Back To You

lonely-girl-wait-on-the-road-miss-youBack To You

My shoes are worn
cause I have walked
through every maze
in search of love.
I am a proud knight
riding lonely carousels
searching for a lady
while fighting windmills.
Dead ends always greet me
as I move in no direction.
I missed you here
nostalgic over there,
a journey never ends
when shortcuts don’t exist,
I strolled down winding roads
traveled both sides of the fork
without the use of a compass
I found out I was never lost.
Cause it doesn’t matter what road I take
when every path leads me back to you

Photo from Google Images.

A throwback for my newer Followers. Have a wonderful day full of sunshine and smiles.

233 thoughts on “Back To You

  1. “Every maze” ” no short cuts” those to cut me so deep wow. I love any piece that can make me feel something and this one definitely has. I hope you find what you need and that “the lonely author” becomes “the happy in love author” although that’s a bit long I’m sure you’ll figure out something better. My point remains that this is a great one

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Gorgeous and dreamy. Just wanted a quick dose of you and this was… you’re so romantic sometimes, lol. But not a real lol, just a nervous one!

    Honestly, sometimes I wonder how you even glanced in my direction

    Liked by 1 person

          1. No.nobody can thinks in this way.yesterday and today here is rained,so i have published that song of an Indian write always in your own style,a unique style about that your all followers i right ?dear!! Plz reply.

            Liked by 1 person

          2. I know but that is only an image and nobody can think in that way as you told.all know that you are the lonely author,my dear friend!! You should not be worried.🐧


          3. Hey dear dew!! I wrote two poem,one in hind”the candle of my love” other in hindi version yesterday night.please ,read them and give your vulnerable comment.i am waiting for your reply.


      1. Golden words have no age. Like a diamond it will always shine 😁 – You’re most welcome Drew. Looking forward to reading some more of your backlist when I have the time.


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