from day one

from day one


Intoxicated on breast milk
I let out a little puke
ruining my favorite
baby loves mommy bib

Loving all the attention
I was never shy
about inviting babes
back to my crib

Soiling my diaper
Sticking out my tongue
I’ll pull your hair
just to have a little fun

Your mother warned you
About guys like me
For I’ve been a bad boy
From day one


Hope I made you smile.

Let us infect WordPress with great photography, sketches, fiction, news reports, artwork, and poetry. Perhaps, our enthusiam can spread love and inspiration throughout the world in 2019.

304 thoughts on “from day one

  1. My Lonely Author.
    Missed you and your words very much.

    A bad boy from day that right . Now that a DID make me smile amongst other things. But I’m a good girl ..mostly

    I can think of other things that go deliciously with a good hair pulling.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Missed you as well Ms. Fiery. Took a much needed blogging hiatus over the holidays. Relaxed, rested, and recharged.

      Bad boy….somewhat. I can still be a nerd as well. You a re a good girl? How disappointing. LOL

      Hair pulling goes with making braids, doesn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Well,

        a. I am strangely attracted to a bit of nerd
        b. Bad boy is…debatable
        c. I think you probably know very well I am not actually a very good girl at all lol
        d. Now you’re messing with me… braids *eyeroll*

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey naughty bad boy of mom!!how are you become a lonely reminded me my childhood but i am not so much naughty.amazing image like you.dear dew!!at last para you have written that you would write some fiction,news report and photography.but i like most only you amazing poem.on WordPress many blogger write somethings article type.those are most boring to me.plz dew!!write only poem because you are my Shelly or Keats.are you agree dear!!

    Liked by 2 people

                    1. I was simple natured but my sister was like don of street.she had to prepared punishing others kids n young too for safe of me n my brother.


                    2. Don’t worry.dear dew!! But i want to see my naught friend dew’s photo.plz show me your photo may that is not on blog but by e-mail. I think-now you have no any legel problem.plz reply soon.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    3. Why sorry.are your face not to be able to see.i think your heart is most beautiful then your face is too.i can not come NYC coz of most distance them,when will i see my dear kind hearted friend’s face.?

                      Liked by 1 person

                    4. Dear dew!! I am suffering from cold n flue since 10 days take medicine.feeling most heart say to go NYC.i don’t know there are available the medicine for broken heart.i want to fly away from here.shit my town n my existence.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    5. No.i have loved only my own need he is remembered by me most.i feel that i have gone in my old college days.hey dew!!why have God created LOVE to vanish or lost in human life.


                    6. Yes .cow is a very simple animal.i am now an ox.because he is dangerous ,funny n be always in fighting mood.most naughty know-here an ox comes daily on my gate.i call him as my boyfriend,so other members too respect him coz of my anger.i have tagged his photo on my WhatsApp.


    1. Smiling. Happy to make you laugh my dear.

      Sometimes, I wish everyone in the world blogged. Perhaps, many of the ills and hatewe see, would disappear.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Always grateful for that.

      Have an inspiring day

      Liked by 1 person

      1. “Perhaps, many of the ills and hatewe see, would disappear.”

        I hope so. I humbly believe that none of us should be in the business of diminishing or insulting others. We need to inspire and help others.

        “You may say I’m a dreamer
        But I’m not the only one” 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Laughing. At first when I saw the image, I was like where the hell is he going with this? LOL. That first stanza is my fave. You hooked me with ‘intoxicated on breast milk’. Only you Drew! And yes, let’s flood WP with love and light!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Aww this is too cute and funny! Reminds me of a bad boy I fell for with tats (may he rest in peace).
    Really loved this and the humor in it is perfect, Andrew! Definitely brought a smile.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Lol. I was only joking, of course. My 2 are my favourite people in all the world. Though as I write this i’m sitting waiting for one of them to fall asleep. Who let her have a nap today really!?? (They are girls too, but the effect is much the same.) Great poem. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m wearing a biiiig smile, Lonely! 😀
    I’m with you! Let’s Make Art, Not War!
    The Art Gowns love this, too! They may be very niche art, but they want to spread beauty with beauty.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. As a mom, I couldn’t imagine a baby’s delicate skin ever receiving a tattoo (I lead a sheltered life though)…but your words are clever as usual :-)! Welcome back to blogging – hope that means you were a good boy and the book is done??

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Excellent news, glad to hear the progress continues! I’m sure your daughter appreciated your willingness to be there for her! You’re a wise one to take a break from technology, I shall do that soon…I’m inspired by how it works so well for your creativity!!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. You are much too kind. But the technology break, really makes one think of what is important. Very refreshing too.

          Don’t know if you want to do that. You have an impressive strong of consecutive days blogging, don’t you? Not sure if you want to break that.


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