the dreams I had

the dreams i had

you are the twilight in my eyes
that never blossomed into dawn
the empty nights sans moonlight
imagining the phases of your soul
renouncing the affections of women
to appease this unrequited heart
and all the love it has to give
for you my beloved
I cling to illusions
embracing all the dreams i had
yet never lived



A song that very much inspires mi. Sabor A Mi (Taste of Me).

I don’t know if eternity has love
But there, just like here
In your mouth you will carry
A taste of me 🎵🎶

392 thoughts on “the dreams I had

  1. Dear Andrew, I did not want to comment before I listened to the song you shared. I love Latino music in general so it was definitely a treat! Your opening two lines owned my eyes… Even though i read your poem it was those lines that were enjoyed the most… Just makes you want to sigh marvel at the power of love returned or not.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Querida, so grateful for your beautiful words.
      I have been working so hard on the opening lines of my poems. So to hear you say this, I am grateful and touched.

      Love is powerful, returned or not.

      Thank you so much. Hope you are doing well.


    1. Yes, that is Eydie Gorme. I have seen made old videos of her. My grandfather
      used to play her records all the time. I believe she was married to a very handsome guy.
      Steve Lawrence.

      Thank you for your appreciation.
      Always blessed to see your words.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Love the song, but not as much as your poem.
    Unrequited love is yet, love.
    Perhaps in some ways, at some particular moments, all love is unrequited.
    Strong and passionate, just like you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Of course, unrequited love is still a beautiful for of love. You are probably right. The start of all love is most likely unrequited. Never thought of that, but it is true.

      Haha. Thank you for the double compliment. That was beautiful. Grateful and blushing Resa.

      Resa, I commented on a couple of your posts last week. I am certain you replied. I just wanted to let you know I haven’t answered because there are so many comments likes and follows coming it, it is knocking all the messages from different blogs out of my queue. Of course, my dashboard holds the messages for my blog, BUT the messages where bloggers are responding to my comments on their posts is being lost. Thus, I would have to go to ever blog where I commented on over the past seven days and see if my comments were returned. A daunting task. I tell you this because I don’t want you to think I am ignoring you in any way.

      Thank you for your beautiful words. You always find a way to make me happy.


      1. My pleasure, Drew!!! And Thank You. You too! Perhaps this time next year things will be much, much different for the world in a wonderful way. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the healing for all of this bled over into some of the tons of ways we as a world family could change/grow. ❤️❤️❤️I bet it is…..sending hugs Your way and hopes You are well! I will be over soon! 🤗❤️😊


          1. It truly has, hasn’t it? You had extra sprinkles and a cherry on top of Your personal Twilight Zone. Everyone I know is scratching their heads. So bizarre right now on every level. Hopefully we will have shifted a bit next year…healed. I hope You are healing wonderfully!!! And that next year is ions away from what You’ve experienced in this one!!! 🤗❤️😊

            Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t know Spanish. Wish I did. It is a beautiful, beautiful song. Thanks for sharing. I don’t think one needs language to understand the beauty of music.

    By the way, “renouncing the affections of women
    to appease this unrequited heart” -. 🙄

    Liked by 1 person

                1. Reading this beautiful message ow. Thank you for your prayers.
                  That really mean a lot to me.
                  Thank you so much. Bless you for your kindness and support.

                  Hope you and yours are well.
                  Take good care of yourself.
                  This virus is still lurking.

                  Liked by 1 person

                  1. Yeah we continue taking safety measures here. No normal activity yet. But I think we will not go back to that point since we are practicing the new normal already. Life must go on.
                    Anyway, I’m praying for your fast recovery there. Godbless. Take care.



                    1. Roxy, thank you for this beautiful message. I appreciate your kind words.
                      My recovery was going well, until last week.
                      I am going in for emergency open heart surgery tomorrow.
                      So, ypour kind words will stay with me.
                      Thank you so much for your beautiful message.

                      Very appreciated.

                      Liked by 1 person

                    2. Hi. Thanks for reading my message and thank you for your reply. I pray that your surgery will turn good. And I hope that after the surgery you will feel better than before. Praying here for your speedy recovery.
                      Til then.

                      With ❤️


    1. My poetry has changed. I am freeing my imagination more than I have ever before.
      So, I guess my answer is yes I am.
      Thank you for the beautiful question. I appreciate the kind read and your words.


    1. Rachel, read and left a comment about lucid dreaming.

      Thank you for letting me know that this poem came up under a search “dreams.”
      Your kind words and vkisit made me happy.
      So nice to meet you.

      Stay safe. Keep dreaming.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Great to meet you too! Do you lucid dream as well sometimes?
        My next post will be about my recent dream about wooden doors in a basement corridor. Would love to hear what you think 😉


  4. All moments of life are dreams,my dear dew!! In this worst world only dreams inspire us to be happy,to enjoy the life in enchanting see every time only happy dreams and be happy.fortunately,our any dream may be true.mostly dreams are true if we believe,my dear dew🌹


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