Never Meant For You

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Never Meant For You

Just because
you’re my grand obsession
my beautiful poetic muse
doesn’t mean these little words
were meant for you
we both know
there is a clock by my bed
that marks every lonely hour
you’re not by my side
that doesn’t mean
I wrote these words for you
yes, I admit
my lips ache for you
as I breathe your words
crave your prose
which flow through my burning veins
that doesn’t mean these words
were written for you
just because
you’re my north and my south
and I refuse to live
a day without your poetry
as your words fill me with joy
as your rhymes beat with my heart
don’t read between blurred lines
just get over it
these little words were
never meant for you

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187 thoughts on “Never Meant For You

  1. Sounds like a man using every ounce of strength to convince himself of a parallel “TRUTH.” I enjoy your ability to create deep levels of pain AND pleasure at the same time in the same character. Not an easy task to accomplish.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely, Andrew, but I also believe those words were meant for someone in particular. And that’s okay, my friend. Go with it and be happy…there’s too little of that commodity in this world as is, and one must grab onto it whenever they can.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, it’s a work of fiction about a man in denial. He keeps saying the words were not meant for her, but he definitely appears to be sweating her. Thanks for reading. You actually gave me an idea wfor a post about “getting into character.” Thank you for that idea & inspiration. Mucho appreciated.


  3. Sounds like you’re trying on Dr. No’s hat. But the hat might not fit so well, since your lips still ache for the poem’s subject.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hey dew.wel done.u have power to encourage any depressed much heart touching words,from where u take.ur dis poem is wtitten rather for someone bt i feel dt is for mine coz suffering from some disturbing situations .thanks to u both.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. You don’t realize, but then again, I probably do.. .how rTue.. just like “Between Your Legs”, is about as honest as it gets.. .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. That was all I needed. The wordpress app works by likes and not comments. So it was helpful. Thank you. I left some comments on your blog. I always enjoy folowing other authors. Thanks for dropping by.


      1. I thought I left a “like” at the time but maybe I forgot to. Glad I could help. I have tried my hand at poetry but I already know that I am woefully inept. But it doesn’t bother me so much when I can read great poetry from poets such as yourself.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Lovely poem! But it is a bit angering to me too, at the same time, cause it makes me want to smack the man over the head and say: Wake up! I think you love her!
    Great job 🙂 And oh btw I am back in town! xo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks, friend! Yes, denial never did anyone much good in the long run. Smack him in the head with a good book about love! One of your collections of love poems and he will wake up and go and find his love. 😀 Hugs

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Reminds me of Hamlet, Act III, scene i, where Ophelia gives Hamlet back all the letters and remembrances he’s ever given her. He tells Ophelia “I did love you once” then almost immediately says “I loved you not”. It’s a defense mechanism for a man whose heart had been broken. You certainly do the sentiment justice here:-)

    Liked by 1 person

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