I Am A Flame (All You Need Is Love)




I Am A Flame

I am a flame
Wrap yourself in my loving warmth
Let my light illuminate your darkness
Do not worry
Tears will never extinguish me
For I am a flame
Glowing for eternity


I hope I reached a few of you with these heartfelt words.

This past Monday was Worlds Beatles Day. I wasn’t aware of it until I read a post by my friend Bernadette of Haddon Musing. Please check it out.

TO ALL OF MY LONG LOST FOLLOWERS: If you are reading this, you have been missed. Please accept my warmest and most sincere heartfelt apologies. Sorry, if I let you down. I assure you I will NEVER let ANYONE come between us again.

TO ALL OF MY NEW FOLLOWERS: My blog has always been about writing, poetry, humor, healing and love (in all of its wonderful forms).

Through email and chat, I have built connections and bonds. I have accompanied bloggers through heartbreak, divorce, infidelity, lost family members, illness, and depression. Once, in December of 2015, during a Christmas Eve party I attended, I chatted for almost six hours with a lonely blogger who voiced thoughts of suicide.

I am not a counselor, I am just a good friend you can talk to.

Should you need to get things off your chest, air out some concerns, rant, need advice, or anything else; I am here for you. You can find me here through my blog.

My emails settings have been changed, so you can easily reach me at: thelonelyauthorblog@gmail.com

Since doors have been slammed shut, my heart is open to anyone who needs it. Please, do not be afraid to reach out. We can heal together.

Finally, we should learn from those four young men who came out of Liverpool.
Whether you are living, hurting, or healing……………ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE.


285 thoughts on “I Am A Flame (All You Need Is Love)

      1. Drew, I have always admired your writing, and will continue to do so. Make me a promise. From now on, you write for YOU, no one else. I promise, we will read it. Your poetry is wonderful. Reach for the stars!

        Liked by 4 people

        1. First, let me say, it feels so good to be back. Thank you for your wise words and wonderful support.


          Thank you Dorinda.

          Liked by 2 people

    1. Perhaps, The Beatles were wrong.

      🎶🎶 All you need is food, water, fashionably styled clothing. And toilet paper. 🎶🎶

      No John, the lyrics wouldn’t have been quite as catchy. Don’t you think? Thanks for the reblog. Message deserves it. Thank you.


  1. I hope you are OK Andrew.
    You’ve been through some pain and are still going through it.
    You are a good person
    You can count on your readers being there for you.
    You can count on me as one of those readers being there.
    Have a good rest of your week.


    1. Taking things smile by smile, poem by poem, day by day.
      Your words me so much to me Forrest. I will always be grateful to her for introducing me to you.
      Thank you for everything. Enjoy the rest of your week.


    1. About three weeks ago, a person very dear to my heart gave me a big talk about eating better and nurturing myself. I have kept my promise. Thank you for your sweet words and concern. Really appreciate it. Love is all you need.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Light always shines in the darkest of hours and the warmer the flame, the kinder the heart and soul. You can never water down love for it burns an ever lasting fire. Love is all you need my friend, a beautiful poem indeed and yes, that group knew their music just like you know the heart of poetry. Keep that love in your heart my friend.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh, my great friend. Yes the group knew their music. I love people. My heart will always be filled with love. Seriously, this post is sort of taking me back to my roots. I feel very comfortable and happy there. Maybe, I’m not meant to find that one amazing love of my life. Perhaps, my purpose is to spread the word of love. Be well my friend. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes, I love the group. And you know my friend, I know your heart will always be full of love, I can sense it but don’t let this situation change anything. You are meant to have an amazing love in your life, you’re a wonderful person and you two were good, just things didn’t happen but it’s unfortunate it ended the way it did but your heart is good, and I know that. To spread love is to find it, I’m thankful because I have a really good friend in you. Stay true and stay Drew, and keep posting great reads.😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. My blog will be returning to that mix of writing as before. There will be some dark ones along with other subjects. Appreciate your honesty. It is great when people keep it real.

      By the way, is it raining over there? LOL Thank you MVS. You have your own special light.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. The hardest things to do after a crash, is rehabilitation, placing one foot in front of the other. Well done, you are keeping your pace of walking as you recover with short, yet powerful stances. You are right, all we need is love. For love encompasses kindness, patience, forgiveness and the one that challenges us all, acceptance of the way we are.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I will love to read the poems of this reborn Drew. You remember my poem ‘rebirth’. Cheers to this new life which solely belongs to us.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a moving post Andrew. I did not know you had lost Followers and Readers. I think the same has happened to me for no known reason. How kind of you to post in this way. Bless you. Lorraine

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, I lost quite a few. Thankfully, some have returned with this post.
      Happy this touched you. I used to do quite a bit of supporting others,
      would love to return to those days. Receiving you blessing with open arms.
      Bless you as well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are like me Andrew. Alwats suppirting someone. It has happened to me in here too. It is amazing isn’t it! Glad you got some back.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Shari. This was what OI used to do before I was side tracked. I am back and ready to go. Also, thinking of returning to add different types of writing. Expand the horizons. Thank you for always being here.


  6. What a beautiful heartfelt post Drew. You’re a light and a blessing to so many and I’m so honoured to be your friend. Welcome back! Indeed, all we need is Love. ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Most beautiful image n encouraging lines as a light in darkness of heart.you know,dear dew!! All members of beatles are included in my messanger.i like songs of beatles very much.thanks for sharing this point.wonderfully n beautifully written,dew!! As a light of hope.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Drew, this is so heartfelt and revealing. Love the poetry too!
    I love the Beatles too but wasn’t aware of their ‘day’! One of their songs is very close to the hearts of a dear friend of mine and me. I remember singing songs like ‘Yesterday’ with my father… Such wonderful times! Glad that you are healing. Sending positive vibes and wish you happiness!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Isha, you have graced my blog with beautiful comments, your personal memories, and smiles. I love The Beatles as well. This is one of my favorite songs (along with Yesterday). Nice to bring back memories for you. Basking the the positive vibes from you and so many others. Happy you enjoyed the post. Thank you so much for your wonderful words.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Laughing. Oh, Walt. I used to post quite a bit of posting defending women and their cause. Also spoke out against hate and abuse. Did quite a bit of humor as well. Thjank you for your words. They are greatly appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I haven’t known you long TLAB, but it appears you have many friends here.

    Our writing goes through everything with us doesn’t it? The good, the bad, the ‘easy’, the hard. It’s our life’s transcript.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Yeah, hoping to reconnect with a some long lost friends as well. And a few have reappeared to welcome me back. Our writing is everything. Thank you for your comments and for your great support. It is appreciated.


    1. What a generous comment. Honestly, you just named one of my all time favorites songs “Can You Feel The Love Tonight.” From the response of this post, I have to say yes. A few old friends have already returned. Thank you for your glorious words and support. It is greatly appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. This is a beautiful post, so thanks for that. The poem is inspiring…like a pick me up with a kick! There’s a flame inside all of us, I think, and your words reminded me of that – of the strength we draw on and share with others when there’s a need.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, we all have a flame. Life, tragedies, or broken hearts can weaken it, but the flame never burns out. We are placed on this planet to help and love one another.
      Happy this inspired you. Thank you for leaving your beautiful mark on this post. It means a lot.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aaaw, what beautiful words Stella. Very happy to see you here. Sorry, that I ever let anyone get in the way of our friendship. It will never happen again. Don’t get to close to the flame, it can burn. lol Thank you so much. Catch you at your next post.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Awww… If only people had compassion for others, then this post wouldn’t be needed. Good on you for taking the time to listen to people in need. Mental health shouldn’t be ignored and should be spoken about more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, if only more people had compassion. I love trying to help people. Happy to be doing it again. There are a few emails in my box already, waiting to be answered. Thank you so much for taking the time out to read and share your thoughts.


  12. I think I have been following you since 2016 at least, and I have always enjoyed all your posts. We are all travelling our own vessels of life, Andrew, and sometimes the seas are stormy, and sometimes they are calm. Who are we to question how others sail their boats, for only they are acquainted with the true workings of their own vessels! That being said, I enjoyed this write up also, and truly wish you a wonderful week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, we started following one another sometime in 2016. Beautiful words and commentary. Thank you. Yes, people navigate their ships however they want. I don’t question that, but I do defer to an old Polish proverb when I see a ship doing harm, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.” That attitude helps one discover serenity.
      Regarding other ships, I am here to offer genuine friendship to whoever needs it.
      Happy you enjoyed this. Thank you for leaving your thoughtful imprint on this post. It is greatly appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. This was so beautiful and very heartfelt as always! You have gone through what so many have gone through, but you are in your way helping others cope with their own heartbreak. Keep doing what you are doing and things will get better for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alyssa, you never shut off the sweetness meter, do you? Hey, if I can be busy helping others, I won’t have any time to think of my own pain. I guess you could call it therapy in reverse. Thanks for stopping by. Feel better.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I try to always keep the sweetness meter running because I do not really know how to turn it off! I think it comes from my grandfather!
        That is actually a very true statement. If you put your focus on everything else, your heart will heal faster!

        Liked by 1 person

  14. You have been visiting my blog through everything with Ben since he disappeared on March 2, 2016. Maybe even before that. I wasn’t commenting anywhere. It was hard enough to post anything. Most days you were the only one that visited and liked my blog — which was fine. I wasn’t ready to come out of my shell. I know I said this in the blog dedicated to you and others who touched my heart, but I also wanted to say it here — your presence has been a gift, even if all you did was “Like” something. There’s a quote that reminds me of this gift of presence that I love. I shared this with another of our favorite bloggers, Maureen. “We are all walking each other home.” Being a witness, listening, (reading) is probably one of the most needed and profound ways of helping anyone. Words usually pale when someone is in pain. Just knowing another person is there is often all that is needed. Thank you for walking with me for this part of life’s journey, dear Drew. It has been a comfort and a blessing. ♥. Niki

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Niki, you made me cry. It is important that people know they are not alone. Others share or have experienced their pain., You will always have a special place in my heart. You are deserving of so much. Let’s make a promise to always be there for one another. We both know where we can find one another. May life bless you with EVERYTHING YOU NEED, and much more.
      I have so much love for you in my broken heart my dear friend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. *hug* I promise. Thank you for your kind words Drew. You have such a dear way of putting things, as if you really did hand the pen to your heart. Yes I will be your witness too. Blessings and love to you. I am grateful to be counted among your friends. ♥.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. You don’t have to say that Drew. I don’t know if I could have handled comments. I’m pathologically shy. My heart races when I post comments, get comments, have to respond to comments. It’s 95 right now (Fitbit). But it’s getting easier. Pushing comfort zones does build courage muscles. =) I was grateful for your quiet presence. It was more than enough.


  15. Yay 😊
    You have a beautiful heart.. it comes through in a your writings..
    I enjoy everything you ever write😊
    Thank you for being an open book and giving of yourself..
    I admire you for giving your all regarding love –
    To love fully is choosing to be fearless and vulnerable.. even if it hurts in the end..
    Welcome back my friend 💕

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very happy to be back.
      I love love in all of its beautiful forms.
      You are so kind. Flattered that you think these things of me and my writing. Well, I choose to truly love, screw the consequences. Thanks for all of your kind words. Much appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

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