blushing moon

During a recent conversation, my friend Gabriela asked me to write a poem titled “blushing moon.” Please visit the winner of the Author of the Year (2019) At Spillwords NYC. You will find her inspiring poetry at Short Prose.

Now, here is my response to her prompt.

blushing moon

eyes moist with nostalgia
i mourn the unspoken words
that occupy so much space
between me and you
it leads me to ask
does a shooting star ever yearn
for the places he has never been
the way I long for you
perhaps, if our lips wandered
the lines of your palm
it will lead them to our destiny
a place for us
beneath the blushing moon

470 thoughts on “blushing moon

  1. I love a full moon, but then I like all phases of the moon too.
    There is a sad romance in this verse of what could have been.

    Glad you are doing better. Sometimes meds can cause issues – hoping they do what they are supposed to without causing you so much grief.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Jules. The moon had a special beauty in all of her phases. I make sure I get a peak at her as often as I can.
      Perhaps, for that reason, she continues to show up in my poems.

      Yes, I am battling the meds and their terrible side affects. I will be having my cardiac procedure on April 14th,
      hopefully after that I will return to my normal self.

      Thank you for your conern, words, and support.
      I appreciate your kindness.
      Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m not sure what it was exactly but I have a great aunt who just had some heart surgery… She’s in her 80’s and is recovering.

        Hopefully by the time you are fully recovered we will be over our world crisis… and freer to travel – glad I can offer an ounce or two of support through the ether…


        1. First, I hope your grat aunt continues to recover and be well. I know it can be easy for her to go through surgery at her age.
          I do hope this world crisis ends soon. Don’t want to see this drag out.

          Your word and support are appreciated.
          Thank you.

          Be safe.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Great Aunt is doing well… other family member, not so much. Funeral later this week.
            Regular life has this funny habit of continuing even through other crisis…

            Stay safe.

            Liked by 1 person

  2. That first line, “eyes moist with nostalgia” really speaks volumes, at least to me. Maybe it is because I have had so much loss in the last 10 years. This was a very well written poem! Bravo!


    1. Oh, I am afraid if this reminded you of anything painful or sad.
      Grateful for your thoughtful comment. Thank you for sharing your reaction with me.
      And thanks for your generous praise.

      Please keep yourself in this time of crisis.
      Be well.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Forget about the moon. You have me blushing with your kind words. Gabriela is a great friend and
      an amazing, inspiring poet. Glad you enjoyed my poem. Flattered you think it is beautiful.
      Appreciate your visit and thoughts.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Grateful you appreciated my little poem. Thank you for your beautiful words Jessica.
      It ugly times like these that we are living in, it is always refreshing to be touched
      by a sweet angel like you. Thanks for brightening my day.

      Be safe.


    1. Blushing. Very grateful for your beautiful comment. I was very happy with those lines as well.
      Something about shooting stars that gets my imaginaton going. Your generous words made my day.
      Thank you for that Laura.

      Please be safe.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Imagine if the moon could speak. He must have amazing storied to tell of love and loss. Thank you for sahring these beautiful thoughts on my little poem. I am grateful for your kindness and gorgeous comment. It means a lot.
      Thank you.
      Be well my friend. Take good care of you.


  3. I’m at a loss at what to say…all the praise you so rightly deserve has already been expressed by your friends and fans in a myriad of expressive ways…but I feel I must add my own.
    It’s always these sweet gestures that make a woman melt in more ways than one. No wonder the moon was blushing no doubt this reader was just swooning. Such a tender and special piece. Thank you for sharing.


    1. Querida, this post wouldn’t just be the same without your thoughtful words.
      I am so touched by your praise and the beauty of your thoughts. So, happy
      we have found one another.

      You have me blushing. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

      Should I call you Querida?

      Liked by 1 person

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