the girl I haven’t met


This little thing is dedicated to my future girlfriend…..


the girl I haven’t met


Tonight I fantasized about the girl I haven’t met

As my personal muse she’ll be an inspiring poet

Writing the softest verses as silky as her hosiery

She will wear elegant metaphors like fine jewelry

Gondolas transport love poems through her veins

As her sensuous lips taste of sparkling champagne

Beside her bed rests One Hundred Years of Solitude

In her night table hides lingerie that sets the mood

A delicious contradiction of shy, sassy and coquette

She’s the type of woman no real man could ever forget

For somewhere over the horizon she pens loving poetry

Perhaps one day, her words of love will be meant for me


491 thoughts on “the girl I haven’t met

    1. Sorry, for the delay in my response. My holiday blogging break set me way behind in respnding to comments.
      I had a good holiday and grwat start to the year.

      I hope you had a wonderful holiday season as well. I hope your job is goiong well.
      And don’t worry, whenever you return, I will be here ready to read.


  1. Sir, You speak with a gifted tongue…Unless you have two heads and a large wart on your nose, I don’t know why you haven’t been “snapped up”!!! Seriously, I do hope you meet your “Miss Right” before too long. My husband had/has a honeyed tongue at times…and a great sense of humour – how could I have resisted all those years ago?! All power to you. Cheers. Joy x


    1. Laughing so hard. I went throiugh two difficult break ups in recent years, so honestly, I am not looking.
      Right now concentrating on marketing my screen plays and finding a literary agent for my unpublished
      Great sense of humor is needed in any marriage. Sounds like ytou are happy and well accompanied.

      Thank you for your beautiful words and wishes. They make me happy and fill my heart wih hope.
      Always appreciate warm comments like yours.


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