my muse


Grateful for all the warm messages and wishes.  Doing much better now.  Thank you.

Now, let’s get back to poetry………my muse deserves that.


my muse


My muse
is a prism
for when she writes
I see the other side of light
As I read her words
I become an unraveling knot
That slowly comes undone
If she knew
how she brightens my darkness 
with her inspiring poetry
my muse would understand 
she is a prism
illuminating a spectrum of love
deep inside of me



434 thoughts on “my muse

    1. Smiling so hard. Well, let me say this, let’s just suppose this muse truly exists,
      If I were to tell her, she may change her way of writing that inspires me so much.
      I wouldn’t want to do that.

      And yes, if she truly exists, she would be gorgeous in a sweet, humble, and illuminating in a heavenly way.

      Thank you for your amazing words. You always make me smile.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahhhh that big mysterious “IF” lol 😀……but I do agree ……when people become conscious of what they write …it changes their style ……….so let the mystery be it adds an alluring touch to your poetry

        Liked by 2 people

  1. This sounds like a powerful muse. I love the way you describe her effect on you, especially how her words seem to pierce your soul like light. It’s as if she is showing you another dimension of life you never knew before and you are seeing colors in your world you never knew existed. Really beautiful poem, Andrew. Glad you’re doing better!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Really beautiful comment that so describes the essence of this poem. The colors and light that she brings to his world and heart, filling him with infinite inspiration.

      Yeah, on the mend. Feeling really good now. Thanks. And grateful for your amazing words and the way you read me with such uncanny instincts.

      Of course, needless to say, this muse is a work of fiction. Smiles.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome, Andrew! Oh, the muse is a work of fiction, you say? Well, that’s some powerful imagination you have there! Keep up the amazing work and I wish you and your fictional muse the best! Lol. 😁

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Pia. You are so sweet, you made me smile. Thank you for your lovely comment.
      The inspiration for this little poem came from………….my head. I wish their was an adoring and beautiful muse inspiring me to great heights of poetic beauty,

      Alas, I remain the Lonely Author. Un-loved and un-mused.


    1. Smiling in NY. I am a novelist and screenwriter. So creating characters in my little mind is what I do. Now, the poetic side of me wanted to write something describing how I would feel if this inspiring imaginary muse truly existed, which she doesn’t. But if she did, that is how I would feel.

      Thank you for reading and for your wonderful comment. I appreciate your time and words. My muse would, too. If she existed, but she doesn’t.


  2. Sighing until I was breathless Mr Lonely Author

    (Yeah yeah, cue the jokes about mouth to mouth, haha )

    Seems like with every new poem lately you go deeper and deeper… Glimpses into your soul are a beautiful sight. Your muse is Musing you GOOD I think.

    Effing ADORE the imagery of a prism and the theme of someone’s beautiful poetic light illuminating our darkness . Inspiration does feel that way when we are finally gifted with it. When someone’s  words  touch us in a place we thought would always be dark…it’s difficult to express that feeling of being suddenly flooded with light and Love but you did that so effortlessly. An unravelling knot slowly coming undone…perfect . It’s something about another person’s poetry that can touch us so deeply, I wonder sometimes what it is that affects us so with words crafted and placed in just the right way, why is poetry so much more powerful when truly inspired. I think it’s something about being able to condense overwhelming feelings into a few words that makes it feel like they are being whispered to you, like you are ‘seeing the other side of light’ and it’s mending all the broken parts you thought unfixable.

    Then I thought,   imagine if your muse’s muse was you, and you never knew. And she was inspired to write poetry because of you, and you because of her, so really the light and  the love of her words that you feel, would be partly because of you, then because of that, you are even more inspired to write EVEN more love and beautiful poetry and so on and so on and so you have a perfect,  infinitely eternal cycle of love and poetry and inspiration. Mind. Blown.

    “…she is a prism
    illuminating a spectrum of love
    deep inside of me”

    I won’t pick that’s perfect.

    Fiery ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Seriously, Fiery, you already knew I was going to use that mouth to mouth line, huh? Need to fire my writers. Need fresh material.

      Funny you should mention my current writing. Since my recent return, I find my writing a little richer, a little more soulful, and absolutely uninhibited as if heavy shackles have been removed. Writing has become fun again. My muse is EFFING
      inspiring me to great heights…..if she truly existed. Big smiles.

      Well, light and enlightenment are the perfect metaphors for the inspiration a muse can give. (Even an imaginary one). Thus, a prism seemed so perfect for this piece.
      She refracts light into him, inspiring him with poetry and love. Happy yuo mentioned the “seeing the other side of light.” Very happy with that line.

      As for the unraveling knot slowly coming undone. Well, honestly, there are poets
      (females of course) that write beautiful words of art here in WordPress, that inspire my heart and soul. And when I read these pieces, sigh, I unravel.

      Now this last paragraph of your comments. What if I was the muse for my imaginary muse? Each one inspiring one another infinitely (did I say that right?) . Powerful!
      Sort of like a vortex of inspiration whirling about in a washing machine of poetic
      and aesthetic beauty. (Reminds me I have to do the laundry.) . This is mind blowing.
      I have to buy detergent. Oh yes, the circle of inspiration not to be mistaken with the circle of life in The Lion King.

      Your comments are always so in depth, sweet, and amazing.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      Wait one darn second……….ts it possible that this Lonely Author can be a muse? Me of such little faith in my poetic self? A muse???? You may have shaken heaven and the foundaions of Earth with this preposterous question, of which I have only one reply……

      The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.
      Feeling musical today.

      Thank you for the comment on those last three lines. I appreciate that muchly.
      And thank you for your gorgeous comments. I am lucky to have a follower like you
      my smouldering sultry friend.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I read you like a book sometimes. Or should I say an adoring, inspired poem.
        Well you know if she DID truly exist, I imagine she’d be all giddy with tingling heartbeats if she knew she was inspiring such deep beauty from your soul. There’s nothing more….don’t even know the right word…than someone being inspired to write verses and verses of adoration and love because of you. By which I mean her. Who doesn’t exist yes, so you said. If she did exist, I think everyone would be clamouring to find out where you discovered this muse so they can themselves one. If she were real and not a work of fiction.
        Well writing should be fun. You can’t produce anything that will truly touch anyone if you are bound by anything that restricts and strangles your creativity. Makes no sense to me.
        Actually I LOVED the unravelling part..don’t know what it was about it. Seemed really revealing to me and like it just slipped in there and gave away a lot about you.
        And way to make fun of my , I have to say, very brilliant image of infinite cycles of inspiration! No more of my secret little metaphors for you!
        Ha..yes who could possibly imagine that a terribly charming, Lonely Author, who writes gorgeous poetry filled with love and other such delicious things , humbly poking fun at himself and modestly “not” being a poet could EVER be anyone’s inspiration. A laughable thought indeed. Imagine me sarcastically laughing now like a Victorian villain-ess all busteried up and ready for wicked deeds
        You are very lucky to have a follower like me, I have to agree with you there.
        I pour my little smouldering heart out to you when I talk of your writing so you’d best appreciate it.
        Kidding. I know you do.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Where did I find this Muse? Well,, I use it all the time when I can’t find what I want in Amazon, of course.

          Well, I wouldn’t want an imaginary muse to know I write for and about her. It may alter what she currently does, if she existed. Which she doesn’t. But if she did, which she doesn’t, it may change things, Besides, she may find me and my aching back repulsive, sort of like a cross between The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Mr Bean.

          Honestly, there are poets that totally make me unravel. I sigh and stop reading. A little weak in the knees to. I whisper soemthing like, I wish I wrote that, then start reading the poetry again (from the beginning). That is what I would do if my imaginary muse existed, which she doesn’t. But I would, if I could.

          Having a very difficult time getting past the “all busteried up.” Read that line twice. A quite delightful phrase. Oh, the images…………okay, done unraveling.

          Thank you for the gorgeous compliments, honestly, I am beginning to accept that I am a poet. That I could possibly inspire, well, that will take time to comprehend. I may write pretty little things that women relate to, but that I can inspire, that is a debate for another day.

          I appreciate every single word Oh Smouldering One. Your presence and words humble me.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Is that where you found her? Interesting, I often use
            Their tips are very helpful. Working for me anyway

            You know the hunchback was in love with a gorgeous hot gypsy girl with wild, raven hair, Esmeralda. Sadly I think she ran off with some other gypsy bloke so maybe not the best analogy to make you feel better
            Not sure I could actually manage to pour myself into a bustier…but knock yourself out with that train of thought, Mr Lonely Author.

            We’ll talk about you being inspiring another day then. I am very good at debating, especially when I am absolutely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, completely right. Not sure you’d stand a chance.

            (On a serious note.
            Appreciate you and your sweet soul too. Very much ❤️)

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the compliment. I find it fascinating as well to see how artists/ muses inspire and touch one another forming a circle of endless inspiration.

      Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts on my poem. Your words are greatly appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

                    1. I have NO DOUBTS about that. You couldn’t write the way you write and make the reader feel the way we feel, and Not truly live it. Hope to experience your presence someday. Maybe sooner rather than later? 🤞🏼

                      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are wise to listen to your muse Drew, for she must never be denied. Truly beautiful- I am mesmerized by prisms. I have some hanging in the window of my writing room. When the sun hits them, my room is filled with rainbows!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Funny you should say that. In 2019, I am planning on relocating to Florida. I will be doing some housing hunting there. The first thing on my wish list is a good study for my writing. I have started imagining & searching for ways to decorate it, but the prism idea is great. That has to be an inspiring affect.

      Thank you for your kind words regarding the poem. Muses must be cherished and adored.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. I know too many women in Miami which is in my heart, so I won’t go there. I know myself too well. LOL

          I want to write with no distractions. New York will always interrupt my writing time. So, I am thinking of Fort Myers or the suburbs of Orlando. Orlando does offers much in dining options. So I am leaning there. And I don’t know anyone there, so I can just write write write.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Sometimes something very simple can inspire great poetry and your muse must be very lucky to have such a wonderful heart love her so deeply. Really beautiful poem Andrew. Totally loved it ♥️ keep sparkling♥️ many many rainbows of happiness

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Such beautiful words from Ms Romance. I am truly grateful that you follow me. I feel blessed.
      Very touched by your words.

      I wish I had a muse. Actually, sound like a good title for a movie, Museless in New York.
      This poem was from my imagination, although, I must be honest, there are many
      wonderful poets here in WordPress that inspire me. Like you always do.
      And let’s not forget inspiring Mr Brain Freeze.

      Hey, I always remember him when I eat really cold ice cream, but that is a story for another day.

      Thank you


      1. Now now Mr loved author you are flattering me. Hahaha. And yes you are correct, wordpress has many great poets but hardly anyone can compare to you and of course Mr brain freeze. Ok now I am going to go have a very cold ice cream. Mmmm. Hahaha. Have a great day ahead🤗♥️♥️♥️

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Me encantaria hacer eso. Pero ella está lejos de mí. Tengo que escribirlo en mi poesía. Y honestamente, todavía tengo que decirle cómo me siento.

      Amigo, eres muy romantico. Gracias por leer y por su buen consejo.


  5. Most amazing poem.a unique piece among in your all poems.i am happy to hear your muse as a prism.from where you have found your inspiring muse.i think-she is your own soul.right ?dear happy for having a muse.but with this take your best last i congtatulate you.weldon.poem is wandering in my mind.what a wonderful imagination of muse with wonderful n beautiful words n metaphors.bless you dear!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You made me laugh with this one Aruna. Yes, the muse is in my imagination. I am still the Lonely Author, museless but still happy.

      Thank you for all of your encouraging and beautiful words. Happy you liked the metaphors. A mus should fill the artist or poet with light.


      1. Yeah you are right about of your inspiring muse.dear dew!! I am most happy that your muse like a prism can all things as you say that she should fill the poet or artist with light like illuminating prism.wonderful thought.dear!!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. bad but it was happened by chance.perhaps mostly taxi drivers use d wine .may be it could a reason for accident.left dis topic.for me,it is enough that you had not seriously wounded.dear dew.that night i had sent a kiss on your forehead which are symbol of protection.i am saying whatever,plz don’t mind.i do as my soul it not right?plz tell me,dear dew!!


    1. On Thanksgiving I volunteered to help feed the homeless. When I finished I hopped into an Uber to go to my daughter’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. Boom we were in a small accident.

      Spent the rest of the holiday in emergency getting Xrays and MRIs.

      I am well now. I had cervical surgery three years ago, My neck is still a bit sensitive.

      Thank you for asking. And happy you liked the poem.


      1. Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry to read about this Andrew. Are you in a lot of pain? I’m so glad you are getting better. Cervical surgery ugh. I nearly broke my neck 20 years ago and when the neck hurts, the day is shot especially for writing. Rest rest rest, right? How is the driver? I bet your daughter so worried. But, Andrew, I have to say, the gift of your time on Thanksgiving to those who are in such desperate straights, I know that will be come around to you in many blessings. Sending healing, hugs and love. ♥.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. The pain from the accident has gone, but I live in constant and severe pain 24 hours a day ever since my fall down a light of stairs five years ago. I have learned to live with it. Whjat am I going to do be miserable for the rest of my life.

          Sorty, to hear about your own pains with pain and your back. It casn be quite excrutiating.

          Smiling. Thank you for your kind, supportive words.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Pain teaches us so much doesn’t it? I admire you for choosing to focus on everything that is good instead of on the pain. What we focus on grows beautifully in the light of our devoted attention. Your writing and blog is a perfect example. ♥.

            Liked by 1 person

  6. Truly beautiful! Where would we be without our sources of inspiration? I found this very calming and love the strong image of the knot coming undone. I didn’t want this special poem to end 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Oh, that is so sweet of you to say that. Sometimes, I read poems that just make me sigh and stare in admiration. So that unraveling line was the perfect description of what happen to me.

      Thank you for your wonderful words. Appreciated each and every one.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiling. I so adore poetry and love. When I started reading all of these wonderful poetesses (is that correcxt?) here in WordPress.
      Well, big sigh. A man could ot help to be inspired by them.
      Thank you for your sharing your thoughts on this little poem

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Good evening, Drew. It’s rather night 🙂 Sorry for being late. I read the poem when you posted it. However, I did not get the chance to comment till now.

    First, I am glad that you are doing better. May your tomorrow be filled with brightness.

    And what a lyrical poem! Your talent gives birth to the most inspiring muse! Your verse is filled with magic. It takes my breath away! Stunning!

    May you always be inspired, Drew!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Top of the morning to you. No need for apologies. Flattered you even read my stuff.
      You are always so kind, generous, and motivating with your words. Very grateful.
      Yeah, feeling like my old self again. Almost ready to sign up for lambada lessons.
      Please continue to inspire the world G. Thank you always.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hi,I am absolutely stunned by this poetry of yours. Every poem of yours grafts a channel into an imaginary land,your writing is beyond the scopes of just reading. I hope you’re more influenced and touched by every essence of this life to enrich the wisdom pen you hold.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Humbled by your generous words. It is one of the most beautiful comments I have ever received. Thank you for your wonderful words of support. They mean a lot to me. Delighted that you liked this.

      Thank you for everything


  9. Absolutely beautiful. I can’t believe that I missed seeing it yesterday. Am happy that you’re faring well. My favorite lines are: “If she knew how she brightens my darkness with her inspiring poetry my muse would understand she is a prism illuminating a spectrum of love deep inside of me”.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Smiling. Those were my favorite loines as well. A muse enlightens us with creativity.
      Grateful you were able to catch this poem and even happier you enjoyed it.
      Thank you for your very kind words. They inspiore me to continue writing,


  10. Such lovely inspiration. This has a gentle feel to it, even the light that is found seems as though it would be soft. Never glaring but always warm like a smile turned inwards. It’s beautifully restful to me.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yeah, the light of a beautiful inspiring muse will never blind or overwhelm. It will be at the exact power necessary to inspire creativity.
      Delighted to hear your thoughts on this poem. Even your comments come from the soul.
      Very grateful. Thank you Suzanne. It means quite a bit to me.

      Liked by 1 person

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