My First Haiku

First, my apologies for having a faulty “B” on my keyboard. Keyboard problem has been repaired. Lonely Author left dozens of interesting comments regarding your wonderful logs. Culpa mea. I imagine many of you have inspirational logs….er forget it.

Recently, while walking the streets of New York City, a young artist came up to me and asked, “Lonely Author, do you Haiku?”

Do I Haiku? Do I Haiku? The question left me flabbergasted. Not only do I Haiku, I also sudoku, sing songs of Kat Mandu, and have considered vacationing in Xanadu (Sorry for the reference Olivia Newton-John. I Honestly Love You).

Enough nonsense.

Now for the world premier of my first Haiku, which I have cleverly entitled “My First Haiku.”

My First Haiku

why do I exist

hormones raging in the night

mom forgot the pill

Everyone have a wonderful week.

Keep smiling.

Keep writing.
