Never Meant For You



Never Meant For You

Just because
you’re my grand obsession
my beautiful poetic muse
doesn’t mean these little words
were meant for you
we both know
there is a clock by my bed
that marks every lonely hour
you’re not by my side
that doesn’t mean
I wrote these words for you
yes, I admit
my lips ache for you
as I breathe your words
crave your prose
which flow through my burning veins
that doesn’t mean these words
were written for you
just because
you’re my north and my south
and I refuse to live
a day without your poetry
as your words fill me with joy
as your rhymes beat with my heart
don’t read between blurred lines
just get over it
these little words were
never meant for you

Hola.  Missed you.  Took a two week hiatus to rest. Lonely Author is well and still waiting for a surgery date. I have kept myself busy writing To Do lists.  Suddenly, after two boring weeks of thinking of To Do stuff to be done, I came to the conclusion I don’t have enough time to do the things on all of my To Do lists. So, the Chimp trashed them and decided to go back to writing.

I will drop by to visit all of you.  Thank you for all of the lovely messages.

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