

she knits her verses
into my heart
with melancholy thread
forever words
entwined in every chamber
which no palpitation can unstring

inhaling her poems
I exhale the metaphors she weaves
she is the falsetto of my sigh
the muse who resuscitates
for she writes the poetry
that I breathe

251 thoughts on “breathe

  1. If poetry is romance, and titles are the foreplay. Then you my friend Drew are Casanova, but in the modern day. Writing a poem that stops people from doing what the title indicates, magically written my friend. “She knits her verses into my heart”, sewing words of love and making it last and following it with “entwining in every chamber which no palpitation can unstring”. That sounds absolutely harmonious, romantically sounding. The inhaling and exhaling blends with your title alone and the line, “She is the falsetto of my sigh”….breathtaking moment ending it with the perfect crescendo…Poetry I breathe! I dare ask how you do it because a magician never reveals his magic but you make beautiful art.
    I usually don’t dance unless I hear music but sometimes when I read your work, I smile because I just feel it’s so personalized. It just seems like the magic Sparkling Freeze has, but that what makes you incredibly special my friend, your ability to reach people which is why we love and respect you. Keep it up good friend Drew.

    And don’t give too many people a sunburn with your shine.😎

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Roy, you often leave me speechless, but this comment may be your pinnacle. A truly gorgeous comment.
      Your words captured the poem so beautifully. I am in awe of your talent to summarize a poem.
      Thank you for yur kind words and praise. I am truly grateful my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I am so grateful and toucvhed that you do. You are always so sweet.
      I am organizing myself after my relocation. I am finally getting to
      my comments and starting my blog reading. Will you see more of me.
      Thank you


    1. Very flattered and grateful for your kind words. You are generous with your comments. Happy you enjoyed my poem.
      Thank you for taking the time out to read and leave this wonderful comment. I truly appreciate it


    1. Oh, Alyssa. Thank you for your beautiful and gentle words. They are so appreciated.

      I have been so busy with my relocation, I am buried in unpacxked boxes. I will be getting to other comments you posted on my blog. And I will be reading your posts as well.

      I could use the pick me up with the chaos around me. Hope you are doing well.

      Thank you for your beautiful words. They are appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are more than welcome! I know how crazy moving and unpacking is, but just take your time. Things will all unfold the way they are meant to. I think this will be a great move for you and filled with LOTS of inspiration for your amazing poems!


  2. Your move to Florida has not had any negative effect on your writing – such a lovely poem! I especially love these two lines – I exhale the metaphors she weaves; she is the falsetto of my sigh!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiling. You are the first person to see it this way. There are so many wonderful writers and poets out there. We all take
      in the beauty of their words.
      Thank you for this gorgeous and thoughtful comment. I apprciate your sharing this idea. It was so appropriate for the poem
      and the feeling I was trying to convey. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. …And perhaps she breathes the poetry that you write?
    A beautiful poem is like a silk gown, rustling across the floor, its tail an epic of mermaids swimming behind.

    Liked by 2 people

          1. hey with the quiet you might appreciate the interaction … you can still control it to do your writing. I never picked you for American …


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