I Am Fearless


I Am Fearless

I am fearless
the evil monsters
beneath my bed
were slain long ago
thugs in dark alleys
can’t terrorize me
conquered them before
it doesn’t matter
when death decides
to call my name
I am fearless
every time you hold me
I tremble

Photo taken from nbcphiladelphia.com

148 thoughts on “I Am Fearless

      1. Same as you. I am missing writing very much. Hope to have more time soon. Mostly I am missing the wonderful connections with the amazing people, like you. Think we REALLY need to sit, enjoy the summer and share a drink very soon. 😊💋

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I love trembling. My bones make the most delicious noise. Your poem was unexpectedly vulnerable and charming. I though at first it was going to be dark and boastful. Nice switch!


    1. Smiling. Happy you appreciated this. I too like the vulnerability of trembling. It feels wonderful when someone can make us tremble. Thanks. Have a great weekend. Looking forward to more photos.


  2. I LOVE being scared in that way. ❤️ Love the last line. I’ve missed your posts so much. Been away from WP lately. Reading your poems makes me realixe how much I’ve missed this place. You always write with emotions I can feel. ❤️ Hope you’re doing well. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I also no longer fear any of those things but tremble when my wife is near. Our life has really been changed by her black belt in karate.

    (I’m joking of course. As ever, I admire how well you write this kind of love poetry. You’re very good at it.) 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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