massage of poetry

massage of poetry

The gentle scaffolding of her verses
Construct the sweetest inspirations
As goosebumps blossomed over me

Her words rubbed my hard muscles
Like an inspiring key that unlocked
Every hidden secret of my anatomy

Soft syllables stroked sweet sensations
Sending me to the point of no return
as her metaphors caressed me to ecstasy

My muse is a masseuse of touching balladry
For no man could ever resist her charms
After her sensual massage of poetry

431 thoughts on “massage of poetry

  1. Hi The Lonely Author, I must commend your creativity and the evergreen words you bring up each time you publish on your blog. You made my 2018 incredible and I always look forward to your next publications. In the same light, I have received a good number of likes from you on my blogs as well. It really gladdens my heart each time I notice your likes and comments.
    More importantly, I have a forthcoming publication titled ‘Voices’ and I am in need of contributing poets on this one. I am hoping you will be interested in contributing to this effort. ‘Voices’ as titled is meant to discuss about the different visage of love – sweet love and sour love. In this publication, each contributing poets will come up with two poems; one perfect love story and the other, a sad love story.
    I was studying at your blog and I discover you have done so much on this subject matter, if given the permission I will go ahead to pick from the poems on your blog. I am hoping to have (15) fifteen contributing poets; among these poets are: Robert Okaji, Ragazza Triste, Vinz-Double-O, Luna, Specsladeyes, Baffy Basics, Cubby, Shefali among others. Your contribution and support will be well acknowledged and preached.
    Thanks for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Victor Eshameh-Giftedminds

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. They are greatly appreciated.

      You have a nice list of poets there. I am certain it will go well. Thank you for the kind offer.
      However, I simply write for my own pleasure. Not interested in sharing my words on another blog or publication.
      For me to have my work published elsewhere it would only be for monetary compensation. The recognition I already
      receive on my blog is more than enough to warm my heart.

      Thank you again for the kind offer. Very flattered by your request.

      Best of luck in your literary endeavors and with life.

      Warm regards



  2. It really pays to understand what you feel and be able to craft lovely creations like you do. Keep them up! I also aspire to be a content creator like you. Please continue having these posts! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

  3. My muse is a masseuse of touching balladry – I love the way this rolls of the tongue! I love how atmospheric this one is, feels very much like a song. 🙂


  4. Pingback: massage of poetry — The Lonely Author – SEO

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