oceans apart

When I made my move to Florida, my precious friend Maria Elena of A Gypsy at Heart said the words “oceans apart, only a thought away.” The words were so inspiring, I asked her permission to use them in a poem.

Please, follow A Gypsy At Heart. She will introduce you to the people, sights, and scents of the wonderful places she visits giving every destination (Hamburg, Bangkok, Provence, and so many others) their own intriguing personality.

oceans apart

gazing at the vast waters
between us
one consolation keeps me breathing
i can still think of you
for it is
our brief conversations
that fill my bones with hope
igniting a burning passion
in my soul
that no bottomless sea
could ever douse
tonight, like every other night
my heart seeks solace
oceans apart
only a thought away

324 thoughts on “oceans apart

  1. Now this, dear Drew, must be my absolute favourite from your pen – it was very hard to choose one – but what can I say, this resonates as much as a journal entry of mine would with me!
    You’re such an artist! To take one phrase, one thought and create such charming, contemplative beauty out of it!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Isha, Isha. You are determined to cure my insecure poetic heart. Very touched and flattered by your words. For something I write, to resonate with you…speechless.

      That one thought, had to simmer in my head before I was finally able to put it into words, so your comment truly made me so happy. Grateful anf thrilled.
      Thank you always Isha.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Haha! I love that response!
        Another poet who underestimates his gift…sigh. if only you knew how magically you write – yet, there may be something to this unawareness – maybe therein lies the magic!
        On a hilarious side, it’s silly how thrilled I am about making it to the very top of your comment section 😀

        My pleasure and warmest regards, Drew!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Laughing so hard. Being the first to comment on my blog means you avoided acquiring carpal tunnel syndrome.

          I am not playing Isha. I can’t tell you how I fret over my poetry. I hit publish with so many insecuriities haunting me. It is words from you and some other great poets that keep my poetry floating and my soul forever searching inspiring.

          And I am eternally greateful for that. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Hahaha! Perfect analogy.

            That’s something I understand, Drew. It happens to me too. Somehow, reading so many great poets and different forms of poetry/prose can be daunting and make us self critical, self limiting. I have found that the key through it is to know how particular your writing is to you. No one could ever replicate that. And with your work, I truly feel that. You write with a flow that seems absolutely effortless – a sign of a true poet. I genuinely look forward to your posts.

            I accept your gratitude but must extend it tenfold back to you, for contributing something irreplaceable to world literature, if I may – although that ends up sounding too dramatic – let’s just say life. Contributing something beautifully, achingly irreplaceable to life. 🙂


    1. Sigh. Very happy you liked this Diane.
      Mitch Albom, the writer who wrote “The Five People You Meet I Heaven” and “Tuesdays With Morrie” also wrote “For One More Day.” Forget all about the movies.

      I believe For One More Day is about a young man having one final conversation with his dead mother. You may like it.

      My dear, I wish I could enter your heart and give you comfort.
      Thank you for your beautiful support and comment.
      May love and peace always fill your heart.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I guess I’m doing as well as can be expected. Losing someone unexpectedly is easier on them I’m sure but so hard not to get to say goodbye. Maybe I need to write about that. December 3 will be a year already. I can hardly believe that much time has gone by. Some days are good, others feel like I’m gutted. I’m sure it’s that way for everyone in my position. At least I have youngest to care for, probably for a long time still. In fact we have a meeting today about vocational rehabilitation.


        1. Losing anyone unexpectedly will devastate the strongest of hearts.

          One year already. My God, time passes so swiftly. I know the pain hasn’t diminish. It is much too early for that.
          There will be painful days, and less painful days. But the pain is there.

          Hope you meeting went well. Sorry for your pain.
          I hope somehow, someway, his memory helps you to find peace in your heart.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the share Frank. It was gorgeous, tender, and inspiring.
      Apart and perhaps never together, what could be more painful?
      Thank you for your insightful words.
      They are always appreciated my friend.


    1. They are beautiful and inspiring words. It is wonderful when a person can touch our soul with so few words.

      Can’t tell you how happy I am to read your comment. Thrilled by your words.
      Thank you for your gorgeous words, support, and friendship.
      As for the ocean…….sigh.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful…and so true. Our loved ones are only a thought away…whether we need to cross vast oceans to see them or wait until we go to the other side of the veil of this life…they are still only a thought away. xoxoxo

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Melissa, you are only a thought away. Distance and time, can never take away our thoughts and memories. We can leave that up to dementia nd old age, but that is an entirely different another conversation.

      We can always think of our cherish family and friends, no distance can ever stop that.

      Thank you for your beautiful words. Your gentle appreciation and understanding of the essence of my words, always touches my soul. Grateful and flattered. And feeling very lucky to have a friends like you.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. “Only a thought away” – how beautiful is that sentiment – so far away yet so close… a lover there at the beck and call of the mind and imagination. The fire in that kind of love will always burn brightly. Beautiful. Will check out your friends work too.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. That is exacttly what I was thinking while I was writing and evidently, that is what my friend Maria Elena meant with these words. “Beck and call of the imagination.” You have such an inspiring way with words. You really do.

      Thanks for checking out her blog. I truly appreciate it.

      And thank you for your gorgeous, thoughtful comment. As always you never cease to amaze or provoke deeper thought with your words. And I am grateful for that.
      May your week be as beautiful as your wonderful poetry.


    1. Exactly. Thoughts can only appease our hearts for so long. IN the end the heart needs what it needs.
      Thank you for always sharing your wonderful thoughts. You always make me smile and touch me like the gentle whisper of a breeze.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Helium blimps remind me of Gotham.
        Now Batman…sigh …now Bruce Wayne !

        Always happy to uplift you honey, although I feel my actual comment will swallow you whole like a ….eh you fill in the blank


              1. HE is on crack if he thinks SHE is going to sully his beautiful bloggy with filthy euphemisms for wonderful lady parts.

                Although my Batcave does need some attention.
                If Bruce is… willing to Dark Knight his way in my direction 🦇🔥❤️

                Liked by 1 person

    1. A profound comment as beautiful and deep as the sea. Flattered youy like this poem. Honestly, you words
      made me so happy. You really made my evening with your comment.
      Thank you so much for taking the time out to share your wonderful thoughts.
      You really touched me.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your beautiful words and appreciation. I think the poem and its meaning would have
      a stronger message in he past long before today’s technology and social media. There are so many
      ways to stay in touch today, that long distance love may become a thing of the past, even as more
      and more are developing.

      Thank you for sharing yur beautiful thoughts. I am grateful for your words. xo


      1. Oh I understand what you mean about the significance of connection, even prior to the internet and social media. It seems like a long distance friendship or relationship is much easier to have these days, because it’s only the physical separation. Everything else can exist with our technology.


  4. Dear Drew, wow this is very humbling!! Muchisimas gracias for your beautiful kindness and for mentioning my work…I feel really honored! I love your poem, and how conjuring up the image of the vastness of the ocean mirrors the depth of your emotions … As Goethe once said “Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words”. Reading your poetry definitely contributes to a life well-lived and I feel every time that it´s truly time well-spent, as your poetry captures what it means to be human, to feel deeply and to long for connection at the deepest level. Thanks again for your art, and for your wonderful friendship! Gracias:) Abrazos

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Please, my dear friend. I am honored that you allowed me to use your beautiful and inspiring words for a poem.
      The images you conjured were exactly the thoughts that ran through my head when you said them.

      Thank you for your gorgeous words and praise. I am deeply touched – like a bottomless sea kind of deeply.
      Flattered you appreciate my “art” and grateful for your wonderful friendship, and introducing a sweet, gypsy
      soul to my followers was a priviledge.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Drew, my heart and I are all smiles today thanks to your kindness and thanks to the appreciation of beauty and friendship that´s so evident throughout your blog and your sweet follower-community! Just too lovely 🙂 Gratitude back to you, gratitude in many waves of different hues of blue! Abrazos y hasta prontito

        Liked by 2 people

    2. Most beautiful poem inspiring for all the miserable lives.you are so much kind hearted.most beautiful lines are”ocean apart,thought away”,wonderful.most inspirational lines “our brief conversations that fill my bones with hope igniting a burning passion that not bottomless sea could ever douse”again a consolation’s wordings.”tonight seeks the solace…”a word is enough for this-sigh…..
      You are a magician of lovely words my dear!! Touch the nerves and the pain is disappeared.gorgeous and near to heart.
      And yeah,thanks for that Zypsy girl who gave you wonderful thought🌷
      Image are most beautiful and so much profound like your poem,my dear friend dew!!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Lovely expansion on the original quote. I especially like the way the oceans are defied in the lines “no bottomless sea / could ever douse,” like the speaker is rebuking the oceans’ ability to separate them from the loved one.


    1. That original quote filled my head with so many thoughts that just wanted to explode from me.
      It took me quite a while to write this one.
      Love your comment. Yeah, he was rebuking that vast ocean before him.
      Grateful for your amazing words. They really made me so happy.
      Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. These beautiful words coming from one of the most talented poets of WordPress, well, I am so grateful and flattered.
      Thank you for your wonderful comment. It truly made me happy.
      Enjoy the brilliant sunshine in your house of heart.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh.dear!! Your Gypsy friend is admirable.her lines in your poem which are added by you thus all poem are shining like diamond of hope,inspiration,consolation.after reading your poem,my all depressed thought flew away and the heart feels now as light as blossoming flower,dear dew!!hey dew!!does your gypsy friend write the songs and sing her songs?


      2. You are most kind,dear dew!!because you have introduced me from your friend -Gypsy Girl.you know that she has interested in spiritual thoughts.really you are lucky having so much nice friends like her.so much than you.


  6. I checked out your friend’s blog….. very nice. I also followed.
    It seems a wonderful place for this inspiration to come from, for this endearing poem.
    BTW thank you for your lovely comment on Art Gowns. As I mentioned, I am considering a series of some type of Love Gowns. Idea is still forming.


    1. You are a sweetheart. Thank you for taking a look at her blog and for the follow.

      Her six little words “oceans apart, only a thought away” were truly inspiring. I struggled to write this
      afraid I would not do her words justice.

      Your Love Gowns. If I am in the states, I may be able to collab with you at some point. I find it
      so inspiring. Love Gowns…..elegant, feminine, beautiful. Sounds a lot like you.


  7. Wow! Such an Awesome post, Drew!!! I love the background on how you came upon the seed of inspiration!! I love finding seeds of inspiration everywhere! Best if found in the words of a Friend!!! Bellissimo!!


    1. I had to share the background on the inspiration. She is a very talented young lady and a good friend.
      And her gorgeous words, well, they filled me with so much energy and inspiration.

      Thank you for your wonderful praise and appreciation. They mean so much to me.


    1. Maria Elena’s words are amazing! They lingered in my head for quite a while. I struggled to write a poem
      that I thought would approach their beauty. So your words really touched me.
      Even this completed poem, had me full of doubts. Those six words are just to powerful.

      Thank you for your beautiful words and praise. Always fills my soul with happiness.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Good morning My Lonely Author,

    It took me pretty much 24 hours to cook up a comment for this poem. I’m not even exaggerating. So you’ll have to forgive me for the delay. Will you? Good. Phew.💋

    I don’t know if anyone else has said this to you, I will assume that I am not the only one to notice this, but you KNOW how much music is a part of my life and when I first read the words “oceans apart” my heart just started to sing “day after day, and I slowly go insane. I hear your voice, on the line, but it doesn’t stop the pain. If I see you next to never, how can we say forever? Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will be right here waiting for you…”

    Richard Marx! One of my, hands down, favourite love songs of all time. And when my favourite poet makes me think of one of my favourite songs…just… please try to imagine my fiery little sighs.

    And it was with that beautiful song as a soundtrack in my messy, chaotic mind that I read this many times and it just calmed my storm, you know.

    I know this will become a favourite for many of your beautiful followers and friends because I feel like this, although it carries a… palpable longing and sadness in its words, is a very peaceful and focused poem. Almost as though the love you penned can heal all manner of heart, soul and flesh wounds. And everyone can relate so deeply to that. You always write in a way that manages to touch everyone who reads your words.

    I lived near the ocean for a long time. It has a power and a wonder and some kind of expansive, collective consciousness that makes us feel connected to those so far away in body, while at the same time, painfully separates us from our heart’s true place; within the arms of the one we love.

    You paint a picture of a man, perhaps sitting on the shore, writing freely from his heart. There is one thing only that separates him from his heart and his love, but that one thing is an ocean that seems impossible to cross, for both of them and yet he holds hope in his heart and places that hope in his words. Thoughts of her keep him breathing…that is so so deeply romantic, my GOD!

    Even faced with an ocean of obstacles, he can recall their conversations and they fill him to his core, to the depths of his bones with hope and love and a  fire within is ignited, just at the thought of her, and nothing can douse that fire. I just love that whole section. It has a truth and freedom in it, words of a man who knows the power of this love he feels and this love that is given to him in return that seeps deep into his soul. And after that, when you go back to talking of the ocean, the bottomless sea that sits before him, and he defiantly states that even this seemingly unconquerable ocean cannot extinguish the flame…it was like a victory within your gorgeous romantic verse . A sense that the power of thought and love has a hope that runs deeper than any ocean standing in their way. 

    It’s just, so profoundly touching and full of truest love. You then end with the four lines that for me, show that this man can place the essence of forever in the words “tonight, like every other night” so subtly it was barely noticeable but I noticed it. It’s not one evening of gazing at the ocean and longing for her touch, her love, her body and soul- it’s every night. Night after night. Day after day, right…sigh . His heart seeks that solace, that peace that only she can give him, the quiet release of love that a  gentle touch on a weary soul that only her words can place within him. And so he gazes at the ocean that keeps them apart and thinks of her, endlessly as he writes.

    It’s a love story, or his story of love for her, in so few words which possess such impossible depth and beauty.

    And just because you know I melt when you speak this way in your poetry… you use ‘me’ and ‘I’, talking to “you”…there is NOTHING more beautiful in your poetry, Andrew than when you write that way. It’s like we are peeking in on a private, face to face, whispered exchange of love and longing. Makes my heart race before it almost breaks it.

    Such a poet, you are.

    I hope this shows you, how I feel about this poem. Yes I have my favourite of yours, and many other favourites after that one, but this is something else; it is special and so significant. It stands alone for me, different to anything else you’ve written. I feel that. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. Of course you do

    Always yours,



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Fiery

      Twenty four hours, huh? Then, I imagine this will be the mother of all comments. Richard Marx. The song opens with the word oceans apart
      Beautiful song, too. Thank you for reminding me of it.

      Happy to be a storm calmer. New title for me. Never been called that before.

      Your generous praise warms my heart. I felt as if this one had a calming feel to it, that went hand in hand with the deep longing. To be honest, I really liked this poem.

      Obviously, everyone knows by now, I have a deep connection with the sea. I often admire its immensity and realize just how small I really am.
      It can be a humbling experience. Then, when I think of how far away is home and friends, well, it can leave me speechless.

      Yes, that is how I envisioned it. The very position I find myself often. Admiring the sea and think of things far away from me. Now, that you mention it, no one has considered that the vast expanse of the ocean can more than just the distance, it can also represent obstacles.

      Apologies for correcting you, he holds hope in his bones. Don’t know why, in my mind I consider the bones one of the deepest parts of the body. Perhaps, thinking of things like marrow and it has to be harder to penetrate than a warm mushy heart.

      Yes, I liked that line about thoughts of her keeping him breathing.

      I commented to early on the obstacles. LMFAO
      You did realize it.

      Yes, their conversations do fill him to the core. They reside in the very essence of him, where his emotions, needs, and happiness exists.

      Love your entire description of my lines about this sea. Not even a bottomless ocean could douse this fire of this passion. And yes, that is exactly what I was feeling when I wrote this, even as his situation may have seemed hopeless, he still clung to hope.

      Your admiration of my final four lines, gave me serious goose bumps.
      No this man, suffers every night watching this ocean. Not just one night.
      This little paragraph of yours lives in breathes in this poem. Night after painful night. His thinking of her and writing for her are his only solace.

      I don’t often do it, but sometimes I come up with these “me” “I” “you” poems.
      Really love to do it, too. Somethings I think, it brings out the best in me. Yes, this was a glimpse into a private conversation.

      You have told me your favorites, and it always makes me smile.
      You merely mentioning that fact, tells me all I need to know about the status of this little poem.

      Grateful for your beautiful words and generous praise. Thrilled you liked it. Humbled that you love and understand my poetry the way you do.
      Thank you for your wonderful support and words.

      Lonely Author

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Aw….my gosh. I am always so hesitant to reply to your beautiful replies in case I break the magic spell! But I will. Reply I mean. Not break the spell. It’s too effing delish to break.

        I love that you just happily accepted that it took me a whole day to respond, didn’t even bat an eyelid and you were basically like, yep. Cool. Lay it on me,Fiery! lol
        Okay so I am going to unleash my inner nerd and number your paragraphs (ah… numbered lists…❤️) to make this more digestible for you, honey
        1. Addressed the magic and hilarity there. And the song…how…perfect, right.
        2.You have NO idea how much you are killing it in that role ❤️
        3. You should love all your poems because they are LOVE and many other beautiful things
        4. We heart you for your connection and affinity with the ocean because it is so you and brings out some of your most heart pounding poetry
        5. It does represent obstacles. Possibly one of the best metaphors for life’s obstacles. You use it beautifully. And touch hearts with your poetic soul
        6. ❤️
        7. Sigh…
        8. Lol! Never jump the gun with me, you don’t know what clever perfection I have up my sleeve when it comes to reading you
        9. One of my favourite things you’ve EVER said to me ❤️🔥
        10. Another sigh. They were all over the place in general when I read this
        11. I feel, relate to and adore every word of this. I’m used to the goosebumps that your words create upon my little body and self
        12. It does bring out the best in you. It’s personal and intimate. Nothing more beautiful than that when it’s done the Lonely Author way. For realsies
        13. Aw…Kiss 💋
        14. And a big warm cuddle (with roaming hands, I know you can’t help yourself)

        ALL my this>>>❤️
        And ALL my these>>>💋

        Always yours,


  9. A thought must be the very best gift of ourselves that we can give. You’ve expressed this so beautifully Drew that I can imagine your thought floating over the ocean to reach its destination.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. As you say, a thought can be the greatest gift we give ourselves. Just as a cherished memory is the greatest gift we can give a loved one.
      Your last line, that thought floating over the ocean to a special destination. Poetic and beautiful. The two things I always expect from you.
      Thank you for your gorgeous thought Suzanne. They are treasured.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Ur writing is very inspiring, drew? Im guessing thata your name. 🙂
    The words really touches ones hearts depths.
    This one really got to me… reminded me that one can be far in distance but not far from heart


    1. Humbled and grateful for your generous words and praise. To say I touched the depths of your heart, wow.
      Thank you for saying that. It truly made my day.
      Distance should never diminish love….we are only a thought away.
      Far in distance…..but not from the heart. Beautiful, poetic words.
      Thank you for your heartfelt words. They are a blessing to me.
      Full of happiness and appreciation. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for such kind words…
        i find love to be a very strong feeling… and should be given that much priority…
        I dont define love the way majority of people do… to me love is about trust and respect
        If theres no respect, no consideration, there is no love, no matter what the person may say about his/or her feeling…. and what they do to show it….
        A man can give me the world but if he doesnt respect me
        Doesnt use proper language
        Idc who he is or what he does
        I will never believe he loves me ……
        I dont take the feeling of heart lightly


  11. I can clearly feel the nostalgia…every sentence you write is like a poem by itself. This one is no exception. I can’t get this word from my head. “Oceans apart, only a thought away.” Sigh, this makes me think of a good friend back in my homeland…


    1. Jessica, you have me smiling from ear to ear. You are so generous with your beautiful praise. That this is stuck n your head,
      really touched me. Those words alone, fill my heart with happiness.

      The inspiring words that prompted this poem were said by my wonderful and talented friend. After she said them, I never got
      it out of my head.

      Grateful your your kind appreciation. You really made my day.
      Thank you so much.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I like the versatility of this poem – it can apply to a person or the sea – I like to talk to both, apparently you do too! 😉 (PS – it’s a beautiful poem, nice prose!)


  13. I also go through Charlie Puth’s song—One Call Away–to emphasize that closeness can be achieved also through technology–phones though nowadays, texting an even Facetime is also possible.


    1. Yes, I forgot all about that song. Thanks for reminding me. It is a whole new world today.
      Facetime, social media, Whatsapp have changed all that.
      But when I am siting a lone on a beach, where wi-fi is non-existent….distance can be difficult.

      Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate your kindness and words.
      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. the depth of feelings that you express in your thoughtful words are soul inspiring. i hope that if/when you feel this way towards someone that you will not let oceans keep you apart 🙂


    1. Yes, the day I feel this way about someone, no mountain or ocean will keep us apart.
      What a gorgeous thing to say. I can’t tell you how much your words touched me.
      Thank you for your kindness and support.
      Your words eases my loneliness and chronic pain.

      Liked by 1 person

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