Beyond Repair


Beyond Repair




With love I recovered

all of her broken pieces.

With kisses I attempted

to heal her wounds.


trust never appeared,

her tears never ended.

How could I have known

she was broken

beyond repair.


Image borrowed from Google Images

248 thoughts on “Beyond Repair

  1. Andrew, this is yet another beautiful post by you 💖 I remember being this person before and I think what helped me was time, my support system and writing. I’m still not out of the woods but I’m making progress and that’s good. Sometimes a fun girls night out helps too 😉 I love how well you relate to us women. Have a wonderful weekend my friend 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Don’t know how much you remember about my older posts. My father physically abused me as a child, and some of it was borderline cruelty. It was affecting my entire life, until one day I woke and realized, I can’t let the past affect today nor tomorrow. Changed my outlook complete. Now, at times I feel invincible, because I know I can survive whatever comes my way. Writing was a big part of my getting over it.

      Yeah, girl’s night out, writing, anything that will distract the mind.

      I do relate to women. I guess that was my mother’s influence on me.

      Have a wonderful weekend. And thanks for your lovely comments/

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Andrew I’m so very sorry to hear about how you were treated as a child by your father, I did not know any of this. You have the right attitude to move forward and not let the past define you. Your mom is such a loving soul to help you be who are are today which is a very kind man. Thank you so much for sharing your story and more pieces of you. I’ll have to check out your older posts too.


  2. This piece is so beautiful and deeply sad but I can relate to her so much.
    When you loose trust in trust the whole equation changes.Like you said it’s a “beyond repair ” kind of situation
    And restoring it may possibly never happen again
    It’s too sad but too true.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. It appears I have a lot of catching up to do on your blog, as well as some others……Perhaps, after I get my errands ran tomorrow, if, IF, I so choose to do them, I will catch up then……all cozy, with my laptop and fresh clean sheets!! You have a lovely remainder of the weekend as well.


        1. lol Looking forward to it. Place kick up your feet, get comfy and prepare for the madness. lol
          Thanks for stopping by. I am keeping myself on a strict schedule of posting on Mondays and Thursday
          only. Looking forward to read your posts as well.


    1. Thank you Holly. Honestly, this was okay. Thanks for your kind words.

      When I read certain blogs, like House of Heart, I read them for the beauty of the write and to learn how to improve my own writing. (I often read your posts twice for this very purpose). That said, I am working on something for tomorrow, that I really want your opinion on. It will have a much deeper quality than my usual simple writes.

      Thanks for your kind words and support. Es muy apreciado.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. We males don’t always understand, do we? Forced love isn’t love, no matter how we may feel it is love. But, he meant well. She will decide for herself who she wishes to kiss for healing—or the kiss was too soon and the hurt. 🙂 A very real situation described very well. Good job, oh Poet drew!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I guess that’s the sad thing, somethujng once broken is never the same. And healing isn’t just something a partner can do, but the person needs to work on healing themselves within. Two way street I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

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