My Thank You Tribute to Resa

My Thank You Tribute To Resa

Not so long ago, my dizzy spells and skull pounding headaches returned, breaking my spirit. Like an angel in the night (or out of an alley) Resa delivered a post dedicated to me. This beautiful gesture returned light and hope to my little hut.

Laguna Gri Gri is one of the Dominican Republic’s major bird sanctuaries, set along a peaceful lagoon flanked by thick mangroves. When I took these photos, my intention was to contribute a series of murals to Resa’ inspiring blog. Sadly, my health and the lockdown due to the virus extinguished my plans.

I will do my best to do this in Resa’s unique, artistic tour guide style.

This serious faced native who Lonely Author decided to name The Serious Faced Native is the first face we see as we enter the santuary. I believe the artist wanted to convey the need to respect nature (depicted in the feather and butterfly).

The black web behind her, I see it as a dream catcher. For me, this represents Resa. She spends her days capturing the dreams of artist’s and murals. Sharing these works of art with the world with the serious determination of The Serious Faced Native.

I named this painting Flor Bonita (Beautiful Flower). Wearing a flower in her hair Flor watches the flight of beautiful birds and the growing psychedelic flower before her. Like Resa, Flor admires the beauty of self expresson and creativity.

By her expression (mouth open in awe) Flor is dazzled by this beauty. Look at the shadows on Flor. She is facing the sun. For me this represents the warmth and brilliance of my beautiful friend Resa. Her caring heart (which she has colored purple just for me) and soul is a light that needs to be treasured in this time of darkness we are living in.

Half Face Moon is the mystery behind the amazing artist known as Resa. Drawn by an artist named Patricia, Half Face Moon displays some of her talent and beauty, but like Resa, there is so much gorgeousness hidden below the surface, sort of like the other side of the moon. Resa and Half Face Moon are the promise of the other side of creativity and love.

Then, we move on to Belly Button Door Knob Man. Now, I would have to do heavy drugs to associate this frog man with Resa. I can only think the door knob in his belly button is a representation of Resa opening the doors to creativity, welcoming it with her wonderful open arms. (Ha, I tried).

I end this with this stunning mural of a sunset as seen from the shores of the Dominican Republic. In the distance a ship appears. It looks like Columbus has discovered the New World.

Perhaps, he discovered a world of beauty, and creativity, and love. No doubt he has discovered Resa and Graffiti Lux Arts.

Resa thank you for your caring and support. Like an Angel of Art and Creativity, you came to me at a time I most needed it. My heart thanks you.


All Of Me

All Of Me

This week I dedicated myself to catching up to my backlog of 300+ messages. Just replied to my last one.

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your amazing support, patience, and beautiful words. You have no idea how you, all of you, have touched my lonely heart.

Your warm wishes and praise will always glow deep inside of me.

Thank you for blessing my soul.

I leave you with these magical words from John Legend. (Yes, one from my playlist).

“All of me, loves all of you.”
