i feel pretty

i feel pretty

When you are primping for a night out or a date, do you ever sing a song? I always do. The exact same song everytime.

My buddy Titi was sitting in the hut when I stood before the mirror making sure the five o’clock shadow was just right. I started singing my song.

He stood up yelling, threatening to leave.

Weeks ago, my daughter did the same thing to me. “DAD, THAT’S NOT FUNNY”.

I will let you decide. Not much into musicals, but I always sing my favorite song from West Side Story.

“I feel pretty
Oh so pretty
I feel pretty
And witty
And gaaaaaay
And I pity any girl who isn’t me today.”

Thoughts anyone?

284 thoughts on “i feel pretty

      1. 😅😅😅
        Oh you have no idea!
        I have a natural raspy smoker sounding voice – never smoked a day in my life –
        It doesn’t sound so sexy singing but I sing any & everything playing – I LOVE music!
        Feeds my soul💕
        And yes – everyone should sing away…
        I’m up for a duet 😘
        Any takers 😂


          1. 😂😂😂
            Definitely raspy! I sound like I smoked all my days ! Which I didn’t 😘
            And while I sounded good doing the news – I sound crazy singing 😅
            But I do it anyway
            Because I feel music from my head to my toes😍
            Definitely passionate about tunes 😘
            I’m up for a duet 😅


  1. So does my husband! I think it’s cute. Then again, West Side Story is one musical we both enjoy, so it always makes me smile when he sings it. Keep on singing! Someone out there will think it’s adorable, too.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. “Being pretty doesn’t come cheap”, well, name your price, I’m prepared to pay to fund this.

        On a serious note (sorry for the minor chord change), hope you are ok, been thinking of you (broken checking on broken) xoxoxo


        1. Doing good. Coming to the island to rest was the right idea. I have the support group here, unlike Florida where I know no one.
          Going to start visiting the beach again. Feeling stronger enough to venture away from home. So, I am better. Thanks for asking.
          Just have to build my strength and rest in prep for April. xoxo
          How are you? I saw parts of a message, I haven;t gotten to yet. YOu moved. Now you are closer to me. Less hours of difference. When I think of all of the work I did to move to south th Florida and you moved across the globe. Oh my. Don’y kow how you did it. You must be exhausted.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. You are a complete sweetheart Drew. And I’m glad you’re going to the beach again. Those tropical sunsets…. sigh. Enjoy them and I will live vicariously through your enjoyment (and poetry).


  2. You must be able to hit the high notes Drew, … me I’m not a good singer.. so i tend to be a listener….. some sad ones…. some happy …. today my poem took me Natalie Merchant’s emotional song ‘Motherland’

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dear dew!!songs are songs,maybe words have any meaning.it is good for being happy forever.me too songs which meaning are not nice.will you want to listen”boom boom boom,I want you in my room…….”,my children are amazed and scolded on me .but who may care of opposition. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😂😂😂😂😂😃😃😃😄😄😄😄😄🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎷🎶🎷🎶🎼🎼🎼🎼🎼🎙🎙🎙🎙🎙🎶🎶🎶oh yeah.i have my personal mike on which my song.hey dew!!come on and start any song as you like…………👌👌❤❤❤❤

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          1. Dear dost!! I was too missing you.don’t worry. I will be fine soon.💖 i am too thinking about you and Andrews.much love and big hugs,Querida amiga💕💝💝💝💝💕💕💕

            Liked by 2 people

              1. I got your email and thought on that.my dear dost!!💖💖💖💖that is difficult but not impossible.meri pyari jaan🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗how much you are kind hearted and pure soul.I admire your nice advice.bahut bahut dhanyvaad , meri dost💖💞💞💞💞💞💞💝

                Liked by 1 person

          1. YAY I knew or thought you might like this one:) Nada mejor que un bailecito para animarse verdad! Do you want me to list my talents, or my non-talents now? Lol. Non-talents are quite many as well!!! I suck at all things math/ authorities/ fixing things/ surrendering to the norm, in most cases… 😉 What are your non-talents and talents? 😛


            1. Yeah, it a good song to move to. Dance is great exercise. Thanks for sharing the song.
              LOL. Surrendering to the norm. That is so funny.
              I suffer from that as well. I am allergic to routine.
              Non talents? I am terrible folding clothes when I do laundry. I am even worse concentrating on a book when a pretty lady passes by. (I stopped taking books to the beach). Never a good salsa dancer. I suck fixing things and I hate waiting on long lines.
              LOL. God I suck,

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Ayayay amigo mio, thats that hot Cuban blood in you!! Always appreciative of beautiful ladies, well, you are a lover at heart, and lovers are much needed in this world! :)) You are perfect in all your perceived imperfection my gorgeous friend… lol long lines. Yes they do suck. Not you though 😛 And now, your talents? Besides being a divine poet, writer, friend, supporter of the feminine and of beings in need…? ❤️

                Liked by 2 people

                1. I think my greatest talent is making people laugh. I am also good at making everyone I speak to feel special. I always want to make people feel good. i work at it. I want to leave a positive message with everyone. Perhaps, I should travel the world and leave a little positivity everywhere I go.

                  You Amiga, ay ay ay. Very beautiful and inspiring woman. Contagious smile. Enthusiastic and full of energy. An energy that you transmit to those around you. You probably having an amazing aura.

                  Liked by 2 people

                  1. Aww maaan. Hombreeee! Que cosicas mas bonitas me dices!!! Thank you amigo, your beautiful words are much appreciated 🙂 Smiling big time…. thanks for lighting up my day! Thats what fiery beings like you and Fiery do… you light up a room and warm others with your passionate fire!!

                    YES agree with you possessing all the talents you listed!!! Love how you talk to people, its so beautiful. Everyone IS special and needs someone to remind them of that at times creo!! Sabes, if your heart and soul calls you to travel and spread el amor, its a great vision to behold:)

                    Liked by 2 people

                    1. Ay Amiga. Me traveling the world and spreading love…….thankfully, I practice safe sex. LOL. Only kidding. No I do practice safe sex, but… you know what I meant.
                      My heart does tell me to preach love. We nedd ore of it in this world.

                      Liked by 2 people

                    2. bahahaha LOL. Laughing!!! Fiery beings always just with one thing on their minds 😛 lol. We ARE love. We just need to remember it…Thanks for being an ambassador of love in all its facets lol

                      Liked by 2 people

                    3. LOL LOL LOL🤣🤣🤣 Man, I didn´t even mean it like that!!!! Far out LOL Actually, pretty good title for a story or so hey “Ambassador of love”… just try and make it PG please… don´t shock the Puritans. Lol

                      Liked by 2 people

                    4. Vale, but do keep it PG please ( or say the dirty mind belongs ONLY to you LOL) . Quiero estar libre de possible witch-hunts LOL. Funny is totally my THANG! Looking forward. Thanks for the laughter :))

                      Liked by 2 people

                    5. Witch hunts. Oh you are too funny. BAAAHAHA. But I know what you mean. lol. Tengo una base de seguidores muy fiel. Y sí, a veces pueden ser demasiado entusiastas. Créeme, no es fácil ser The Lonely Author.

                      Thank you for the laughs.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    6. Bahahaha I know – oh, another wonderful songs comes to mind https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFmNgiEgPoQ Frank Sinatra is the freaking coolest cat everrr! Lol. Siii – arousing passion can work both ways… fire and anger can merge… Te creo completamente amigo! Know that if the need within you shall ever arise, you can write me as just you, warts and all 🙂 My door for the un-hidden you is open. Gracias, y hasta prontito!!! Feel you getting strong and healthy already 🙂 Abrazos grandes

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                    7. Go and cook. You must be hungry.

                      You are full of such surprizes. I love Frank Sinatra. Listen to him often.

                      The unhidden me? LMAO. Too funny,.
                      I am getting strong thanks to you and your encouraging words. You never gave up on me, even when I did.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    8. Yay!!! The power of healing words infused with caring friendship-love can never be underestimated! I try and never give up on true friends. Unless they really f me over lol. Big hugs!! Creo en ti – siempre!!! 🙂

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                    9. And a little stalker -y too…😂
                      Luckily we are both muddled up in this mutual heart friendship !

                      Btw I am beyond entertained that we are hijacking Andrew ‘s comments section with lady love lol

                      Liked by 2 people

                    10. Bahaha you know what… am like 99 per cent positive that Drew is loving lady love in all its forms… including its innocence 🙂 hehehe. Latin lovers love love… full stop? Gotta ask my puppy, he is Spanish 😛 bahaha xoxo


  4. Tubularsock usually doesn’t sing while combing Tubularsock’s hair. It takes full concentration to the point!

    But it seems that there may be some reason for the solid lack of support for your singing. Now Tubularsock wonders, “what could that be”?

    But sing on ……… damn the torpedoes!


  5. Hey, if it is what gets you in the mindset, keep on singing to your own tune, dude.
    Personally, I like to put on the angriest heavy metal song I can find and remind myself that no matter how anxious I may feel or that people might be jerks to me…I got this, cos I am heavy metal and they can’t dent me.
    To each their own, ya know?


    1. That is very m uch what gets me in my going out mindset. Don’t know why. I no longer question it either.
      Oh, heavy metal songs are great when you have to go out and conquer the world.
      Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.
      I appreciate your kindness.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You’re adorable, Drew lol. Sorry I have not yet replied to your comments on my blog. I’m doing fine. It’s just that I was too preoccupied with the big party I’m planning. I joined a sales team, and I was studying our product. I hope you are well.


  7. I dont sing while im getting ready, BUT i do blast music to get me going faster =D But strangely enough, I do hum softly when Im out around people and nervous!! lol


  8. Hmm…yes, my Lonely Author, I have some thoughts which I shall now articulate in the form of a list because as you know, I HEART LISTS


    1. I already knew this about you. What, dude?! I’m allowed to know sh** about you! 😂
    2. You ARE mucho pretty lol
    3. This is one of my FAVOURITE musicals ever, not least because of the leading lady’s first name…he he he. Also because…come ON! IT’S WESTSIDE STORY! THE ROMANCE! THE TRAGEDY! THE DRAMA! THE DANCING! THE SONGS! THE LOOOOOOOOOOOVE! And the sexy leading Latino man all…in crazy love with Mariiiiiiaaa…(I’ll come back to that)
    4. I sing constantly, no matter what I’m doing (is your mind wandering?) so this behaviour of yours, Princess (lol) is totally normal. Anyone who thinks otherwise surely has a gaping hole in their lives where MUSIC and chuckle worthy antics are supposed to happily and sexily reside.
    5. I always wanted to play Maria, should I ever have the chance. But I always thought (and many friends with amateur directorial aspirations agreed with me) I was too….exotic looking, shall we say? Lol. Better suited to Anita, they agreed. I could definitely pull off that role, right? But sweet, lovesick Maria was always my dream..oh well! 😂
    6. As a kid, whenever someone would ask my name and I told them I was either greeted with a rendition of “how do you solve a problem like Maria?” from MY FAVE FILM EVER, The Sound of Music or. .. “Mariiiiiia, I just met a girl named Mariiiiiaa!” from this !
    7. Running out of steam here, (but not fire 😘) so I’ll end on 7, a great number. I find this whole image of yours incredibly hawt and a-effing-dorable, and you painted it so *prettily* it will keep my…everything smiling and singing for days💋

    A little hot kiss on your 5 o’ clock shadow


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    1. Fiery,

      I have no doubt you know me very well.

      Thanks for the compliment. I d feel pretty on some occasions.
      Maria. I just met a girl named Maria.

      Surprised they didn’t give you the part. You have the perfect voice for it.

      You find this hawt. LMFAO

      You like five o’clock shadow????

      Lonely Author

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      1. Oh after reading your post I directly heard the song, twice in a go. And now ‘i feel pretty and pretty’

        Jazakallah Khair. May Allah azza wa jall bless you and your daughter.

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      1. Yisssss ‘‘tis you Drew , glad you stopped feeling blue
        Laugh 🤭 laugh
        I can so hear you
        Tomorrow I come give you medicine again , Drew B .. aw but she’s a fav .. 😜

        Liked by 1 person

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