doors upon the sea

Poetry under the palm trees continue….

doors upon the sea

who am i to tell the roses
not to bloom
how do I stop the hands of time
or silence a lonely wolf
howling at the moon
how can i not think of you
it’s like asking my heart
to remember not to bleed
or a pianist who lost his hands
to forget his keys
my beautiful muse
tell me I can lock these thoughts out
convince me
I can put doors upon the sea



Am I wrong to love my muse?

710 thoughts on “doors upon the sea

  1. Love is a open door
    Love is freedom
    The wings to fly
    Love is falling free
    Like walking on air
    Love is fluttery belly
    Tickling in the nerves
    Love makes you trust
    Love makes you believe
    Love make you dream
    Keeps you up all night
    Letting you dream with eyes open
    You can keep that door locked as much as you want
    But love always find its way out
    Because its freedom of heart
    And soul

    Liked by 8 people

    1. So beautifully expressed Taslima. Grateful you adorned my poem with these poetic words and sentiments.

      Thank you for this gracious poem. I agree with everything it says. Love does find its way out.
      Flattered and truly appreciative of your words.

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your very welcome…
        happy belated birthday … lots of prayer and wish you all the best

        Never deny the feeling of love… set it free
        And let it explore .. always smile
        Much love…..


        Liked by 2 people

    1. So happy you liked those lines Ivor. I thought it was a good opening, because it expressed some things are just impossible to attempt. Just like the bookend ending.

      Grateful for your kind words my friend. Thank you for your support.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Tubularsock doesn’t want to rain on you parade, LA but lets be practical here.

    In a short period of time the hinges on that door upon the sea would rust and then you’d be in a hell of a fix.

    Not to mention when you open that door upon the sea the only direction would be into the water and then if your muse shut that door on you while you were in the sea you’d have to hold your breath while knocking on the door for an extended period of time.

    At that point you’d better hope your muse loved YOU! Rather than the other way around!

    Oh sure Tubularsock took the long way around to say: Tubularsock loved the poem!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. You make a great point. I didn’t think of that. How long could I possibly hold my breathe? And the doors would rust.

      Never good at this DIY stuff.

      Thank you for your kind words and wisdom. Truly appreciate your support my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Wishing you a very happy birthday, you know you are indeed very special when you get four bday cakes, many visitors and so many well-wishers that you are having trouble keeping up! I wish you only that the happiness you share, create and spread comes back to you a thousand fold. Best wishes to you today and always.
    And last time I checked distinguished brings to mind the words charming, dapper, debonair, dashing, suave…. So what’s there to even worry about? Be happy, be charming, be you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Grateful for your beautiful message. Your words touch me.
      I just got a fifth cake not to long ago. It has been an overwhelming day. I am speechless. I received more joy today than any one man deserves.

      Ha. Distinguished.

      Grateful for this brilliant, humbling comment. Querida you are so sweet and caring. I am flattered and overcome with emotion.

      Thank you for sharing your love and warm soul with me.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Smiling.
      Yes, the muse must be cherished and loved. Hopefully, this little poem and my others will please her. Thank ou for sharing your aMusing thoughts. Truly grateful for your kindness and support.
      Thank you my friend.
      Stay safe.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. May I love her for eternity and one day?

      Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring words. The light of your soul shines over me whenever I hear from you. A truly gorgeous feeling. Thank you.

      Grateful for your kind words. Always touched by your gentle words.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thrilled you think this is gorgeous, Dale. Your generous thoughts make me so happy.
      As for the “far from wrong.” Thank you. That is what I thought. She needs to be admired and adored. Grateful your expressed your treasured opinion.
      Thank you for your words.

      Be safe.

      Liked by 1 person

              1. Despite the fact that it is “snaining” (snow and rain mixed together) and grey today, I shall, thanks. I just turn to wonderful bloggers like you and bask in their words…

                Liked by 1 person

                    1. Oh.your that woman friend was really like an Angel who take birth sometimes.My heart pray to her’soul peace.May God give her soul so much peace.yeah.i agree-she was young in this age because of her inspirational activities.🙏🙏🙏🕇🕇🕇🕇🕇🕇

                      Liked by 1 person

                    1. Here is the time morning now,dew!!when i asked that was night’s time.left it too.this time you will be in deep sleep.good night and bless you,dear!!


                    1. Be happy,be well and have the rays of hope in your heart.all will be good with you,my dear!!bless you many times.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


                    1. That is important for surgery,my all best wishings are with you,my dear dew!! Keep the faith on God.He will do as well as my dear friend wants .🌹🌹🌹


                    2. Yeah.i too believe in keeping faith on well,be happy for preparing for surgery.bless you with my soul,dear dew!!stay safe.all will be happen good with you🙏🙏🙏🙏


  4. Love her with all of your heart! It produces such wonderful, romantic, lovely poetry. Not enough romance in this world right now. We need every beautiful word.
    “my beautiful muse
    tell me I can lock these thoughts out
    convince me
    I can put doors upon the sea..” doors upon the sea…what a picture! That’s one of the things about your poetry that just thrills me. Your metaphors are so unique and the pictures they create in my mind, well it’s no wonder that you continue to inspire many with your words.
    I’m sorry I missed wishing you a Happy Birthday on your other post! Distinguished can still be in the same sentence as stunningly handsome. So there you go… 😀 xx

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ah Melissa. I am so touched on so many levels.

      Love her with all of my heart. Sigh. Well, at the very least I can love her with my words. And your beautiful words encourage me to do so. Really grateful for your beautiful words and support. In these times, we really do need words of love.

      Touched you liked my finale. The whole little poem was about the impossibility of not thinking of “that person.” If it were as simple as putting doors upon the sea.
      God, I love how you read me.

      Thank you for your generous praise. I am so humbled by your generous words.
      Truly embarrassed to be so happy in a time when the world is so sad.

      Thank you for everything Melissa. Always honored and grateful to hear from you.
      Your visits always nourish my poetic soul.

      Be safe Honey.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I braved the grocery store today and wore a mask, took Clorox wipes and hand sanitizer with. It’s eerie how all that is becoming second nature. You take good care, too, and get yourself back soon. Wishing you a blessed Easter


        1. Oh, yeah. I wear all of these things and sun glasses too. And it has become a normal part of the routine.

          I had a sad Easter as an old friend passed on that very day. Nonetheless, thank you for your lovely
          words and wishes. It is always appreciated.

          I hope your Easter was warm and loving.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. “How can I not think of you. It’s like asking my heart to remember not to bleed”- such a way with words, Mister. I’ve enjoyed your work of poetry. And a now belated Happy Birthday to you! I hope you had enjoyed and wishing you many more to come. ❤


  6. Your poem.
    The strength and unstoppable nature of love… love that defies reason and transcends impossibility.
    “who am i to tell the roses
not to bloom”
That is so beautiful.

    But, Drew. This:
“it’s like asking my heart
to remember not to bleed
or a pianist who lost his hands
to forget his keys”


    Reading you… I think it’s possible you can actually put doors upon the sea.

    Beautiful picture too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Rachel,

      You capture the essence of my writing so well. Love can be a strong, unstoppable force that will defy reason.

      So happy you mentioned that opening line. One of the few times I felt I had a good poetic opening. Since I am so concentrated on my finales, I find some of my opeings to be weak. That is my humble opnion.

      Now the other lines you mentioned, heart/bleed and pianist/keys. This entire people grew from those lines. I was recently inspired by those thoughts. That i was able to weave it into a poiem about the force of love, well, I shocked myself. lol

      Door upon the sea……smiling. Even if I could, I truly doubt I would want to.

      Glad you enjoyed the image. I have been admiring it for a while and I was so grateful I found a poem that was perfect for the pic.

      Thank you for your beautiful words. Truly touched.
      Siempre grateful for everything Rachel.
      To reasd these words from someone I admire so much, well, it was the icing on the cake.


      Liked by 2 people

      1. I’m smiling – the icing on the cake. Why not have your cake (and the icing), and eat it too?

        Yes, your opening lines are truly brilliant. In fact, every single line is brilliant.

        Drew, I hope you are enjoying another beautiful day under those palm trees.

        Liked by 2 people

          1. I don’t think you struggle with opening lines – but I certainly struggle with endings. Sometimes by the time I get there I feel I’ve lost my way.

            I can only imagine how beautiful the sunset must be there…. warm night, clear and inspiring moon… sigh. Sounds gorgeous.

            Liked by 2 people

  7. Brilliant when you wonder if the sea can can be encapsulated. I agree with you that you cannot put doors on the field. and every time in our history it has been tried, the end has been catastrophic. freedom is a gift that heals societies and countries, and also to hearts in love. CONGRATULATIONS. best regards


  8. “Am I wrong to love my muse?”-
    If yes
    Then may be
    God was wrong
    To let love flow
    Because it’s beyond
    Us mortals
    Not to fall
    In love
    And suffer
    The pain
    That opens
    The floodgate
    Of passion
    And every drop
    That bleeds
    Adorns the pages
    And the clouds
    Carry the silent cries
    To my muse


            1. Got it
              Here is your comment

              “Am I wrong to love my muse?”-
              If yes
              Then may be
              God was wrong
              To let love flow
              Because it’s beyond
              Us mortals
              Not to fall
              In love
              And suffer
              The pain
              That opens
              The floodgate
              Of passion
              And every drop
              That bleeds
              Adorns the pages
              And the clouds
              Carry the silent cries
              To my muse

              Liked by 1 person

              1. Oh Drew, why did you go through the trouble?
                I found it afterwards. My cell phone was not showing me all the comments to scroll through. So I opened WordPress in my computer ( that I rarely do now a days in the daytime with my wife working from home and two college going kids with their online classes). Found it and I posted. Thanks for the inspiration.


                1. Don’t worry. I figured it was going to be easier for me to find it through my dashboard.
                  I am ancient relic, one of those who still blogs through his computer.

                  With this heart problems I have, I have been taking it easy and resting and falling behind
                  on comments. Today, I am catching up, and I just another little gem from you. I will be
                  approving shortly.
                  Thank you

                  You are a treasure.


                  1. Don’t shame me.
                    You know I adore your poems. Wish my words have such eloquence.
                    Take care Drew. At this time, each one of us need to be careful so that our underlying health conditions don’t enhance our chances of being graced by a visit from Corona.


  9. Hi. Thanks for sharing a such a beautifully penned poem. I love the introductory lines
    ‘who am i to tell the roses
    not to bloom
    how do I stop the hands of time’.
    I have re-blogged.
    Happy Writing Day.
    Stay Safe.


    1. Amy, the time we know each other is brief, BUT you always sprinkle a little sunshine and comfort
      every time you pass by. Thank you for your lovely words. I am grateful for your words and kindness.

      May this day fill your heart with smiles and love. 🌹


  10. much painful feelings in your heart.please don’t put up your door upon the sea.those all are your favourite things i.e.sunset,waves of ocean,verses on love as healing for all human’s wounds.
    You can never wrong ,my dear!! But i can be wrong as i have commented in last tonight.please forgive me for my that are most softhearted,dear dew!!🌹


  11. I think you have to say about that secret which are between both it right?plz reply.
    I have tried to send my comment on your blog but it has not sent to you.i didn’t understand.what is the reasons.i think -you are not following now me.please ,don’t do to close your doors of your blog.if i do any wrong work then you stop me ,bless dear!! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Now,my dear !!come here and let me sleep in your lap.i don’t know -it is right or not.but my heart is calling you at time of my sleeping.bless you ,my dear!!tell me a lovely lullaby!xoxoxo⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘


      2. Hey my dear!!where are you wandering here and at your little night my soul will come to meet you.please,wait for and hear het whatever she tells.stay safe,my dear!!⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘


    1. Grateful you liked my little painful poem.

      As for the muse…….i will love her to my heart’s content. Hopefully, she wears fishnets on occasion.

      Seriosuly, this world does need more love. And I have every intention of making sure I spread it.
      Letting out an old man laugh……correction….distinguished man laugh. Yeah, I might like this
      after all.

      The needs more love and more Violet. Can’t go wrong there.
      May your night be filled with love and smiles.
      And if it’s not, well settle for the love.
      You deserve mucho.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Love away Drew, and maybe she’ll surprise you with fishnets if you play your cards right haha 😂
        Oh come on, I seriously doubt you are an old man lol You’re only as old as you feel anyway!
        And Drew I say this a lot but it’s true. You are far too sweet to me for you’re own good. 😊 You deserve health and happiness, don’t forget about yourself! Lots of love! Xx


        1. Ah, to find a lass who likes fishnets and stockings. That would be a treasure. Seriously, that would be a dream come true.
          Nights of conversations and foot massages. Oh my, I better change the subject, not sure how much my heart can take.
          No, not an old man. That is just me being playful.
          Do I look old in my beach photo?

          Mucho love for you.



          1. Haha 😂 I didn’t know it was you in the picture. I had a inkling it might be but didn’t wish to assume if it was from a different photographer etc. And I know you’re not an old man I’m just teasing 😂 My guess is 40s or near there. Am I close? 😂
            Mucho back at you love! Xx

            Liked by 1 person

  12. So I now have a new favourite poem of yours! This section sealed it…..
    it’s like asking my heart
    to remember not to bleed
    or a pianist who lost his hands
    to forget his keys…..
    Have you considered putting your poems together in a book? That’s something I’ve been thinking about with mine, and I imagined yours would be loved by so many people. Also, Happy Birthday! How have you spent your day celebrating?


    1. LauraJ, I have gone through so much since we last talk.
      I was stuck on the Dominican Republic during te lockdown.
      They closed their borders and I had two return flights home cancelled.
      During this whole thing, I ewas scheduled for an emergency procedure on my heart.
      Finally home. My procedure is tomorrow.
      Hope to reconnect with you after my recovery.

      Stay safe. I pray all is well with you 💕


  13. This is a beautiful poem. It reminds me of a love I once had that inspired me for quite a long time. However In my case, it wasn’t the best thing for me. The love was not returned and caused me a great deal of pain.


  14. No Drew, not only are you not wrong to love, but you are one of the lucky ones to feel the most beautiful thing in life … Love. 🌼😘

    No Drew, no solo no estas equivocado de amar, si no que eres uno de los afortunados de sentir las cosa más bella que existe en la vida… El Amor. 🌼😘


  15. Oh so much lovely poem having deep meaning.”who am i to tell the rose not to bloom”most lovely.”or a pianist who lost his hands,to forget his keys’,a touch of pain.why can the poet love her muse?The love is called never a sin. You can never be wrong ,my dear!! Love is love may be it is one sided or two are involved.all poem is having so much innocence and pure soul’s feeling like the fresh breeze coming from ocean to palmtrees,my dear friend!!🌹


    1. Love can never be wrong my dear friend? Yes love can be one sided or two sided and it still is love.
      A fresh breeze….that is so sweet and refreshing my friend. The pianist line was painful. True
      Thank you for your beautiful words of appreciation.
      I am grateful you shared your thoughts.
      Thank you


  16. Hey dew!!please forgive me for my last comment of yesterday.i never want to hurt you.promise,i will not talk about past.but still now,i have not understand-what did you want to say me,my dear!!sorry for misunderstang🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aruna, I was out all morning. I had to do many things. I am back now. My friend, I closed yesterdays post because there were too many comments omcing in and I couldn’t respond to all of them.

      Please understand. We can talk here freely.


                    1. Alongside your beautiful poem, and it’s wonderful footnote question (“Am I wrong to love my muse?”), this adorable, friendly interaction is the best thing I’ve read on WP in a while. It makes me feel so heart-bubbly joyful inside. I’ve officially fallen in love with all of it. Thanks for making me smile.


                    2. I am so flattered by your lovely comment. If you are referring to my comments section it can get quite interesting
                      and fun.

                      Happy it made you feel good. Thank you for all of your kind words and support. I am grateful for your kindness.
                      Glad to make you smile. That made me smile.

                      Liked by 1 person

    1. Humbled by your lovely message. Only poetry can put doors on the sea.
      Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts.

      In these dark times of isolation that we are living in, it is necessary for
      everyone to find creative outlets to express themselves.

      I am grateful you stopped by to taste my poetry. Flattered by your kindness.

      I hope you and everyone in your heart are safe.


  17. I can tell how personal this poem is, Drew…the pain is all over it…

    I had a ‘heavy heart’ moment reading this relatable poem…so eloquently versified… “a pianist who lost his hands to forget his keys”
    I think I’m at a loss as to what to say, Drew. To confine that feeling in words would be a betrayal of the profundity of its impact. I may need a moment to recuperate from the ‘feels’ of this one but not before I tell you this is one of your best. You know it. It is like you once said to me – the greatest art comes from the most personal places.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah, I seem to have missed the last line when I read it first. Perhaps that is why I found more pain in it than your other readers? Funny how one line can change the tone of the poem…
      Also, how can I not remark on the IMAGERY… 😍 Oh my! Symbolic, colourful, overpoweringly captivating with that howling wolf, the red roses, the moonlight, and doors upon the sea… DOORS upon a SEA 😮 Happily inundated in the image…sigh.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Isha, I was responding to your other comment when this one came in. Two for one. I am a very lucky guy.

        The last light is to highlight the absurdity and impossibility of not thinking of her. so humbled that you liked it the way you do.

        Thrilled you liked the imagery. I am smiling to myself becuaee I have had nights where I howled at the moon.

        Thank you for all of your beautiful words. Your thoughts always leave me gssping for air. Truly grateful and flattered.

        Thank you from the deepest crevices of my heart.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. “nights where I howled at the moon” – oh my! This is too painful. Haven’t we all? I’m a mess now.
          I hope someday you write on that. That line is beyond…oh I don’t even know what to say. Damn.


    2. I said that, huh?
      Sometimes I surprise myself.

      Yes, this one was very personal. Isha, your beautiful words and reaction touches me deeply. You appear to feel this one as much as I did. Delighted you appreciated the pianist line. This entire piece evolved from that one line. It just sprouted in so many different directions, and honestly, I have lines which i didn’t use in this poem that may appear in future poetry.

      “Betrayal of profundity” That is so sweet. I think it may be one of my deeper pieces. At least deeper in the sense of it coming from a deeper place in me.

      Thank you for your gorgeous words. I am very touched as always., not only by your words but in the way you read me.

      Thank you for everything, You are so treasured.
      Big hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha, yes you did, on one of my poems.

        Oh I was struck with emotion. I truly was teary eyed reading this (something which hardly ever happens to me). I look forward to discovering and singling out the lines in future poems which almost made it here.

        I love this poem. To call it a poem seems like confining it somehow…somewhere along the way of creating art, you BECAME the art-form. I could go on and on but oh well… I wouldn’t have the words. Thank you for this! Take a bow, Lonely Author!

        Liked by 2 people

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