My First Haiku

First, my apologies for having a faulty “B” on my keyboard. Keyboard problem has been repaired. Lonely Author left dozens of interesting comments regarding your wonderful logs. Culpa mea. I imagine many of you have inspirational logs….er forget it.

Recently, while walking the streets of New York City, a young artist came up to me and asked, “Lonely Author, do you Haiku?”

Do I Haiku? Do I Haiku? The question left me flabbergasted. Not only do I Haiku, I also sudoku, sing songs of Kat Mandu, and have considered vacationing in Xanadu (Sorry for the reference Olivia Newton-John. I Honestly Love You).

Enough nonsense.

Now for the world premier of my first Haiku, which I have cleverly entitled “My First Haiku.”

My First Haiku

why do I exist

hormones raging in the night

mom forgot the pill

Everyone have a wonderful week.

Keep smiling.

Keep writing.


143 thoughts on “My First Haiku

  1. Once again you have successfully reached beyond the boundaries of creative writing and found the sweet spot with your creation. Very clever, very funny and unfortunately true, son. Yes, Luke, I am your father.
    Obviously, your wit and writing have a good time playing with each other. I hope they survive a long time friendship. Well done!!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Let the spewing flow. Serious writers can have a sense of humor and can enjoy their skills as well. I promise, the skills you possess will determine your success as a writer. Satisfy your OWN NEEDS first. That is an important part in achieving success regardless of the field or profession. Although I am not a professional writer, I have written over 100 articles relating to health from every possible angle you can imagine. I have an important message to convey. That has become the “purpose” of my content. Whether I use humor or fear, the content and meaning remains clear. Write from the heart and enjoy your craft. If you are able to do that, you will have reached a level of success few ever attain.
        Stay healthy and happy!

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Thank you so much for the encouraging words. You “purpose” is much bigger than you say. You are providing a great service with your content. As you say, I will continue to follow my creative instincts, and go where no man has gone before. LOL Live long and prosper my friend.

          Liked by 1 person

    1. LOL You love my nonsense. Nice. We have to stop and smile while we travel through this difficult journey of life. Just between you and me, I love Olivia too. Have You Ever Been Mellow…. Thanks for stopping by. You’re so cute when you giggle.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. *raises brow..slowly puts coffee to lips..takes sip..lowers cup to lap*
    Hmmm..always the mother isn’t it?
    That’s right,I said it..
    *sighs..nods head*
    never the father tsk tsk..
    *starts laughing*
    Have you never been mellow, Xanadu?
    Thanks for the silly. Delightful
    Wishing you a wondrously humourous Monday. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I must admit, you have the ability to make one smile. Your writing
    Is rather creative, and satisfying. You were born to write. Every
    Word every sentence is a marriage made in the author world.
    I enjoy reading your article. I am filled with a sense of total
    Satisfaction of peace.,,,, thank you
    Bella declou

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sorry, but I had to laugh. Being a mother… and now a grama…

    Maybe you’d like to try a form I created? Here’s and example of a
    Shadorma Summation:
    Purely Divine

    Sort of follows in the tradition of a haibun which is a prose travel-log type piece that can have more than one, but if only one; a concluding haiku.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First, how did you link just the title like that? You created this form? And as for my haiku, well, I hope you get my warped sense of humor. I start every week with humor. An attempt to start everyone’s week with a smile. Thanks for reading my craziness.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I had put (the) shadorma on the end of other poems. But I can’t seem to find the post where my friend and I actually named it a ‘Shadorma Summation’ it was for one of the MLMM prompts, maybe the Shadorma and Beyond prompt.

        I like mixing short forms.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Mine was meant as a joke. I don’t write them seriously. There is some truth to what you say. Just following the breakdown of syllables doesn’t necessarily make a Haiku. For that reason I don’t do them. Thanks for stopping by to read.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. Don’t say that. I enjoy reading your posts. You write well. But I do agree with you about Haiku’s losing their meaning. Originally, they were meant to be soulful verses. Today’s version has been watered down by many. .Thanks for stopping by. You may like the poem I will post today. It comes from the heart.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. Hello, you used to write magnificent, but the last few posts have been kinda boring… I miss your tremendous writings. Past few posts are just a little out of track! come on!


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