the color of you

the color of you

one day when I look back
on how I adored you in silence
i will remember the tint of your words
how my every breath
was inspired by your hues
and if by chance the day arrives
where you become a sepia memory
nothing will ever change
for i will always cherish
the color of you

281 thoughts on “the color of you

  1. Oh, how it would be to be cherished for the colours of your words… This poem makes me think of the phrase ‘true colours’ – colour as a fundamental aspect of our being. The way you describe colour here is like describing true love, love for every hue, every shade or tone of who we are. Beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Haunting and beautiful. Now I wonder what her colors are? What colors do you see when you picture her? Is it a flash of a red skirt as she dances the flamingo? Ebony hair swept up wild and free? Or more subdued? Pale pink cheeks like the soft coral sands and a shy smile that blossoms into laughter when she is loved? See what you do? You bring out the lyrical metaphors in me. Your poetry often inspires me.
    And the words “adored her in silence…” Oh Drew, I wish you could tell her. I hope she isn’t married! (Teasing.) Or is she even real? Because the way you speak of her is as a man very much in love. If she’s not real…you have an amazing imagination. If she is…then lucky her! Sending my hugs and kisses dear friend xoxoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We all have beautiful colors of our own. The color of our voice, our heart, our soul.
      You are very kind to say my poetry inspires you. Thank you for saying that. I am grateful for your generosity of compliments.

      Smiling so hard. You are the first and only person to comment on the “adored her in silence.” I was expected more comments regarding that. I try to nject real love into my poetry. Recalling how I felt in the past. Doing my best to re-feel (if that is a word) the love and passion.

      Gratfeul and hmubled Melissa. You are too good to me.
      Thank you so much. Giving big hugs right back. xoxoxo

      Liked by 1 person

  3. With every word that you sprout,I literally drench in awe with your vibrancy.
    I don’t know you but Everytime I read your poems there’s a remembrance of a warm connection. That’s how you potrude your poems. It connects with everyone and if not every,it surely does with me.
    You truly are an inspiration. Keep flowering!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I know a few others have commented about the “sepia memory” line but it is worth mentioning again because it adds such a beautiful subtext. The narrator does not see the past in black and white or even through the optimistic rose-tinted lenses, but instead sees it for what it is. It is in between and as normal a memory as any other memory. It belongs with the other memories and not as something merely nostalgic. I don’t know if that was your intention or not but either way, great line and great poem.

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  5. That is the truth…isn’t it? Most of the beautiful hued moments of our life become sepia toned memories over time. Moments that don’t matter in any case fade away. This is deep, Andrew.


  6. Oh my dear dew!!so much lovely poem for your muse.i like and admire this poem because of your honest words -specially”if by chance the day arrives where you become sepia memory nothing will ever change ,for
    I will cherish the color of you”.most beautiful.🌹🌹🌹your words”color of you” is like a shining star in the sky of immoral love and most amazing and lovely words “the tint of your words”like the flower’s much admirable all lines,my dear friend.🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Aruna, I am humbled by your beautiful praise. Thrilled that you liked my little poem. Love and women have beautiful colors that never fade. You know how a photograph may dfade, our memories will remember them beautiful as they are.

      Thank you for your gorgeous comment and praise. You humbled me.


      1. True,dear dew!! Remebrrence of love and your beloved is like your sepia memory but still now so much beautiful as they are.your poem is reminded my lost love which are still now most lovely for me and inspires me❤welcome for your beautiful comment🌷🌷🌷🌷🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

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          1. Yeah .indeed.but i have converted that long lost love into the love for all universal thing which are made by God.but still now i feel my long lost love in my sepia memory,my dear friend!!

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      1. are absolutely right.we both have our beloved.many years have passed away.but memories of you and me are not faded and will never faded,my dear friend!! Most welcome for beautiful and lovely poem,dear dew!!

        Liked by 1 person

          1. Forgetting it is painful but remembering it never fades because it has relation from one’s soul💕💕💕💕and it reflectected in our all activities.right? dear!!

            Liked by 1 person

      1. Yay, happy to read you’ve found lovespiration (it’s a word…maybe?) You’re welcome, glad to be welcomed here to scroll my way down to contribute my rambling thoughts 🙂


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