


do you think of me
the way I can’t stop
thinking of you

when you can’t get someone
out of your head
they’re supposed to be there

Photo courtesy of my daughter Catherine.

111 thoughts on “Maybe

  1. I like that last stanza a lot … now, if I could just learn to accept things as they are instead of exerting control over how I think they should be. 🙂

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    1. If you can’t change a situation, there is no reason to dwell on it. Now when you figure how to keep it off your mind, let me know what you did. Cause I am guilty of it too. We have mucho in common. There are certain things I wish to exile from my mind, and I can’t. Thanks for reading. Have a good one. I will be visiting you soon.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Boom. Your second stanza got me thinking. Yes, of course. If you can’t get someone out of your head, maybe they ARE supposed to be there. Sigh. This is so lovely, Andrew. The chimp continues to amaze me.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I know that’s how it’s supposed to be. You can fall out of love with somebody and they are still stuck in your head….wrapping their poisonous tentacles around every part of your brain….suffocating you and slowly killing you with their venom.
        How do you like my description of life with/without a narcissist? LOL.

        Liked by 1 person

          1. LOL. I need an operation. Too bad I didn’t fulfill my childhood dream of being the first female neurosurgeon in my hometown….I could hold up a mirror and operate on myself…and smile while I flushed the pieces of him down the commode!

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                  1. I doubt it. He’s paying for the companionship of a s***, so he’s apparently with the kind of woman he finds attractive….women who will drink with him and are willing to fuck a married man and who are already diseased (pardon my french.)

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                    1. You’re assuming that he’s a normal human being. He’s a narcissistic sociopath. They don’t get hurt…they only hurt. I hate that he’s Southern….actually, I hate everything about him….sigh.

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                    2. Trying to….he’s like the migraine headaches I used to have…sometimes for a week straight. I would go to bed, finally go to sleep and hope it would be gone the next morning….but IT WAS STILL THERE. LOL.

                      Liked by 2 people

      1. Looks like it shall be another nice cozy snowy movie day for the kids while I hide and write. Hahaha! (I swear I’m not a bad mom…!) Actually a movie sounds really good because right now, One Direction is blaring out of my daughter’s room. That’s going to have to stop before my son flips out. Haha

        Liked by 2 people

  3. I like the way the entire poem is structured around the words “Love” and “Maybe.” We all strive for “Love,” but “Maybe” it’s ok to be satisfied with any residual feelings as long as they enhance our lives.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I know this feeling and it’s even harder when you aren’t in their heads the same way. Well-said, Andrew and what a lovely shot by your daughter.

    Liked by 2 people

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