Blooming In The Dark (Dedicated to all Mothers)


Blooming In The Dark


Unappreciated sacrifices
replaced dreams that slowly died
as her aging petals wilted
from the silent tears she cried

Forgotten and all alone
she’s a hummingbird with no sound
like a heart beating without love
as lonely petals sink to the ground

Depressed in her little corner
she’s neglected and unmarked
an unappreciated flower
forever blooming in the dark


My parents were only children, so when they passed, I became a family of one (with no siblings, cousins, aunts, or uncles).  One day while moving to a new apartment, I lost one box.  The box contained all my family photos.  I cried for days. Weeks later, while placing books on shelves I purchased, this photo slid out of my all-time favorite children’s book; “Nobody Listens To Andrew.”  It is the only photo I have of my mother.

Miss you Mom.

Happy Mother’s Day Ladies.  Wish you all the best on your day.