The Sorcerer’s Wife (100 Word Love Story)


This is a little throw back to my fiction roots.  A short story originally, written in 2016, I now converted it into 100 words.


The Sorcerer’s Wife 


Our writhing bodies glistened with perspiration when he stormed in.

Most betrayed husbands would savagely behead the passionate lovers. Not the evil Sorcerer, he denied me the most exquisite finale of all; death in her loving arms.

He tossed a mystic powder. A purple dust cloud transformed Isabella into a doe.

Next, the Sorcerer converted me into the most loathsome predator; the hyena.

Now, I watch her grazing in the ominous forest; moving with a familiar grace.

For years I coveted beautiful Isabella.

Oh, the bittersweet irony.

As foul spittle drips from my hungry fangs, I crave her even more.








243 thoughts on “The Sorcerer’s Wife (100 Word Love Story)

  1. You have inspired me. I seriously need to get back to writing on my book. Your story says so much in so few words with such imagery. Provocative, sad, unique. It reminds me of that movie Ladyhawke. Oh, and thank you for stopping by my blog. It always surprises me that people actually like what I write. Ha! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very happy that you bbn liked this. Touched that it inspired you in any way. Yeah, my story does have that feel of Ladyhawke, doesn’t it.

      Funny thing is, the post inspired me to return to my unfinished manuscript. As for people liking what you write, that is one of the amazing things about blogging. Writers connecting with writers. Supporting and encouraging one another.

      Thank you for reading and for your lovely comments. Stay inspired and write. We all have a purpose, perhaps yours is to entertain and inspire through your writing.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Well….That escalated quickly! Lol!
    But seriously, this was intense and I love the escalation of the drama. The beauty of it is I felt like I read a full-length story even though it’s just 100 words. Great structure, great emotion. Love it!


    1. It isn’t an easy format, but the challenge is wonderful. I used to do quite a few of them earlier on my blog.
      Thank you for reading and for your words. And all of these comments from you that have been sitting here waiting
      for me to return from my break, well, they are gems that have brightened my day. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

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