Adventures Fill The Soul

A quick announcement. Lonely Author is off to his next adventure. Today I am flying to the inviting beaches of the Dominican Republic. My first week, will be at a beach resort. Now, check this out, the main pool has a bar. I never have to leave the pool to get my mojito.

Please note: I will be blogging through this vacation. I won’t be able to read every post, but I will make sure to touch each and every one of you. Also, I will be posting once a week during this time.

This year I fulfill one of my lifetime goals. Every January through March, the hump back whales of the North Atlantic, travel to the waters of a beach town called Samana. Here, pregnant whales give birth. All other whales find a mate. This ritual of turning these waters into a singles bar/maternity ward has been going on for ages. I have already booked my seat on one of these touring vessels to get a first hand look.

Now, this vacay won’t only be about whale watching, For the first time in my life, I will be the best man at a wedding, Also, will be seeing my beloved God daughter (now 6). Will attend a 75th birthday celebration. Then, there is Carnival. But most importantly, after my stay at the resort, the rest of the trip will be used as a writing retreat to concentrate on my manuscript.

I want to thank a special someone who read my first chapter and ignited a passion within me that will carry me through to completion (whenever that is).

I want to apologize for being late with my blog reading and responding to comments. I have been coordinating the birthday and wedding celebrations from New York. A very stressful task.

Also, whenever I travel to the Dominican Republic I prepare a care package for the poor. These 3 boxes contain used clothes, canned good, and toys that I collected from friends. One family on the island had their stove stolen recently. Miraculously I was able to find someone replacing their used stove upstate, so these friends will have a place to cook. All of these items and some other used furniture were shipped last week and will be waiting for me to distribute it upon my arrival.

One final thought……

Jobs fill our pockets.

Adventures fill our souls.

My friends, get out there and enjoy this beautiful life.

My next post will be on Thursday, February 14th. (You really didn’t think I would miss Valentine’s Day, did you?)

And to my inspiring muse……my first mojito will be in your honor.