oceans apart

When I made my move to Florida, my precious friend Maria Elena of A Gypsy at Heart said the words “oceans apart, only a thought away.” The words were so inspiring, I asked her permission to use them in a poem.

Please, follow A Gypsy At Heart. She will introduce you to the people, sights, and scents of the wonderful places she visits giving every destination (Hamburg, Bangkok, Provence, and so many others) their own intriguing personality.

oceans apart

gazing at the vast waters
between us
one consolation keeps me breathing
i can still think of you
for it is
our brief conversations
that fill my bones with hope
igniting a burning passion
in my soul
that no bottomless sea
could ever douse
tonight, like every other night
my heart seeks solace
oceans apart
only a thought away

324 thoughts on “oceans apart

    1. Ah, those moments when we are in a crowded room, gaze looked on our partner as if we were the only two there. Beautiful thought. Thank you so much for sharing it.

      Hope. What can be more beautiful than that? Thanks for saying that. And thank you so much for your kind words.
      I truly appreciate them.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Wow! Each time I read this I love it more. The ending is perfect. No matter the distance that separates us from those we care about we can always find them close in just a thought. Well done sir!


    1. Flattered by your generous praise. Yes, no matter how far our loved one is, they are only a thought away.
      Happy you liked this little poem. This one really came from a place deep inside.
      So your appreciation, fills my heart with joy.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Love is boundless. Perfectly said. Time and distance could never ruin its brilliance.
      Thank you for sharing your own personal brilliance. It made me happy.
      But what else could I expect from you. Always so sweet.


    1. Your words always bring a smile to my face. You are always so sweet and gentle with your comment.
      And I am grateful for that. Thrilled you liked my little poem. This one meant a lot to me, so your
      words really make my day.
      Thank you for your beautiful appreciation.
      It really means a lot to me.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Sorry, to hear this is your current situation. This p[oem a few years ago may have been more impactfulk, but now with social media, there are many ways to stay in touch,

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I appreciate it. And I do hope your situation improves. Stay steady and hopeful.


                  1. Oh.yeah!!my idea was right.youwas at beach with your friends”mosquitos”.they would be happy to bite you because you have sweet blood for sucking by them.buz buz buz buz buzing is their song of them to love you,my friend dew!!


  2. Absolutely how we all feel when we long for our ‘Love’.. Yearning at its best.. So so sorry for this late reply.. I ‘liked’ it before, but had to wait for my ‘Me Time’ to feel it and put it into words.. I had to..as your words made me bound to..


    1. My dear no need to expl,ain anything. Laughing over here. Your beautiful appreciation for my
      poem of long distance yearning touches me. Thank you for your beautiful words. I am grateful
      for your kindness. xoxo


    1. Sorry, you can relate to this. I wouldn’t want anyone to feel this sense of longing.
      I hope your situation changes soon. Love should be face to face, hand in hand.
      Thank you for reading and sharing your own experiences and thoughts.
      I am grateful.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful post Drew. I often use the words “across the ocean” when writing to those friends who are miles from me. We really all are just “a thought away”.


    1. Thrilled you relate to this. Your words make me happy, thought relating to long distance love can be painful.
      I hope that situation worked out for you. Thank you for your kind words. Appreciate it.

      I will drop by your blog.


    1. Isadora, I am so touched by your words. Our loved ones, whether they are far or departed, they are always
      onlyy a thought away. Thank you for this thoughtful comment. It makes me happy to know you liked it.
      Thank you very much. Appreciated.


          1. A little bit happy and a little bit unhappy all day but after with your conversation totally happy and feeling peace in the heart after sending you a reply,my dear dew!!


          2. Hey dew!! I have published that song which is in your post”ocean and me”,so much profound and sweet song.Image are most beautiful.⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘


          3. My dear dew!! On Saturday,i have written a poem as compliant for you but not published on blog,because my one daughter pressed on me by saying that when uncle(you)would read it then he was angry.so i did not published my poem written with restless heart.now i think-my daughter was right.the world of blog should be for only for love,supportive and friendly .hope -you are happy and feel the peace in heart.bless you ,my dear!!

            Liked by 2 people

              1. Yeah.dear dew!!you are absolutely true.i agree with you.i don’t know-what happened to me on Friday.at last i am a normal human.fault and guilty is hidden in human nature.but i am too a child of God.dear!!that day i have tortured myself most bitterly.


              2. Plz see your video of song”only ocean and me”,⚘⚘⚘⚘⚘that i have posted in morning .most beautiful song sung by Jack Jackson.you have most lovely stuff of sweet songs which touch the heart.how much you are cool minded and me- so much aggressive natured.every time talking about roses but forget that the flower of rose has many thrones and give most pain.


      1. Some advantages of being in the future, get to be the first with birthday wishes 😂.

        I’m pretty good today. Sun is shining but it feels very autumnal. Weirdly I slept ok last night.


          1. Yes, they are wonderful. Apart from when they turn into feral little honey badgers 🤣. I am going to take them to the beach soon. They can be feral little honey badgers outdoors.

            How is palm tree lane today?


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