Broken Dreams


Broken Dreams

Emily packed her broken
dreams into a suitcase she
hid In the back of the closet
as if they were treasured
memorabilia from a show

She knew they would be
safe there from intruders
and any pest who would
want to rekindle memories
of her lost life of the past

Her unfulfilled dreams will
be stored forever and a day
so she’d never be nostalgic
so she could forget them and
perhaps never dream again


I dedicate this to all the mothers out there who packed their dreams away.


Photo taken from Google Images


220 thoughts on “Broken Dreams

  1. How do you do it? How do you take my breath away like that? How do you so easily make the tears fall as a smile spreads across my lips? How do you know what I hide so deeply? How did you find the words that I could not? Never mind, I don’t care how, I just care that you did. XOXOXO

    Liked by 6 people

    1. You devastated me with this comment. I am so honored that this poem touched you. I was inspired by the sacrifices of women who constantly have to take a back seat because of love and family. These are the forgotten sacrifices that women make. Thank you for making my day with these,wonderful comments. Big hugs.

      Liked by 3 people

            1. Tif, what a great reply. It is the truth, so many mothers sacrifice for the well being of their kids. You seem to have a good eye for the truth, would love to have your input on a few of my stories at Gastradamus. The lonely author has been great and a friend of his is welcome to join the conversation. If you like what you see then, please spread the word of Gastradamus

              Liked by 2 people

                1. Hey Tif, the more you can review the better. The KFC one is good. This one about dogs is great, we stories about Abe Lincoln, you make the Spiderman and Ghostbusters one, we have some interviews with African Americans that are interesting, your comment would be greatly appreciated. Stay in touch and keep writing.

                  Liked by 2 people

                    1. Hey a list is a great thing. It gives you something to do. Any commenting at Gastradamus will certainly help your blog feed. Tif your voice is waited for in the commment section at Gastradamus. Keep up with the gravity in the writerlama to keep up with the pace of things.

                      Liked by 1 person

      1. When I read your first sentence, where you said devastated, my heart sunk. I would NEVER want to devastate you. After reading further, I think that it was a good devastation. You are truly lovely and generous with your writing. XOXOXO

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Did you write this just for me? 🙂 😉
        Sounds just like my life.
        All my hopes and dreams are tucked away. Some are so dusty and covered with spiderwebs from sitting so long ago.
        Will they get dusted off? Or continue to sit there forever?
        I love the piece you wrote… is nice.
        Keep on writing. You get better with each one you write.:)

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes, its good to keep your options open, live the sweet life, go out and get shish kabobs, you know the meat on the stick, it can really spice up your life and sweeten its flavor. If you like this writing style, then please check out my blog at Gastradamus. Your opinion would be awesome to have.

      Liked by 2 people

            1. Yeah wifi can be off sometimes, but its better then having nothing i guess. We enjoyed your comments at Gastradamus but please be sure to comment on as many stories as possible because this thing is going viral and your going to be a part of it. Spread the word of Gastradamus and we will surely return the favor.

              Liked by 2 people

  2. I appreciate how you wrote this, A. It tells a story through quick sketches which let us imagine the details to fit people (mothers) we know.
    Dreams packed up like memorabilia from a treasured show is an exceptional way of describing this. We can see someone we know, grandma, aunt, sister. . . beautiful.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Oh Andrew, this is so heartfelt and beautiful! It reminded me of the song “loving can hurt/ ..and it’s the only thing I know”.
    May the sacrifices of mothers and fathers light the lonely nights of children.
    Gorgeous! ❤ Dajena

    Liked by 2 people

      1. When youngest son was born prematurely, my life changed in an instant. I had to give up my career, hubby worked two jobs, bills mounted. It was long ago and I’m happy again, but your poignant words brought all the emotions rushing back…

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Smiling. You and your hubby made big sacrifices for family. And I am sure you did them without even thinking of the dreams you let behind. There were years I had to put my writing dream aside to work two jobs. I am honored that my little write inspired you. Thank you always for your support. Hugs.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. I can so relate to this one. My mother put aside her dreams of college when she was young because she needed the income to look after her two young children. She never forgot about the idea, though, and she finally had the very great satisfaction of graduating from a university when she was in her sixties.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. That is a grerat story filled with hope. Not many women get the opportunity to go after their dreams. I am so happy your mother got her chance. Thank you for reading and contributing your story to the post. Hopefully, it inspires other ladies. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was lucky to have a job even after we got kids. It was never easy when the kids are ill or something at school come up and you must be present. My parents in law were so helpful all those years and cared for the kids while we are working … It would have been a disaster if it’s not.

        But even if I do have my dream job and earn quite good enough to raise the family, still there are certain dreams are unreachable when you have a family. For the kids are the first priority and anything else outside that frame is just a dream far away …

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Yes, but that many years back when I was a fresh Mommie and young … But now, I am on my own for more than twelve years. But the differences between now and before, now that my kids are grown up. Still, I am lucky that in the first place that some people are there to support me all the way … I know that many people out there don’t have such privilege.

            Liked by 2 people

  5. hey my wise dew.i m saying dt dis poem is only for mine.plz write my name on dis poem coz dt girl has my teenagers sweet memories n is like me when i was teenager.if u mind or i will not care u read my night’s post”dear moon in arms of her beloved”?plz reply after formalities.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. hey dew!!have u gotten my comment on ur dis post.i m wanting to say dt u should write my name on ur poem “broken dreams”.coz dis poem n dt girl is belonged from my teenage’s sweet memories.if u mind or not bt today i can not care u read my night’s post”dear moon in arms of her beloved”.plz reply after formality.

    Liked by 2 people

          1. u have so mich broken dreams.donn’t try to hide ur feelings n making us fool.all mothers have only dreams for thier children n family.u write wonderfully so i liked dt very much.

            Liked by 2 people

  7. What a heartbreaking yet fulfilling piece. Such a beautiful reminder that mothers have tuck away part of their selves so they can fulfill the dreams of their children. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

        1. Thank you so much. This just popped up in my spam folder. I wouldn’t want you or anyone else to think I ignored them. Thanks you for your lovely comments and for reading my work. Yes, its a shame ladies have to pack their dreams away for family.

          Liked by 1 person

  8. This hit me with a punch. Absolutely wonderful and so true. I remember the day many years ago when I did just that – decided on the spot I couldn’t write anymore – too many pressure, young family, work. Mu mind flowing with ideas that I never got a chance to write and fulfil. I packed them all way and decided that was it. Luckily, a few years later things changed, family pressured me to dig out that ‘suitcase of dreams’ and start again.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a wondeful comment. Yes, so many mothers have to push their dreams aside for family. You are one of the lucky ones. Many mothers never get a chance to chase their dreams again. Thank you for stopping by to read and share your personal story about your dreams. Appreciate that. Best of luck with your dreams.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Andrew, what a beautiful, beautiful tribute to all mothers. What would we be without them? I am what I am because my mom fought for me, so that I could have the best that she could give me.
    You continue to leave me in awe.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. I trust you wouldn’t, since I’m such a ‘lovely writer’. You dare not, Andrew! Lol. Jokes aside, I reiterate, it touched me right there where I hold my universe. So, bravo!

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Sacrifices made….dreams shattered….always being chosen last…waiting for your chance to shine and it never comes….
    Even though reality finally rears its ugly head….if you can salvage just one dream…there may still be hope…for some.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I’ll bet this is a more common occurrence than many are aware of. Many mothers have made great sacrifices to provide opportunities for those they love; usually, with a smile on their faces. This poem honors them. Well done.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. sad and deep Andrew, nothing worse than a suitcase or shoe box even of dreams, let them out to breathe is what I always try to do, and even as some fly away never more to be seen, so many more take their place. Lovely, K

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for saying that. Mothers put everything aside for their family. Shame they have to give up their dreams. Thank you for taking the time out to read and comment. I appreciate that. Have a good day and follow your dreams.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Sad that so many take a refund on dreams for a routine they think is more practical.

    I always told my sons that I never sacrificed anything for them, that everything I gave them – my time, opportunities, interest in their interests, surprises, discipline to help them reach their goals (and that means learning to self-direct, not to punish,) values to last all their lives – are things I wanted them to have.

    I long wished for one more day with each of them, to hold them in my lap once more, read one more story, make French toast again, do one more unexpected fun thing. And then I got grandchildren. I don’t sacrifice for them either.

    I hope anyone who reads your poem understands they must not put away their own dreams because that’s a great gift to those who love them.

    Wonderful poem, Andrew. Touches so many important points.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. So happy you had a chance to read this. Your comments are so important. Thank you. Dreams don’t have to be set aside. I think dreaming is such an important part of our lives. Thank you for sharing your own story. It gives hope.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. this is why I am still single. It always came down to a choice between my dreams and whomever I was seeing at the time. I couldn’t put them away. Doing so would have required me to cut my heart out and I’d have bled to death. So I chose life and walked away.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. or maybe an artist 🙂 they obsess about their artwork as much as I about my writing especially if its digital painting or 3-d modeling on a pc 🙂 I’ve had the same thought though I haven’t had much luck there either. The few writers I was friends with in the past envied me for various reasons and the friendships fell apart. oh well, I’ll just keep writing.

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Thank you, yes it does and yes I will 🙂 I won’t stop writing until I die and even then, who knows? I may be writing or telling my stories in the afterlife. maybe I’ll be able to walk into my fantasy world then and see it in live action, immersive 3-D and hang out with my characters. That would be heaven for me. 🙂

            Liked by 2 people

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