Broken Dreams


Broken Dreams

Emily packed her broken
dreams into a suitcase she
hid In the back of the closet
as if they were treasured
memorabilia from a show

She knew they would be
safe there from intruders
and any pest who would
want to rekindle memories
of her lost life of the past

Her unfulfilled dreams will
be stored forever and a day
so she’d never be nostalgic
so she could forget them and
perhaps never dream again


I dedicate this to all the mothers out there who packed their dreams away.


Photo taken from Google Images


Dreams On Hold


Photograph taken by unknown source. It is the only remaining photo of Lonely Author’s mother.

This is for every woman who made the sacrifice of putting their dreams on hold.

Dreams On Hold

Once upon a time
She met a man
Placed her dreams on hold
She slaved for a boss
Ran home to cook meals
Birth a little treasure
Years of housework
Abuse and neglect
Devoted herself to husband’s pleasures
Sacrificed for everyone
Gave up everything
Including herself
And her happiness
Her boy is living his dream
She missed the train of life
Everyone left her behind
She lived unappreciated
Sad but so true
People forget
Little girls have dreams