
On the two year anniversary of Lisa’s disappearance, Detective Jake Cross vows to quit the force to find his missing wife. Hours later, a devastating alien invasion reduces Earth to ashes. Jake awakens in a strange hospital where a secret message on a paper cup advises him, “They are watching.” Thus begins his journey through an alien controlled Earth.

Seven billion dead, yet his heart only mourns for one. Jake joins forces with the last human colony, a somber community reeking of death. Battle weary survivors wander the underground city, their eyes devoid of hope. The humans have food, medicine, and ammunition to survive another week. Anointed the Great Liberator, our last hope, Jake is advised, “Our destiny is decided by the sacrifices that we make and the ones that we don’t.” The reluctant detective rejects his fate until he learns of his wife’s capture and impending execution.

In a deadly race against time, he leads the survivors to the alien metropolis to fight mutating aliens with futuristic weapons, unmanned flying motorcycles, hormone injected canines, and an evil as infinite as time. Mabus, the ruthless alien leader will not rest until every human has been exterminated. Jake must kill this immortal enemy to stave off his wife’s death sentence, but how can he be expected to defeat a God when thousands have already failed?

With time running out, Jake confronts the ultimate sacrifice, rescue his wife or prevent our extinction.


87 thoughts on “Paradox

              1. Oh, I just saw that. You know what that is? A troll. No one believes me about the amount of hate emails I receive & trolls harrassing me on my blog. You made a comment on the blog the other day, that made me laugh, but the post was so new I really didn’t want to comment. This is an old post, so I can comment freely. I know I have a BIG female following. Jealous husbands, boyfriends, & male bloggers angry over the attention I receive have abused me. There are times, where I have been ready to shut down the page. By the way, I have also had women fighting each other and jealous because I flirt. My wife doesn’t care. She just laughs at it. Meanwhile, I get women fighting with me via email. I had one send out a tweet that I have a harem. Crazy people. Plain and simple, I just want to write. Laughing. I am happy to finally be able to express that to you. I know there is a big female following, don’t know these people get so worked up. I am married and it will be staying that way. That is what I love about you. I can be myself. We talk writing. Be well. I said enough. Laughing

                Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly. Thank you so much for that. We lose the war and the hundred thousand survivors are united to defeat the evil aliens. (Part of this probably stems from my pessimism regarding man uniting as one people). Thanks so much for reading. Greatly appreciate it. I am making some cosmetic changes in case a literary agent happens to visit my page. Thanks again.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Awesome! Love it! An oppotunity to explore both the best and the worst in equal measure. Or not equally at all. What a wonderful tale you weave. I trust the agent you are looking for will appear and recognize the possibilities here. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Offers a nice blend of sci-fi and turmoil our planet faces today. Reminded me of the Terminator series a little bit. The plot and story line were fun. It looks like it has potential for future development. See where it takes you.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. It was a she. She couldn’t marry the man she loved because she was royalty and he wasn’t….so end of story…he had to choose between two doors and she gave a hand gesture. One was a beautiful maiden…the other, a tiger. He leaves it up to the reader to give their take…would she rather have him dead…or with another woman?

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I think…then…I would have chosen the tiger. NOW…I KNOW I would…just because Loser deserves to be disemboweled by a wild animal…whether or not I could actually go through with it, remains to be seen. I know how it feels.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Andrew,
    My name is Bella declou.i am originally from Guyana South America.i am not a professional writer, but I love writing.i post a few short stories and poems on wordpress.I feel blessed to know
    You, I am intrigued by your writing, even though I am in touch
    With a few writers everyone is unique in their own capacity. You being the lonelyauthorblog I must confess your writing keeps me spellbound and I hunger for
    Bella declou

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Bella, thank you for your kind words and support. I really appreciate it. I am so flattered that you like my work. I, too, love to converse with other writers. What better way to get inspired. I will keep writing, hopefully, my writing will continue to encourage you to read. Again, thanks so much for everything. – Andrew


  4. Plot is strong. This must be true love. Then the paradox is in choosing between true love and humanity — super strong. Best of luck, may god give you all the brilliant insights in making this into a masterpiece 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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