

Hey, people.  Two weeks ago I had a tough week. Since then, most of my posts have been dark (very unlike me).  Trying to get back into my romantic writing, and seriously, I can’t find my mojo. Yes, the Chimp is without his romantic mojo.

If anyone finds it, please return it back to me.

This is a simple muchy one to try to get me back on track.


Quietly you watch
my slow descent
As your irresistible
gravity takes me in

As Natural as the
crisp autumn leaves
Baby, you have me
falling just for you


294 thoughts on “Falling

    1. Thank you for thinking of me. I an flattered. However, I don’t participate in the giving or receiving of awards. I am so tied up with my writing, I can barely keep up with my blog. Thanks for thinking of me, and I hope this doesn’t offend you in any way. Much appreciated.


              1. Welcome.hey dew.now u r happy n laughing on ur good luck bt here i m sad coz i have lost my all poems written in August2015 to 12.5.2016.(umar-e-fasaana to in your eyes.hindi english poems).r they r in ur blog plz send me on my blog.can u do dis for me ?nice dew.plz reply soon.i remember-u r my first blogger of outside of india when i read ur first post at my small railway station situated in Rajasthan-India.now i feel dt my all friends is lost with my poems.


                  1. my good luck dt i have gotten them again.coz of losting was d raining ,storm ,small village and defaults in internet.hey dew !now in dis comment,what is Jpw?plz rep ly soon.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    1. dt words was in ur comment.if u do not know then forget that.that will be too a typing error.i think dt u r suffring from a little bit of pain still now.donn’t worry.forget all dts.bt plz keep attantion towards ur health.God bless u n ur family(allie n ur daughter)

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Yes, it may have been a typing error because of my pain. Thank you for your kind wishes. You are a sweet person full of kind thoughts and inspiration. Thank you so much. Bless you.


  1. I was kind of worried about you, MIA status and all–doesn’t seem like you’ve lost the mojo, from this poem, though. I think I’m the culprit–borrowed the romance mojo yesterday. Good to see you–I LOVE the poem 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I am very sorry to hear that Andrew. 😔 I enjoy your blog very much! Think positive! It’s not gone forever, simply temporary! 😀 keep smiling you romantic writer you! 😊


          1. Yes! See, it’s coming back! Just have to give some things time! 😀 I can’t wait to read it! I hope you have a great weekend! I am going to catch up on reading and writing the next two days! I love how you re-post for newer bloggers, like myself! Thank you! Your posts are a highlight to my day! 😊

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Hahaha Did you read the post from last week about my wife? The name is “When My Wife Became My Hero” It will tell you much about our relationship and what inspires me to write. have a lovely weekend and get soem rest. Hopefully, you will have a few dreams with McSteamy.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Andrew, I think I read it. Lol I can’t even remember! I’m terribly sorry, I work two jobs and just got done working 7 days in a row. So, it’s a weird coincidence you said get some rest this weekend lol I plan on it! I will definitely read the post! You and Allie are inspiring! 😀 when I read a post, I always comment! Can’t wait to dream about McSteamy! 😉do you know you can enter to win a coffee date with him?! 😍sign me up! Haha!

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Hahaha. I hope you get a lot of rest. I rmemeber when i worked two jobs for six years. I stopped the second job when I met Allie. That is a hard life. You need some time for yourself. I hope you find it. Have a great weekend.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. I hope so too, Andrew! Thank you! 😀 Kudos to you, sir – for having 2 jobs for 6 years. It is tough. I remember during college, it was finals week… I googled how much a stripper makes in a year! Haha! Thinking about doing that again. The googling part! 😜 hope to find some time to rest. Have a nice weekend! 😀


                    1. Whoa! Andrew, that was from a bit ago! Silly WP! 😜 I never thought you would ignore it, it is quite alright! 😀 I enjoy googling, so I think I will give it another go! Haha! Oh…I rested a bit on Saturday, the next day will be Tuesday! 😀 I hope your week is going well!

                      Liked by 1 person

  2. I have been lucky to get a nugget out here and there myself as me being cryptic had many here knowing something was up. My situation is getting worse daily, about to begin eviction from court and my sister locked all appliances, I gave up my car after my horrible accident 4 years ago and sold my car shortly after and I am going under the knife hopefully once for both shoulders and not sure of anything. But sometimes you just have to start writing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is so sad to hear. I am sorry for everything you are going through. When will the surgery be taking place? I am sure that will go fine. You keep yourself in good shape so you will recover quick. Good luck with the other problems, i know how they can get you down. Best of luck. Be well.


          1. My Mris on both shoulders are 300 percent what his was before his surgery and his fiancee and her 2 disc bulge in her neck, mine is 4

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              1. Sometimes It is like the old idea of getting hit with so many rights you wish you got hit with a left. Now the shoulders rule though. You only can take feeling so much pain. Thank you.

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      1. No it absolutely does. Mainly when life is stressful and distracting, like lately. Not so much new. And the frustration with that just causes more block. It will come back. Smiles. Be gentle with yourself.

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  3. I will be here through your struggle with finding words from your soul. Because I know when you come back to posting something you also enjoy, it will be better than any piece you had written before.. Patiently waiting.
    Meanwhile, enjoying your short poetic words too. 🙂 Thanks for sharing

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  4. I’ll join in the general praise for this one. I like it! It has a nice strong central image and makes its point simply and powerfully. I’m sure most of us on this thread can empathize when it comes to writer’s block. I’m glad you got your mojo back in the end. (Writing the 257th comment or whatever it is has the great advantage that I know what comes next!) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s okay to lose your ‘positive’ mojo – you’re still writing. That’s the most important thing is keeping writing.

    Anne Right said: ‘If I do have a mid-cross crisis, I will get a tattoo, and that tattoo will read: 200 words a day.”

    Keep going 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. After reading your two poems, ‘We breathe the Same Air, and falling,’ I get the impression you like writing poetry more than prose. Am I right, or do you have some other reason? I’d like to know your answer please, thank you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I tend to write more poetry. That is true. But it is funny. I am a novelist and screenwriter, but no one really wants to read that stuff, so I stick to poetry. Thank you for reading and your engaging question.


      1. That’s beautiful to hear.
        My greatest fear is everything I think is true, is a lie.
        I don’t sense that with you though.

        Oh ..is this the last comment if yours?
        Sad face


        Liked by 1 person

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