Lonely Author: Let’s Talk Resolutions

First, I don’t make resolutions I prefer to set goals. And I don’t want to get all philosophical either. But when the clock strikes 2016, it will be thirty years since I kissed my parents on New Years Day.

My philosophy:  Live, Love, Laugh

For anyone who hasn’t decided on resolutions I have a few suggestions:

  1. Be proactive about your health. I never see this on anyone’s list, but it should be there.
  2. Laugh more. Love more. Life is stressful whether you laugh, love, complain, or cry. Choose laughter & love. They are the best options.
  3. Do what makes you happy. Don’t fool yourself. Happiness is a choice you make everyday (not a goal or destination). Don’t spend your life looking for the cloud behind every silver lining. Be happy.
  4. Surround yourself with positive people and thoughts. This is plain and simple. Happiness attracts positive things to your life.
  5. Gratitude. Be grateful for what you have, nothing lasts forever. When you learn to focus on the glass half full, it changes everything in your life.


Hoping you and yours will be Living, Loving, Laughing in 2016



159 thoughts on “Lonely Author: Let’s Talk Resolutions

    1. Sometimes its good to live day to day. Did you get my comments on your New Years post from yesterday? I have tried to start using my phone for blogging and twitter. I think I will stick to my laptop. Let me know please. Wishing you a 2016 full of happiness, health, and smiles.

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                    1. Hotty Toddy has no real meaning, but it means everything in Oxford. For fans, students and alumni, it is a greeting, a cheer and a secret handshake all rolled into one. Hotty Toddy is the spirit of Ole Miss.

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        1. Eat le chocolat. Excuse me, my French isn’t very good. lol We need to do what makes us happy. As they said during the French Revolution – Let them east Chocolat. My, I am silly today. Always eat in moderation. I wish a happy and healthy 2016 full of licing loving and laughing for you and yours.

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  1. I’m with you on the happiness, the love and the laughter and living will be necessary for all of those to happen. I don’t have any resolutions and never will do. I want more of the same. I want to be able to continue to inspire, motivate and provide insight. Laughter is really important to me on many levels, not least because it hurts like hell and I’ve spent many an hour with my Bestie (The Redhead) on the floor, gasping for air. There’s not much that comes close to that. On the loving front….I’d like to love myself just that little bit more and I say this because it is the foundation necessary to be able to give more love. It is important to remember that we need to give to ourselves just as much as we need to give to others. Oh and of course, not forgetting a little bit more ink for good measure. I’ve a whole canvas yet to be filled. Ideas always welcome.

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    1. Oh, thank you for contributing your wonderful words to this post. Loving yourself is the key to life. And laughter is one of its greatest joys. Well, I hope you fill more of that canvas in 2016. And I wish you and yours, and Redhead the brightest, sweetest, and happiest new year

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      1. Likewise. No doubt I’ll be running in the mud with her very soon and talking nonsense and smut before the week is out. I’m so glad that we aren’t overheard while running or we’d be slapped with a couple of yellow cards or some such. It doesn’t bear thinking about.

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  2. Wonderful words to live by … in a new year and every day. Wishing you only the best. Blessed that I am ending 2015 with your new friendship and beginning 2016 with it, as well.

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      1. Well, if I didn’t have to pick up my son from a party at 12:15, my preferred outfit would be …. none. I’d be in bed, bringing in the new year quietly. Perhaps with music, or a good book or writing. Smiles. But since I will be out … jeans, blouse and boots. Laughs. Maybe in the new year I will become less predictable.

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          1. A less observant soul would have missed that image. Writing is a good idea especially since I have an exciting writing adventure to look forward to. Smiles. I’m glad I could make you laugh today.

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  3. These are great! I love the gratitude one. I have a gratitude book I write in everyday. It really helps me on days I feel defeated. Reminding myself of everything I do have. 🙂
    I count you as someone I’m grateful for. You’ve been a bright spot in 2015! I know 2016 you’ll also be counted as such! 🙂 Happy New Year! 🙂

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    1. A gratitude book. Carisa you’re amazing. I once had an apartment I detested. I can’t tell you how much I hated it. Well, one day I lost my job and months later I had to leave it. For a couple of years I struggles to avoid being homeless. Guess what, while I avoided being homelessness, I remembered that apartment and it looked like paradise. We must be grateful for everything. Especially when God brings angels like you into our humble lives to brighten our days. For that I am very grateful.


  4. Love the alliteration of these resolutions Andrew! I agree with every single one of them (oh common, don’t act surprised 😀 )
    May your resolve remain strong throughout the New Year! 🙂

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  5. I agree that being proactive about one’s health should be number one and I also, don’t make promises, I have goals and standards. I did write a couple of happy poems that I hope will give you joy in knowing you inspired me to also, write about the relationship of joy to happiness and not only, sorrow.:0) May your 2016 be happy, joyful, and deeply satisfying in accomplishing your goals.

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    1. Thank you Your words bring me so much joy. Writing about love and relationships can be so rewarding. I must read these poems. Joy is indestructible. May you and yours have the happiest and healthiest 2016 full of love, joy, and laughter. Are the any specific poems I should read?

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  6. Great sentiments. Seems so simple, yet so few follow these simple ideas that would improve the quality of their lives. Hopefully, this time these ideas strike home and begin a newer, happier lifestyle. Thank you for sharing and offering a better chance for happiness to those in need.

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  7. if one follows all of these, it is impossible to not have a balanced life and a joyful year throughout. I never make resolutions, it is hard for me to follow them but these resolutions are worth following and I would to follow all of these. Wishing you and your Family A blessed, prosperous, healthy and joyful year ahead. Loves. xxx

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  8. Wise and so so meaningful and indeed, like attracts like and we are the authors of our own destiny…subtly, we make our own choices, often not even aware that we have fallen down the same pot hole again! I wish you a Happy New Year, and indeed all on here, a new awareness of all that IS, here and now, and the Presence to be able to see…and Thank You for your thoughtful post… 🙂

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  9. I could do 1, 2, 3 and 4 more easily if my company burned to the ground tomorrow (er… metaphorically speaking, of course). Number 5 is the important one for me, though. I do make a genuine effort to think about my life this way. Often, I’m just stunned to be here at all. It’s an amazing thing to be alive. 🙂

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    1. LOL It really is an amazing thing to be alive. Not sure what to wish you about the company fire. My post on Monday will reference you & your blog. I’ll be posting more or less at 7AM eastern standard time. Hopefully, you can get in on the fun early to give people a taste of your humor. Happy 2016. I will be reading your Feet Doing the Talking in a little while.

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      1. My goodness, thank you very much! That’s extraordinarily kind of you. I’ll definitely make a note in my schedule book.

        Tempted as I am to pounce on visitors to your blog one by one as they come through the front door and try to sign them up to a complete leather-bound set of BunKaryudo, I realize that would be rude, so I promise to behave myself.

        But seriously, though. Thank you so much. I’m stunned and rather lost for words.

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        1. Hey, I have been under the weather so please excuse the delay in my response. Find those lost words. My piece is about Lonely Author running for President and considering you for Veep. Of course that depends on your ability due to the James Bond thing. My pleausure my friend. Hope it brings a few extra numbers to your delightful blog. Have a good one.

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          1. I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling so well recently. I hope you get better soon.

            I was very interested to read about the contents of the piece you mentioned the other day. It sounds hilarious. I’m really look forward to seeing it.

            Incidentally, if you ever do decide to run for President, I may be available. I heard a disturbing rumor, as yet unconfirmed, that Daniel Craig may sign up for another James Bond movie. Has the man no shame?

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  10. What more can be said? If it were me saying it: a lot. However, it would have amounted to exactly the same thing and would have been redundant. I have yet to master the art of ‘short & sweet.’ Practice makes perfect, yes? I’ve been browsing your blog today and I have to say, I adore it. 🙂

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    1. Thank you for saying that. I find short blog posts get more “true readers.” This is the only blog post over 300 words. I am going out to do some errands. I opened a tab with your blog. I will visit you in the afternoon. My name is Andrew. Nice to meet you.

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  11. This is an pleasant post Andrew. I came here because I needed to read something light and I found this. Well and I needed my friend. Having a rough time. But I hope you are well and having a great Christmas. Ps I love all of your advice in this post.


              1. I agree! No plan though, no time limits to worry about. We can just do what we want when me want. How’s that sound?! Lots of laughter and dancing. You can’t write your beautiful poetry and I can read it:) How about that?

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