the girl I haven’t met


This little thing is dedicated to my future girlfriend…..


the girl I haven’t met


Tonight I fantasized about the girl I haven’t met

As my personal muse she’ll be an inspiring poet

Writing the softest verses as silky as her hosiery

She will wear elegant metaphors like fine jewelry

Gondolas transport love poems through her veins

As her sensuous lips taste of sparkling champagne

Beside her bed rests One Hundred Years of Solitude

In her night table hides lingerie that sets the mood

A delicious contradiction of shy, sassy and coquette

She’s the type of woman no real man could ever forget

For somewhere over the horizon she pens loving poetry

Perhaps one day, her words of love will be meant for me


491 thoughts on “the girl I haven’t met

  1. Gosh, I hope you find a suitable partner. I love match making. Will you post what kind of person you are looking for? (Also I have low pressure too. My doctor says salt. I’d like more information, if you have any, do feel free to share. Thanks, buddy!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Caffeine and salt will help raise the blood pressure. Please take good care of yourself. Low blood pressure can be very dangerous.

      As for what I a looking for in a woman? I may post something like that.

      Thank you for reading and for your kind words.
      It is appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A lovely poem. It is interesting how important your partner is at the moment. I was thinking yesterday how fortunate I am to have a husband who is pitching in to help with everything in this crazy time of no interaction with others.


  3. Doing well. Trying to plow through comments and emails. Don’t know if you have noticed, but since I arrived here on the island my blog exploded. In these two months I picked up over 1,000 followers. My comments are unmanageable. That poem about doors upon the sea, has over 600 comments, and I still have about another 20 to reply to.

    It gets a bit overwhelming

    Honestly, I have been thinking about you all day. I want to email ou, but it will have to wait. Feel bad about what you said about your friend. It is a shame. Sometimes people are harsh on kind hearted people like you. But I will save it for the email.

    I am good and strong today. Anxious for my flight next week. It will be good to be home.

    How are you? Hope things are better this week.


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