Treasured Memories That Never Were


Last week I read a lovely little poem (entitled Questions Without Answers) on a blog page of lovely poetry called A Reading Writer.  I have attached the link for anyone interested in reading the inspirational piece. Thank you Rosema for the inspiration.…/questions-without-answers


Treasured Memories That Never Were

It was a warm summer night when
we slow danced on a quiet tropical
beach. Your soft cheek caressed my
five o’clock shadow. The full moon
glowed in your intoxicating eyes as
you said the words I longed to hear.

Then there was that night we drank
sweet merlot and read love poems
by candle light. We made love until
dawn. And I brushed your silky hair
as you slept in my arms. That night
you promised me to love me forever

Perhaps, one day I will finally build
the courage to approach you. Then
I could tell you how I feel. But until
that day I will sit here, alone in my
dark lonely corner, clinging to these
treasured memories that never were


Please note: Lonely Author will be in and out of the blog today. Having a big barbecue with tons of guests, food, and wine. My best friend who I have often written about is moving to Tampa, Florida on Monday.  Allie and I planned a farewell bash for her. The Chimp assures you he will be on his best behavior. (You really don’t believe that, do you?  Well, honestly, niether do I).

Have a wonderful weekend full of sunshine and smiles.

134 thoughts on “Treasured Memories That Never Were

  1. The love that got away, leaving behind the tantalizing but bittersweet memories.
    This is a truly lovely poem, Andrew.

    I’m glad you have a wonderful event to keep you occupied this evening, Good byes are hard, but harder still when we fail to make happy memories.

    I promise not to hold you responsible for overindulgence of bananas.
    At least, I won’t count the peels. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL Happy you appreciated this little write. Sometimes, I entertain myself with the “what might have been.” I guess that is the writer in me.

      As for the party, yeah, hopefully we will make great memories. We plan on relocating to the South in 2017 or 2018. So, I should be closer to my friend. I hope the party will help combat the eventual goodbye tears that will come at the end of the night.

      I will do my best not to overindulge., but I cannot make any promises. lol

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL That is so true, all of us have done that at one time or another.

      Thanks for the good wishes. Hopefully, we will have a great time. Perhaps, it will make the inevitable goodbye tears a little easier at the end of the night.

      Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

  2. oh geez. oh my… wow.
    I am left speechless. This is mellow yet sad. The love, the longing. It’s an honor that my little poem inspired such a very special piece. 🙂
    Thank you!

    I soooo love this line: “Your soft cheek caressed my
    five o’clock shadow.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh this is spooky, as I was working on a piece about “5 o’clock shadow” earlier today…(tangential thought-share). Very lovely and wonderful poem, as usual–I relate to it, as I often write of ‘memories and much’ that never were in reality, but live vivid within my heart. I hope your “farewell bash” is a huge success with no ill consequences 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ll try to finish my 5 o’clock guy piece today… Have a good time this weekend–surely you’ll stay in touch with the friend who’s moving, right? By the way, do you have a name that blog folks can use?? I can’t bring myself to refer to “chimp”–just can’t do it–and have been calling you “Sir” as long as I’ve known you–and we’ve exchanged sufficient heart info that maybe I should know even a fake name…something manly-man to go with the 5 o’clock shadow, eh?

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Poor fellow. It’s not easy to approach the girl of your dreams. Anyway, I hope you have a great time at the barbecue. It sounds like fun, although it will be sad to be further away from your friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Lovely imagination.every guy has treasured memories br dt was in real n urs never more funny joke ,u ur post’s pic r very impressive.


  6. What a gorgeous poem on memories that never were! Love is hard sometimes, having to express emotions and vulnerabilities and this poem says it so well. I hope you had a great BBQ with your friends and that you have an amazing weekend 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That sounds like a perfect party with friends and the weather was amazing too. Thanks for noticing my new avatar 🙂 it was time for a change in hair and photography 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful week too.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Now dis time i m well coz i m reading ur poem”Constant”.mazical weaving d memories of dear Allie.time is as tide ebb to delete d written words.but ur love will be as constant for Allie or Allie is constant for u.same thing.n ur poems r constant for mine.if i say dis plz tell me if Allie dose not like my comment.

            Liked by 1 person

  7. So here’s the skinny. Every time I read you – I am reminded WHY I follow you. It is as if you inhabit the thoughts I want to read and think about. Uncanny in that way. Everything you choose to talk about – I relate to – want to talk about – want to think about. A parallel soul I suppose. I am grateful for this and your gift. Very much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Flattered by your kind gesture of sharing this post. Honeslty, I am humbled by the thought of you
      considering this reblog worthy. Thank you so much for your kindness.
      It is greatly appreciated.


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