echo of love

Dedicated to everyone who will be missing a loved one this holiday season.

echo of love

Time has no memory
yet he remembers
when one minute ends
another must begin

That perpetual hand delivers
fooling comfort
for everyone is confident
he will take another spin

He dims our memories
we forget his persistent ways
moving us toward
the inevitable we don’t speak of

Every clock has a final turn
So learn to listen with your heart
For within every beat remains
a beloved’s echo of love

395 thoughts on “echo of love

    1. Grateful for your lovely comments. I took a holiday blogging break that left me with a ton of comments.
      I am finally catching up.

      Thank you foir your wonderful words and super duper support. It is greatly appreciated.


    1. Very grateful you think so. Thank you for the read and your words.

      Sorry, for the late response. My little holiday blogging break left me with a ton
      of messages piled up. Finally, catching up now. Again thank you for your lovely words.
      They are treasures here


  1. This poem hits home for me, because I will be missing a few loved ones over the holidays. Your words are full of wisdom and provide a grieving heart comfort. When I read this, it just makes me think that Time does its job, regardless of what happens in our lives. It keeps changing, while the Earth keeps spinning. It may not be a healer, but the passing of time makes the loss less painful… but we never really forget. We should cherish every moment and never take the time we have been given for granted because, one day, our internal clock will stop ticking. This is one of your most beautiful pieces, my friend. Truly inspiring and heartfelt.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Time does it’s job. In my original version of this poem I had lines about time doing his job with a stoic face.
      No we never forget, tiume just dulls the pain. Sorry, for my late response. This one kind of hits home with me.
      Perhaps, it is the having no family that gets me this way. Makes the holidays a bit tougher.

      As always your comment illuminated my blog with their beauty and light. I don’t even think I am capable of
      giving you the response you deserve.
      I am grateful for your words. Thank you B. xoxoxo

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You never have to apologize for responding late. I realize you have a lot of commenters to respond to, plus your personal life to deal with. So no worries at all.

        Your poem hits home for many of us and the holidays makes the feeling worse, because so many are missing loved ones who have passed, but also there are people with family members that are alive, but have absolutely nothing to do with them. I’m one of those people. It’s just me, my mom and my dad for the holidays. It’s been like that for years and it scares me a bit to think of what my life would be like without them. I try to look at what and who I do have in my life. It may sound sad, but I feel like you guys are more family to me than some of my relatives. I get more love from strangers than my own family, excluding my parents. So when I think of the love from people I have met, I smile a bit. Sure, it’s not a replacement for those we have lost, but it feels good to know there are people out there who care about us. You’ve touched so many lives on here, from what I can see and including myself, so you’re not alone. Family sometimes isn’t blood, but loyalty and you have a family here on WP with people that adore you. Never forget that. 🙂

        Your responses are always beautiful and heartfelt, Andrew. I am very grateful that what I share from my mind and heart are embraced and accepted on your end. You’re always welcome, my friend and I pray that your holiday brings a beautiful and happy surprise to you. 🙂 Sending you hugs, love and light. xoxoxo


      1. You are very welcome. I do sometimes miss because I don’t alwats see things. But also, thankyou to YOU fir akways reading me. U also breatky appreciate it. Soon be Chrustmasnkol x


    1. Grateful for your beautiful words Miriam. We are all missing someone during this time of year.
      That is why we must treasure every moment. Thank you for all of your wonderful words and support.
      We have been through stuff together,
      Thank you.

      Wishing you and yours a beautiful and inspiring holiday season

      Liked by 1 person

          1. No apology needed Andrew, a break from technology is good for the soul. Thank you for your kind wishes. May 2019 be filled with love, peace and happiness my friend. xx 💕


    1. You know, for me it has been so many years, but this is the time of year I miss her most.
      Mixed reaction over comment. Sad that I touched you. It would have been better if this poem meant nothing to you.
      Thank you for your words.
      You are always so generous and thoughtful with your comments.


  2. Oh take a bow, dear Lonely Author, for here you’ve conjured up a rhyme of epic proportions and enlightened emotions! Stunned, in the best way.

    “That perpetual hand delivers
    fooling comfort
    for everyone is confident
    he will take another spin”

    I will remember these lines especially, don’t even have words to shower in praise. I mean… I think I should pause. Or applause. Maybe both. 👏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Humbled doen’t describe what I am feeling right now reading your comment.
      I had to take a break today, because the poem means a lot to me, and I had to control my own emotions.
      Thus, I am late answering comments. I am so grateful for your words.
      This may be the highlight of my day, perhaps of the entire year.
      Thanks you so much Isha. You can’t imagine what a difference you made in my life tonight,

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I am sorry for your loss, Drew. No matter what they say, time never heals, it only helps us get used to living with the loss. But then again, writing about the lost ones, missing them, loving them – isn’t that a testament in itself to the fact that they are around us, protecting us, watching over us – never truly away?

        May this Christmas, the angels themselves descend to being you the comfort, care and cheer your words bring to your readers! 🎄


        1. Thank you for your very lovely words Isha. Sorry, for my late response. That blogging break I took over the holidays
          set me back on replying to comments. And today before my vacay I have finally cought up.

          Thanks you for your wonderful words and support.

          Liked by 1 person

      1. Wonderful true thing.yeah we both will echo in someone’s heart as well.absolutely right,dear dew!!before some days,i had posted a song related from this lovely echo.i will send again that song.plz read is my most favourite song.


      2. Hey dew!!again that complain from send me only liking.why do you not send me any comment?”I love my ruins”-on this poem where is your comments and my all comments are disappeared on your post”a little secret”,why.?plz reply soon.

        Liked by 1 person

              1. Hey dew!!when will your ballerina be in your arms then i will come to you as housekeeper as i have asked before some year is bringing a new gift as your beloved ballerina.but after dt plz not forget me.i want to live with you and can come to you in month last i am your Angel Guardian.i will look after all time but don’t disturb.


  3. Every tic tic is like echoing the beats of beloved’s heart.wonderfully written.yeah.we should learn to listen every lovey beats by every passing moment of time.


  4. Lovely in so many ways…
    I lost my dad a few months ago and tomorrow is his birthday.
    Although there are a few tears at the edge of me, you have made my day Drew with all of your lovely words, before day even begins,
    Thank you 🌷

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, I am so touched by this message. I lost my mom many years ago and although time may dull the pain,
      the holiday season is always a little tougher for me. Don’t know if it is because I have no family.
      Always sad this time of year.

      Thank you for yur beautiful words Suzanne, Yeah, made this lonely guy smile.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m so sorry for the loss of your mom. You’re so right. It’s something that never ever leaves you. I can so imagine how you may feel. I lost my mother many years ago as well, just a few days before Christmas. I’m happy to have made you smile. My thoughts are with you. 🌷


      1. Peace to you during this time. Thanks for sharing.

        PS: Closing act of Pronouns 2 this weekend. Self, Itself, Herself, Himself, Myself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves, and Its (not It’s) … beware of the last one. PLUS, a special announcement will be included!


    1. Thank you for your very kind and generous words. They bring me so much joy.
      Humbled and grateful for your comments.

      Sorry, for my late reply. I took an extended holiday bloggin break and am finally catching up to my blog reading and replying
      to comments.

      Again thank you so much. I hope your holidays went well.


  5. My Lonely Author, what a touching embrace of a poem you gave everyone today. It’s not easy this time of year, missing those we wish were near us. But you’ve managed to express this in a heartfelt poem and I think everyone, lonely or just wanting to feel a cuddle of words will appreciate this and adore you for it. People visit you here because you are genuine, whether writing about love, longing and even loss and they connect with you because you care and understand so many emotions we all feel.

    The whole poem was imbued with such a deep empathy for others whilst still connecting deeply with your own experience, all delivered in beautiful poetry.
    The last stanza is by far the most touching for me and your placing and choice of words was delicate and perfect

    I am so grateful to know you and read your poetry.
    If I could give you a gift this Christmas it would a long, warm hug.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ms Fiery, I will cuddle with this lovely comment and let it provide warmth in this most lonely season.
      Thank you for the compliments, I try to understand and even share my heart with people. Very grateful
      for your beautiful words.

      Very observant. I did write this for others who share my pain of absence during this season.

      Thank you for your most inspiring comments.
      Since, my daughter is not permitted to visit me during the holidays, I will be alone for another
      holiday season, So, I could really juse that HUG.

      Thank you

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear dew!! I think that we should learn from time to go ahead n accept all things in positive way and smiling on tik tik of clock like our beats of heart which has many sweet memories of beloved.may be he/she are inevitable or not because memories of beloved is main reason to live happy and tell us true meaning of love.time is echo love but for learning most on Christmas festival again ,so enjoy dear!!the happiness and sorrow are two aspect of one coin(life) and go and come and go again again……time dose not make us fool only our wanting from life makes us fool.but your echo of love is immortal because love is immortal like the soul or super soul.amazing your echo of love as sweet,lovely and heart touching.plz don’t mind.i can feel those echoes who are inspiration for new creation.not is it?please reply ,dew!!


    1. We must accept everything that time allows and and takes away from us. Nothing is forever.
      Do you have echoes in your heart from family who are no longer here?
      I always think of my other during this season.
      Bless you always Aruna, for your kind words, warm wishes, and beautiful support

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is very difficult for me this time of year. Sorrty, that it is for you too.
      Glad that I caould make you smile through your pain.
      Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. I am grateful for every word.
      I wish you and yours a glorious holiday season.
      Remember, you loved one will always be in your heart.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Why are you not replying,dear!!am i wrong?i am feeling your sentiments and feelings about your love.your poem is unique.wonderful try personification of time.wonderful written.dear dew!!


                  1. And i hope -you are too having a wonderful dance with your amazing muse as intoxicated in new year.happy new year ,dear dew!!🍻🍻🍻🍻🍻🍸🍷🍷🍷🍷🍸🍸


              1. Oh,thanks for your lovely answer,my kind hearted friend dew.!! When you finish all work of replying to followers.after then plz read again my post”A Round Shape Of Blue Sky has its own limits…”that is echo of love.plz send me your valuable comment.i am waiting.

                Liked by 1 person

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