my pillow waits for you

my pillow waits for you

forlorn shadows
hang like colorless tapestries
against barren walls
that reverberate no sound

a frame with no photo
rests on a dresser
resembling a weary wanderer
desperate for a smile

beyond my world
entwined lovers
mutate into carnal wolves
howling at the moon

a baby weeps
tears of forget me nots
in a world eclipsed
my pillow waits for you

270 thoughts on “my pillow waits for you

    1. Not sure how to reply after reading your generous comment. Perfect? Definitely, not a word I hear often. Very happr that you liked
      this poem. TYouc hed by your beautiful words. Thank you.
      Surprised that dark pieces darw you in. Really happy you enjoyed. Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I did totally enjoy it 😀
        And yes – I am always fascinated by the dark, hard, sad moments in life.. I’ve been through them at different times I life and come out the other side – and I love life a little more each time..
        Great post 😊


  1. Hey dear dew!!in your poem”Adventures fill your heart”have you closed to write on blog.? What will the heart bears;after leaving by you here will be many tears.however you are going with good purpose;but plz read me,comment me and send me your blessed verses.i will wait for you till my last breath.May God bless you,dear dew!!happy journey,my dear Angel Friend!!plz do promise me that you will read my poems and e-mails.if you not will then my wandering soul will come there wherever you will you,i will do the work for human walfare.


  2. Drew- This is one of your best. I feel you wrote this from a deep place in your soul. There is a strong sense of desolation and erosion here. Those dark intense emotions we try to keep from bringing out into the light but that haunt us nonetheless. Beautiful!


    1. I am so flattered that you think so. You are very kind Linda. I do like this one very much. And that is rare for me.
      Your comment is so beautiful. I am touched and humbled by your words.

      Apologies for my late response to this wonderfful comment. Life has been rough and my possible relocation has kept me busy.
      I will be flying to Florida tomorrow for ten days. I will catch up with you when I get back.

      Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Sanguine melancholy exudes in every word. A touching poem of hopefulness for us to observe through your words.
    Isadora 😎
    ps – happy travels to the Dominican … hope those whales put on an unforgettable show for you.
    Your generous kindness to this in need in outstanding. Happy writing …. Cheers 🍷🍷


    1. Very beautiful words Isadora. am humbled and flattered. Thank you so much.
      The whales put on a great show. And I enjoyed every oment of the vacation.
      Now my sights are on the Sunshine State.
      Tomorrow I fly down there to see if I can relocate.
      Apologies for my late response, life has been challenging and messages piled up on me.
      Thank you for your tender words. They are appreciated.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Best of Luck on your search for a little piece of paradise in the Sunshine state. I was astonished at how large a state it actually is.
        I’m much more south than I would have liked but found that the east coast was a lot more peaceful and south was less inhabited. I guess I like isolation. LOL Being an art enthusiast took me to a wonderful place called Sarasota. Truly beautiful but unfordable. I chose 30 minutes south to a place of great tranquility. The search is always fun if there’s no time frame involved. No worries about responding right away. I know I fall in that category many, many times. Have a great time while searching Drew. Your welcome on the compliment on your writing. It’s always outstanding.
        Isadora 😎


          1. Hola Drew …
            I’ve been on a roller coaster ride I never expected to take. I plan on posting about it. I’m fine just totally exhausted from the stress. But, such is life. Up’s and down’s on our journey is what teaches us to be more resislient. Hope you have a fabulous and peaceful week …. Isadora 😎

            Liked by 1 person

    1. Grateful for your read and words. I had a wonderful time on vacation. Can’t wait to go back.
      sorry for my late response, I had limited wifi on my vacation and now have an enormous backload of comments,
      Again, thank you so much

      Liked by 1 person

    1. MVS, thank you for your beautiful message, I have had so many challenges in my life recently, I fell behind on my blog
      reading and repolying to messages. I have a pile of your email notifications in my inbox. Yes, I saved them. I don’t like
      to miss you. I will be harassing you with comments soon.
      Apologies for my late rseponse. Will touch you and your blog soon.
      Thank you


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