My Secret Muse


Image borrowed from Pinterest.

Many of my posts were written after receiving inspiration from the great writers here in Blogville. Fearing I will accidentally leave a name out, I refuse to make a list of writers who inspire me.

True confessions time: There is one person who pierces my heart with every word she writes and they go directly to my soul.

Please, don’t ask. This chimp is a gentleman and he doesn’t kiss and tell. (Not that I ever kissed her). And I would never embarrass anyone, especially someone who I admire.

But this is dedicated to…..

My Secret Muse

Lovely words etched in my aching heart
Resemble sweet poems chiseled in stone
She pens tender verses for the multitudes
Yet my mind swears they’re for me alone

My secret muse writes for everyone
I wish her words were meant for me

Does she know her words echo deep inside
My restless soul trembles as they resonate
Her words stain tattoos on my beating heart
With just one glance of her prose I levitate

My secret muse writes for everyone
I wish her words were meant for me

175 thoughts on “My Secret Muse

  1. OMG – that is so beautiful. I actually have tingles running up my arms. We all find inspiration, whether it is via a blog, from listening to a tune, or from deep within our soul. Share how you feel, tell your story and don’t stop inspiring us all xxx

    Liked by 4 people

    1. OMG. I am humbled by your words. There are many ladies that inspire me to write. I may be suffering from writers block, I read their words, and suddenly the creativity flows. But there is one writer who always ignites this passion to creat. Thanks for stopping by to read.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Smiling. More than anything her sweet honesty. I think she has some self doubts about herself & her work, as many of us do, but her writing is full of energy and power. And TOO many times the words go directly to my soul. I hope I answered your question.

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                  1. Your cheeky lol so you have been following your “inspiration” since Sep. It’s all rather intriguing. This secret admiration you have, for someone your not sure would appreciate your sentiments. I would think she would be flattered, I know I would be.

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                    1. Smiling. No, I said I’ve been blogging since September. Started following her some time after that. And in all my life no one has ever consistently inspired me the way she has. Can’t explain it, but she does.

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    1. Smiling. I believe the proper artist/muse connection each one knows the other exists, but I wouldn’t embarrass her or anyone like that. I wouldn’t want her to think I am coming on to her. But she does inspire me…. Thank you for your kind words.

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  2. This is beautiful! The cadence and flow resemble the work of a couple of muses you’ve mentioned before, but I suspect that was intentional. What an incredible way to honor her! Bravo, dear Chimp! You done good here! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you. On too many nights, I looked at a blank page as I tried to write the next days post, then I go to her blog to read her work, and the words begin to flow. Last night was the perfect example of this. This is my way to say Thank You to her. Thanks so much for your kind words.

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      1. I was tempted like Swetha to ask you who this was as we’d all like to have our fill of inspiration from your source 😛 but then I saw your response to her and thought well, that’s so very like the chimp to be all gentlemanly. You’re right one never knows she might have a boyfriend or worse still, she could be married, lol. Nevertheless you’ve penned a beautiful poem in her honour and all the more for us to enjoy Andrew. A lovely write. Now don’t forget you promised you’re going to be mushier by the day until we get to St Valentines. How funny right that a martyr being tortured should be the emblem of lovers’ day?

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        1. LOL Oh, your comments are always special. Hey, I didn’t want to be the cause of argument between my muse & jealous spouse. Yeah, I’ll be getting back to the mushy. lol Last night was one night that my mind was blank & I read her work & words started flowing. lol A martyr being tortured. lol

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          1. It’s you who is special. You’re the sweetest man on blogsville. Personally I feel that such an inspiring lady who writes beautifully cannot possibly have chosen a dunce who would choose to be offended just because someone is lauding the poetry of his girlfriend or wife. Then again love can make people mushy and oozing silliness in the head.
            I daresay though that you are being a spoilsport not giving us access to your fountain of creation and hogging it all alone 😛
            More seriously, can you imagine why youngsters grow up thinking they have to yank their hearts out to prove that they are in love? Because the whole darn thing is built on the emblem of a guy being roasted alive or something of the sort amongst other tortures. Now if that is not a really bad example to set for love, bite me!

            Liked by 1 person

  3. I love this and love your reason for writing it! How sweet are you?! This our such a lovely gesture. I, too, have been inspired by other bloggers… and I often find myself thinking, “I wish I wrote that,” or “I wish someone wrote that for (or about) me.” I’m constantly amazed at the talent around me… and it inspires me every day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. And… stupid autocorrect. Sorry for the incoherence. 🙂 Obviously it should say…. ‘This is……’ (no idea where ‘our’ came from). Stupid phone.

      Now I want to write something dedicated to those who inspire me — so, see? You’ve just inspired me. Apparently to the point of questionable sanity since I’m replying to myself…

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        1. Lonely Author, to correct others’ mistakes–mainly caused by autocorrect–go to your WordPress dashboard (where posts, pages, media, site stats, appearance, and other options are listed) scroll down to “comments”. Click on it, and there are yours and others’ comments. You can edit from there.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. How do I easily get to my dashboard. After the last change never saw it again. Ok, I think I may be able to do it. Damn, all I want to do is write. Seriously, thanks. And I can keep it open in a seperate tab, to correct as they come in?? Thanks

            Liked by 1 person

            1. I don’t know about keeping it open in a separate tab . . . never tried that. I just switch over to it when I see a mistake. If you have WordPress installed on your phone, tablet, or any device other than your main computer, you could keep that app open to edit as you go along.
              I wish all bloggers knew about the option of editing others’ comments. I have made some ugly mistakes commenting that are quite embarrassing.

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        2. You can edit your followers comments from your dashboard. Hmmm, now that gets one thinking do you adjust that I like what you wrote to something along the lines of omg you’re so wonderful, absolutely fantastic. I am gagging at your words or something of the sort, not too showy of course or people would suspect something is not quite right.

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    2. Exactly, agree 100%. Last night I was staring at a blank and desperately looking for inspiration. I went to her blog read a few posts and BOOM I was writing this piece. She does it every time! I had to thank her even if it was without acknowledging her name. There are so many great writers here who inspire. Thank you for reading & thanks for your wonderful comments. You made me glow. I don’t feel so bad anymore.

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  4. Beautifully written expression of how many of us feel when we read stirring words from other writers. I confess to wishing many times I was someone’s “muse”. A muse is so much more romantic than a Siren. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, I have like 5 or 6, but there is one that inspires me more than others. Last night I stared at a blank page, went to her blog, and this piece flowed out of me. She cures my writers block every time. No she doesn’t know. First, I am a married man, so it would look improper and disrespectful. What if she is married or has a jealous boyfriend. So, I wrote this for her. This admiration must remain in silence. Thanks for reading Meg.

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          1. If you saw my shelves of shoes you would swoon. I just gave away to my cleaning lady a few pairs. I used to have around a hundred 😛 . Someone said are you trying to challenge Mrs Marcos and I had to respond guilty as charged 😀

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              1. I had a picture of my shoe cupboard on my facebook and that did not contain all my shoes as the boots and training shoes as well as other leisure shoes were elsewhere 😀 I don’t know if I put the settings to private but if I did not will share the link here 🙂

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  5. I think that is the beauty of art, to be inspired and have you want to inspire others in return.
    An ever beating stream of ideas. A blood line into the heart and setting a soul on fire.
    With trembling aches we continue on their waves setting sail to unknowns. leaving waves in our wake.
    I bleed we bleed
    in succession beat after beat
    it becomes self sustaining
    a life on its own, a muse of all muses
    and we call it life, world or even universe.

    Great words.And an inspiration indeed in return.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. This is the most inspirational comment I ever received. Shame you wasted it on this chimp. It should have been its own post. I bleed we bleed. I get goose bumps. Thank you for these words. I think this wonderful blogging community does a great job of inspiring and supporting. Thanks for these inspiring words.

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      1. Pretty sure it will pay itself back some day.
        It is fantastic to have so much to be inspired by around you that is for sure.
        Have a great time writing and exploring fantasies and dreams.

        And above all you are more than welcome

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Laughing my monkey butt off. So many ladies in Blogville inspire me. Hey, I started blogging in September, & my novels have been set aside since then. Since we have connected, I realize I have to get back to work. Remember your post where we discussed not wanting to self publish. you inspired me to get back on track! And I thank you for that. So, don’t think my inspirations are all poetry and rhyme. Thank you for the comments. You gave me a good laugh.

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  6. “I wish HIS words were meant for me.”
    Oh, such a lovely tribute to someone that inspires you. Kind of makes me melt. To have that kind of effect on someone would have to feel like being able to fly. What a lucky lady to have captured the attention of such a talented writer as yourself. I think SHE is truly the lucky one. Absolutely Beautiful words Sir. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

            1. I agree. I’m not saying I love this person. After all, I am married, but her words go directly to my soul. I want to respect her privacy and respect the partner she may have. Thanks for understanding. And thank you for your kind words. I hope I did her justice.

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  7. I’ve always felt that anyone who stuffs their writing in a locked box is writing for one very special person and doesn’t want to share. But anyone who publishes in any way is writing for the whole world, for each of us as unique individuals as well as for us as Everyman. Your muse knows you, she writes for you. You are wise enough to open your heart and be touched.
    And for today, we can all pretend that we are your muse, even though I know I’m not.

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    1. That is one of the sharpest and sweetest replies I have ever read. Yeah, writing and blogging is opening our hearts to the world for all to see. So kind of you to say she writes for me, I wish that was true. You made me laugh. Thanj you for being you. You are precious.

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  8. Great now half of the ladies who write poems and prose out there may be smiling reading your beautiful poem, 😀 Jokes apart, loved your wonderful poem about your muse and her words. 🙂

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  9. It is nice you have a secret muse who inspires you. Now I understand why you’re so prodigious. But most of all, I am happy that you have this muse because thanks to her I can read amazing posts. 🙂

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  10. This makes me think of all the books I’ve read that made me fall in love with the authors words. I’ve often wondered, if I met them would I still be in love with those words? What we write is the best of us but not the sum. I think the words are meant for you and for all whom they speak to but they can’t be owned by anyone. Beautiful, poignant words have a life all their own…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, what an amazing comment. “the best of us but not the sum.” That was so sweet. Yeah, writers touch us with their words. And they may not be meant for us, but every reader can feel as if they were. Thank you for stopping by to read and contribute your wonderful thoughts.

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  11. Throughout the ages, many poets have passed from this world, never having opportunity to kiss that Muse. This is a beautiful dedication to a beautiful muse, my friend. You speak what many of us feel daily as we bathe in the presence of our own muses.

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      1. You are kindly welcome, my friend. My first inclination was to thank you for writing about me but there was too much shaving involved to even attempt making myself look like a ‘she’ so I went with my second inclination. Seriously, though, I agree…I have written many of my pieces as a result of being inspired by the work of others.

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  12. Yeah.what is dt beaitiful poem written by he/ is written for only u so its every lines make some tattoo on ur heart break.dt is sure andrewz.perhaps it is written for everyone bt had meant to u ,o nice guy coz ur blog’name n ur doing works r inspired to dt lonly smile n be happy u both as i pray to god from farest place…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I fall in love with words as well. Many times I stare at a blank page not knowing what to write, I read her words and inspiration come to me. By the way, it happened to me one night reading your lovely words. You are inspirational as well. Thanks for reading.

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  13. Hey lonely auther !! On ur post”d secret muse”why r ur shrblogger so much irritiating n feeling of jealous?l m smiling on them n ur secret muse too.u r luky for such quarrelsome followers.ha ha ha…………

    Liked by 1 person

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