Lonely Author: Heart to Heart

Lonely Author: Heart to Heart

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season.

I will be brief.

During the past two years, I made 4 trips to the Dominican Republic to purchase strong pain killers that alleviate my back pain. Pills with dangerous side affects.

Since my return to Florida, I have felt lethargic, suffered constant headaches and dizzy spells as my blood pressure skyrocketed. Things that a man of my age shouldn’t be feeling.

Doctors have discovered several unhealthy changes in my heart (which they describe as “severely life threatening“). Emergency surgery is very possible, but I won’t know until more tests are run over the next two weeks.

During the next couple of months, I will be in blogging-lite mode as I try to regain my health and strength. I won’t be posting every week, but I will read blogs to stay in touch with all of my friends.

Your support and words have always filled my heart with joy. At some point in the future I hope to continue My Inspiring Women of WordPress.

Thank you for your understanding.

Trust me, your friendship and inspiration has been missed.

Hopefully, through your words, I can rediscover my creative mojo.

381 thoughts on “Lonely Author: Heart to Heart

    1. Thank you for your lovely message. It warms my aching heart to know that I am not alone
      and people are truly concerned. Thanks for taking the time out to share your words and
      thoughts. It means a lot.
      Very grateful for your kind message of support.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Again my heart wants to your heart something lovely talks.i have no mind but having a vagrant heart walks here and there .at last reach to your heart which are waiting for your heart’s messages .And praying for you to recover soon.each moments of all day and night i hear your voice as echoing in my empty surrounding.God’s all best wishings are with you.be well and take your best care.xoxoxo.


  2. So sad to hear this Andrew. Praying for you dear friend! Health is our wealth and life is very difficult without it.

    I was in a car accident last summer and am recovering from a concussion. I have not mentioned it in my blog. It could have been so much worse, I’m very thankful that I’m ok. I had to stop teaching dance for two months and even now, I still get dizzy and headaches. The doctor says it can take time to heal and there’s nothing they can do.

    I really appreciate the encouragement you have been to me with your kind words!

    May God give you strength and a miracle for 2020!


    1. Bless you Carmen. Your words filled my heart with hope.
      Truly grateful for this message. It came at a time I needed it. I was feeling very lonely and to hear others were concerned, well, it warmed my aching heart.
      Now, I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      And apologies for this late response. I finally feel well enough to try to tackle these messages.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Dear Andrew! No apology needed. I am amazed that you respond to so many comments with all you are going through and even take time to comment on my blog! I pray all goes well for your heart procedure next month. God bless you and give you strength!

        With love and prayers! ❤️🤗🙏
        You are loved! ❤️

        Liked by 1 person

    1. No readson to be ashamed of anything.
      I had done a poor job of updating everyone.

      Thank you for this kind message. It makes my aching heart so happy and warm.
      I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      Sorry, for the late response. I am finally, catching up to the messages.


  3. Drew- How ironic. I suffered a heart episode on December 4th, and was referred to a cardiologist. I have testing on January 24th- stress test, echocardiogram, and then I have to wear a heart monitor for 24 hours. Then to the cardiologist on 2/6 for the results of those tests. Diagnosis thus far is sinus tachycardia and sinus arrhythmia, so we will see where to go from here. Sending love, light, and healing thoughts to you. Stay positive my friend.


  4. Aww, rats! Sad to hear this, dear Lonely.
    I send much love and all good wishes to you and for you.
    It is ironic that a man who writes of hearts, to hearts and from his heart should have heart trouble.
    I just know your heart will get better. Surgery may be the ticket. If there is something else, the doctors will figure it out.
    Back pain & pain killers are both insidious.
    Now that cannabis is legal here in Canada, I’ve been making cookies for my back pain. So… cookies, Salon Pas, and red wine all at once, but no other pain killers.
    Hopefully my liver will hold out!


    1. Thank you for your beautiful message Resa. And thank you for that amazing tribute last week.
      You made me cry.
      I just posted a little tribute to you and your blog. But I am not good at links,
      So I am letting you know here so you check it out Sweetie.
      Thank you for everything Beautiful.
      I hope you like my little artistic tribute.


      Liked by 1 person

            1. Take your time dear.
              actually I will take a little nap. Feeling very tired.
              Thank you for eveything.
              Bless you always/
              Be backa. little later to approve your comment. I told Holly to contact you for me.
              She must be busy out of her head. Feel terrible for her. I want to do a little something for her, but it won’t post until after my surgery.
              But that is between you and me.
              Talk to you a little later.

              Liked by 1 person

                    1. Making dinner,(there’s the dinger thinger) and just read your answer to my main comment. I need to digest your words, and my food. I’ll be back!! 💜

                      Liked by 1 person

    1. Taking it day by day John.
      Thank you for this thoughtful message. It came at a time I needed it. I was feeling very lonely and to hear others were concerned, well, it warmed my aching heart.
      Now, I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      And apologies for this late response. I finally feel well enough to try to tackle these messages.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. So sorry Drew I wasn’t aware of this.
    You have become a pillar of support and self belief in my self and I hate to see you go through this, please take care of yourself, you are very precious and I do have you in my prayers and hope that you get back to good health soon.


    1. Thank you for this beautiful message. At times it has been hard for me to talk about my health. All of the questions continued to remind me of my plight, and didn’t give me a chance to try to heal without worrying to much.

      Thus, I am answering these old messages now that I am stronger of heart and mind.
      Thank you for your beautiful support. It touched me deeply.
      Grateful for everything

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re more than welcome.
        I do understand, wanting to move past a certain thing but always having a constant reminder somewhere in the background… yeah that can’t be easy so it’s okay to take your time and ease yourself into it.

        Take care of yourself Drew. xo


    1. Bless you my dear friend.
      Thank you for this thoughtful message. It came at a time I needed it. I was feeling very lonely and to hear others were concerned, well, it warmed my aching heart.
      Now, I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      And apologies for this late response. I finally feel well enough to try to tackle these messages.
      Thank you.


  6. Now that you’re feeling a tad better (i.e., I read your other post first)…I just have to ask, was it the pain killers that caused the heart issues? That’s scary! I’m glad you went in to check it out, and I’m glad you’re feeling better now. It’s amazing what an organ the size of our fist can do to scare the hell out of us, eh?! Take care, Drew!


  7. Gosh Andrew! I was away for only a month and this is what my absence did to you!!
    Just kidding but seriously, this is serious and please don’t self-medicate in future. Take very good care of yourself. Sending warm hugs your way.


    1. Thank you for this beautiful message. At times it has been hard for me to talk about my health. All of the questions continued to remind me of my plight, and didn’t give me a chance to try to heal without worrying to much.

      Thus, I am answering these old messages now that I am stronger of heart and mind.
      You have always been so sweet to me. And I am grateful for all of our exchanges.
      Thank you for being you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You hold a special place in my heart, Andrew. The fact that you are writing and reading reaffirms that your health is improving. I understand answering same questions regarding health can be so tedious. I know in my heart you will be completely fine soon.
        It is so sweet of you to answer old comments as well as read old posts. Blessed to have met you here.
        Take good care of yourself and I will try to remain me. 😊


    1. Thank you for this thoughtful message. It came at a time I needed it. I was feeling very lonely and to hear others were concerned, well, it warmed my aching heart.
      Now, I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      And apologies for this late response. I finally feel well enough to try to tackle these messages.
      Thank you.


      1. Aw, that’s lovely, I’m so glad that people have sent you lots of lovely messages and that it’s helped! ☺️ Oh, my, that sounds… well, wow. How are you feeling about it? I hope it goes well for you, sending you my thoughts. 💛


  8. Are u ok? Haven’t seen you blogging lately. Hope your health issues are improving and you’re feeling better. Take care and hope this new year brings much health and recovery. It totally stinks to be weighed down by physical issues.


    1. Thank you for this thoughtful message. It came at a time I needed it. I was feeling very lonely and to hear others were concerned, well, it warmed my aching heart.
      Now, I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      And apologies for this late response. I finally feel well enough to try to tackle these messages.
      Thank you.


    1. Thank you for this thoughtful message and your prayers. It came at a time I needed it. I was feeling very lonely and to hear others were concerned, well, it warmed my aching heart.
      Now, I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      And apologies for this late response. I finally feel well enough to try to tackle these messages.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hello Andrew

    I hope all is well and your back heals soon. I’m back on WordPress blogging under my real name and am looking forward to enjoy reading your poetry. Look me up when you get a chance…

    Dabir Dalton


      1. I agree my life as been blown apart and I’m having to start over. The good news is I’m still here and able to start over even though it will take some time.

        For now all I can do is hang on… 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I’ll keep you in my prayers. Have you tried taking magnesium? My neurologist recommended it for seizure management. I was surprised at how much it helped me. I started out low and built up to 400mg twice a day. I have tried different doses and types of magnesium. I no longer have fibro pain and have not had a seizure in years. You might want to look it up and see what would help you.


    1. Thank you for this thoughtful message and much appreciate prayers. It came at a time I needed it. I was feeling very lonely and to hear others were concerned, well, it warmed my aching heart.
      Now, I am taking things one day at a time. Hopefully, I will be strong enough for my heart
      procedure in April.
      Again, I thank you for your kindness. I feel blessed and very grateful.
      And apologies for this late response. I finally feel well enough to try to tackle these messages.
      Thank you.


  11. Hi dear friend,
    Been praying much for you, knowing your heart is precious, peaceable, filling with reassurance. God bless & stay safe, we’re praying love and joy and peace as we face a new week. Stay blest. My fam and I put together a weekly family fellowship time starting today. Do check our site if you ever need to be with a little family, Sunday. We’re all in stages of healing ourselves, so this time has provoked a whole season of praying for others too. Do take care 🌻🌼🌷⚘praying more!


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