonely Author’ and I think most on the list made me smile!
    Why Pepsi? For me, it’s Coke Light all the way! 😀
    Coco Chanel a very good choice indeed!
    I agree Facebook is overrated!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. Happy you enjoyed it. Hearing I made you smile made me smile. Funny, I don’t drink much soda, but when I do it’s Pepsi. But when I do diet soda its Coke. I am a strange puppy. I have witnessed to much negativity on Facebook. Deleted it from my life. Thanks for stopping by and sharing a little of you.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Good morning un-Lonely Author! 🙂 I am an Apple user, have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, love perfume (Hanna Mori), also dress mostly in black and dark colors, and agree with you about starting the day with a bang! 😀 This was a great idea for a post! Looking forward to following your progress next year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so shocked by the response to this simple post. I felt like I was ripping off my followers, but people have seemed to like it. Since I don’t play the Tag Games or Awards I had to do it for people to know me better. Haven’t smelled that scent yet, but thanks to you I will harrass someone in Macys or Bloomingdales very soon.
      Trust me, I will keep YOU posted.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Twitter not Facebok
    Coke not Pepsi
    I have an iPhone
    Showers over baths ~can’t stand the thought of sitting in a tub. Do we really get clean that way?~ Oh and I shower twice a day. I am a clean freak.
    Music is my world. I love all kinds
    I love to watch football
    I am extremely private about many things. If I want someone to know something, I will tell them.
    This blog is a getaway for me.
    Morning sex would be great if I had a partner. So I have to rely on myself for that. And it is great.
    I am a Leo
    I am very kind and generous. But don’t let that fool you. I don’t take crap from anyone. I stand my ground.
    My favourite perfume is Fancy Love by Jessica Simpson. I get so many compliments.
    I wear Fossil watches
    My favourite color is black
    And most of all, I am as down to earth as one gets. I am not a materialistic person.
    Oh no most most of all I love to sleep. I am lazy on a day at home.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, I left out my Zodiac sign. I am the sign of the RAM. Aries. A woman that likes football. Absolutely fascinating. Your admission about the morning activities…..Sigh. Women in black are so damn sexy. Sigh again. Privacy is important. Oh, I gave that perfume as a Christmas gift. Really nice scent. Thanks for sharing this with me. Your support means so much. Down to Earth & not materialistic is wonderful. Family, peace, and love are the only treasures you need my friend. Oh, almost forgot your beauty sleep.

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            1. LOL You are too funny. There are many writers here and I love their work. I find women write with more emotion than men. So, I guess I lean toward their writing. As best as I can I try to follow everyone who follows me. (Then, between you and me. I think the ladies are falling for the chimp. It appears he has the ladies going bananas.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Now who’s being funny . . . the chimp, my ass. 😀 I think a lot of the ladies are a little (or a lot) in love with you, Andrew. I have never seen a blog garner so many followers in such a short period of time. Evidentially, my dear man, you have “it”.

                Liked by 1 person

  13. Well, one thing I can tell you about me is that I am coming to NY in the spring. The kids are born here in L.A. and I always wanted to take them back to see my old digs so I already planned a trip for June 7-14. (Long story of why so far in advance…). Anyway, I’m still looking for a place to stay…maybe rent someone’s apt for a week. I know there are web sites for that but if you know anyone…Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan… Will probably set aside a day to meet bloggers, old friends, anyone who’s interested if you are…

    Liked by 1 person

            1. Are you serious? You find a place that quick? That is amazing. Harlem is an easy trip to downtown. No, not avoiding anyone. I need to visit the in-laws. We are going for three weeks, but not sure which month. We will be in touch.


              1. Oh yeah, I was just kidding about that avoiding stuff. Yeah, I found it on Airbnb. I’ve been searching ever since I booked the plane fare a few weeks ago.
                When I lived in NY I rarely left the LES so even though I know exactly where Harlem is, don’t remember if I ever went there. I hear the neighborhoods aren’t too bad though (in Harlem)…about comparable to LES…you think? That’s my husband’s main concern. He’s from Indiana so…

                Liked by 1 person

  14. I’m glad you decided to blog and I wish you great success in 2016. I also, enjoy HGTV. If I’m not busy creating something, then I enjoy relaxing and watching others create. My husband wishes I’d watch something else as he blames it for inciting me to constantly re-create our home. He mistakenly ascribes blame to nurture not nature.;-)

    Liked by 1 person

          1. My cat loves the computer too…I believe in the reality of both the positive and the negative, while doing my best to employ the positive. lol! Then there are miracles…they are everywhere if we open our eyes to see them.


              1. That is true…but I spent too much of my life telling myself that some very bad things were okay and it didn’t help me fix some things that really needed to be faced for what they were and corrected. I’m not a negative person but I guess I believe in realism and balance. I certainly, don’t believe in drowning one’s self in negative thinking. I guess that’s why I settle on an attitude of joy.:0) Even though, I often write about sad things, most days I’m happy too.

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  15. It was so great to know you…I love NYC… it’s amazing place. Maybe one day I will visit. Men smelling with Hugo Boss are omg melting me totally. I adore Dior scents. Must try Channel 😉. Old fashioned men,gentlemen have something in them what is turning women’s attention. Also Samsung not iPhone… Twitter not Facebook… morning sex mmm I love to start my day this way.
    Good luck with your plans and thank you for sharing. 🌹😊

    Liked by 2 people

  16. I love my iPhone but have thought about switching to a Samsung when my contract is up in March….maybe you could convince me why.
    I am a girly girl although I love to watch football, play in the dirt, my nails are usually only polished with clear but the toes are always painted. I LOVE MUSIC, I actually used to be the lead singer in a band. I have children and I adore them more than any other of my living blood relatives. I am a caffeine, energy drink, 5hr energy junky but only before noon. I too prefer wine…red…usually red blends….my newest favorite is 19 crimes. I love hugo boss for men and women…Red is currently what I wear. I don’t have time to watch TV. My DVR is full and even when I attempt to watch something on it…I fall asleep…..unless of course it’s Game Of Thrones…then it has my full on attention. I hate anything touching my feet when I am in bed but can’t stand to be barefoot while walking through the house. And there is a little about me. Enjoyed reading about you. 😉


    1. I just prefer the ease of downloading music to my cell. Refuse to pay for itunes when I can get it for free. I think the Samsung camera is a little better too. A girly girl who watches football. (Any particular team?) Ah, you said the magic words. I melt when girls paint the toes. Absolutely love it. I havern’t smelled Red. By who? I walk around barefoot. Absolute pleasure reading about you. I’ m from NYC. You? Loved reading about you. Thanks for participating in this exchange.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am a huge Denver Broncos fan as you can read about on my latest post on my other blog
        The perfume is call Deep Red and it’s by Hugo Boss. It’s my favorite women’s scent and I have worn it for awhile. I live in Nevada in a very small little town of less than 6,000 people. I moved here from Las Vegas almost 2 years ago. It’s funny about painting toes because that used to be part of my profession as a cosmetologist…before I gave it up to be a full time mommy. I have been to NYC…about 15 years ago and LOVED it….but I would never survive living there lol. I am no fashionista and pretty much prefer jeans and a t-shirt with some flip flops.

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  17. Great blog and fun! All Chanel scents smell like cat pee on me so glad we met on the blogosphere. 🙂 I love expensive scent (currently Marquesa) and like my men scented (aromatic, woodsy, vanilla). I look like a lady but am surprisingly earthy, especially my laugh – you can hear it all the way across an airport terminal. 🙂 Love pilots…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL Happy you enjoyed this post. Well, I guess I have a thing for cat pee. Makes me melt. Never smelled that scent. Down to Earth is good (as long as its not under the Earth). Ah, finally it comes out. You have a thing for pilots. And me for crazy girls who torute me to death.

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  18. Very similar to you in my thoughts as far as I can see, however I would replace 24 and Ally McBeal (LOVE Seinfeld) with Porridge and Parahandy (Google them. Amazeballs…!) As far as movies go well this time of year is the 1951 Scrooge with Alistair Simm. Favourite movies are Bournes and Bonds for action but Kind Hearts and Coronets, Uncle Buck, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, School for Scoundrels (Original) and anything with some class…..
    I too plan on making a big push this year so will plan my life much more effectively for sure.
    Here’s to your new plans and I hope they all work out for you.
    P.S, Dark denim and browns for me…. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  19. This actually feels like a slumbook. In the Philippines (where I was born and grown up), it’s usually a notebook filled with questions and you write things about yourself. Owner usually asks friends or crushes to write in there. High schoolers normally have one.

    Loved Ally Mcbeal too. Most favorite episode when she met Josh Groban. Sigh. Goosebumps!
    No soda. Would drink it if it were flat. Same with apple cider. Don’t like nose burps. It huuurts!
    Own an iPhone but miss my sony-ericsson phone so much.
    Got an iron for Christmas. Have a love and hate relationship with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Woah It was so great knowing you, enjoyed reading this,fun post indeed. How come you are a lonely author? I wonder so many times. we have few things in common like the bucket list (oh!I so wanna see Venice and Italy), I love watching Ancient Aliens and I really like the movie we are the millers 😀 Hey and coke is the best,brrrrrrrrrrr 😉 I was laughing hard at Love lingerie (no I don’t wear it). Loved this post very much. Take care dearest Lonely Author aka Andrew and stay blessed. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha Enjoy your Coke. I thought you were going to tell me soda is bad for my teeth. I had fun writing it.Wow maybe we can meet in Venice and watch Ancient Aliens. You are a sweetheart. One positive and talented person here in Blogville. Take care.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Soda is not as bad for teeth as it is for health. And that is why it is a guilty pleasure, I love coke. 😀 I can’t match your sweetness. Yes, It would be great to meet you in Venice but ancient aliens? nah, sight seeing!!!! wow, that is the best ever thing said about me till now in blogville, thank you from the core of my heart. It is very encouraging for me. May be not talented but with friends and supporters like you(talented,gifted and down to earth), i feel so good & Positive. Thank you bunches ♡♡ Take care 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  21. I wrote out a few things about me.. But I was I interrupted several times while reading here and it disappeared. I don’t see it so I will write a few of them:)

    First, I love learning more about you! I was smiling while reading this. You are a gem of a man! I love gentlemen.. They are so hard to find these days. 🙂

    I’m a Scorpio 🙂
    My fav color is red… The color of love ❤️
    I am the luckiest person in the world because of who my mother was
    My father is Cherokee and Creek Indian.. My mother was Irish
    I worked in Pediatrics for all 10 years.. I learned so much about life there.
    My husband is a Physician.. He is an amazing man who carries compassion where ever he goes. 🙂
    I don’t do any social media… I use to do it all but I quit about 4 years ago.
    I think Hugo Boss is dayum sexy 😉
    I listen to music 24/7.. Sometimes sleep with my headphones in

    Ohhhhhhh and YOU are one of my absolute favorite writers 🙂 Truth! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aw, thank you for saying that. Yeah, there aren’t as many gentlemen as there used to be. And that is a shame. I forgot to put my sign. Aries. You have a nice mix of blood. It is nice to see you are proud of your heritage. That is so important. My favorite part of your comments? Reading that you have a compassionate husband. That makes me so happy. You deserve that. I tried sleeping with my headphones. Didn’t work. Now, I sleep with sounds of rainfall. Very peaceful. Loved reading about you. I wish you, your hubby, and everyone you love the brightest 2016 full of living loving and laughing


  22. I was happy reading more about you and took really good notes, just in case there will be a test on this later 😀

    Dajena loves good chats, great chaps and clings on to her faith!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Pepsi not Coke
    Hate iphones. Samsung all the way.
    Showers not bath.
    Eclectic music taste.
    Played wide receiver (damn good too).
    Don’t make resolutions, I set goals.
    Love lingerie (no I don’t wear it)
    Pajamas only in winter.
    Coffee light and sweet
    I think morning sex is so underrated. (Yeah, I like to start the day with a bang).

    Used to be Coke, now it’s ginger ale, coffee, tea, or Kingpin…little to no soda for me.
    Samsung all the way – I love my Galaxy S6 Edge+
    Showers of course, but a soak once in a while is nice.
    Ditto on the music.
    Volleyball net guard. Pretty damned good at it.
    Every woman should have at least one nice set of lingerie.
    Pajamas? What are those?
    Coffee with cream and sugar, but not too light or sweet.


    Liked by 1 person

  24. I am following you on twitter now. My twitter is AmnesiacThorn. Also, you wanted to know likes and dislikes, so I will tell you.

    Likes: technology, my fiancé, psychology, oriental food, Indian food, the color black, television, writing, animals, commenting, reading, Medium, texting, my job as a home health aide, my clients, theatre, friends, and family

    Dislikes: religion,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dislikes: religion, when I press the wrong button on my phone, when people try to tell me what I should do based on my gender, overly feminist views, when the people I love are hurt, cancer, the injustice of health care today, Atlanta traffic, rude people, bad treatment of others, and of course when my car breaks down

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  25. To Be Human

    is to fall in love over and over,
    to never give up on any of them,
    to cry for the inhumanity, and try to
    overcome all that surrounds us by creating
    a closeness with those in proximity, both
    geographical and philosophical. It is to
    carry those loves in our heart, flooding our
    minds no matter how gone they are. And
    to put others’ needs first, understand their
    flaws, work on our own so we can be
    better helpers. It is to take it all in and
    follow our dreams no matter how preposterous;
    to pull apart another brown paper bag and
    to write it all out, no matter how choppy.
    So take my hand and make it all better
    before I repeat the painful parts until
    I can no longer act. To struggle past
    obstructions and obligations, self imposed and
    expected; to wallow in joy, build strength and
    change what we can for the better. To give.

    Liked by 2 people

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