a sad song

a sad song

now, the doors that once kept people out
are the barriers that locks me in
now, that we are virtually connected
i find no connections at all
there is the stranger i once ignored
i greet him with a masked hello
does he wonder what happened to the routine
we took granted for so long
now that my watch crawls in ferocious silence
hope breathes freely inside these walls
while i listen to my creaking rocking chair
croon a sad song

310 thoughts on “a sad song

  1. Most painful poem.when i was reading this poem,my eyes were tearing coutinuously, my most emotional dear friend!!really you have said not only your malolchoholic feelings but for all humans and their worlds who are caged indoors.beautifully capturing all sad feelings by my magician friend dew!! Image are so much attractive and fitted on the poem.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wonderful lines”now that doors kept the people out,are barriers that locks me now,that we are virtually connected…..”same situation is here,my dear friend.!! My living at indoors but feel most frustration,asked myself often-who is responsible for this situation.”breath freely inside the walls..”until how much times.when opened breezes will be available to all,my dear dew!! Plz reply .

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “There is the stranger I once ignored I greet him with a masked hello”…… Poignant poem, yes, I see encouraging signs… While some scuttle sideways as we approach, others speak and greet…. We always have said hello to those we pass by … Its amazing how distance is bringing us closer… in some circles… At least here in my own local community in the UK..

    Great Poem my friend… And thank you for your visit.. 🙂
    Take care..

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the picture that you chose for this piece, it is so poignant. I was thinking today that it feels like someone pressed the ‘reset’ button on the whole world and it allowed us to slow down and actually notice one another for the first time. You said it so perfectly with your interaction with the masked stranger–it makes me realize, more than ever, that we are all the same inside and although we each cope with suffering in our own different ways, we are all, equally, susceptible to it. I read your comment to Rachel about being able to fly home on an emergency flight and I am so relieved to hear that! I sincerely hope that this journey you’ve been on only keeps providing a bounty of spectacular news that we can all celebrate with you.

    Liked by 1 person

      freakin’ caps.
      Thank you for this gorgeous comment. I am touched and flattered by your words.
      well, I am home and my surgery is tomorrow.
      My moment has come

      Hope you are well.
      I will be gone a while, hope to read your poetry and posts when I get back
      May you and everyone in your heart stay safe. 💕

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ahh I am flattered that you reacted like that! I like those freakin caps, haha! Very much looking forward to hearing about your recovery and the leaps and bounds that your health will be making! Thank you so much, and I pray that your heart and everyone in it is safe and protected as well.


  5. una canzone triste

    ora, le porte che un tempo tenevano fuori la gente
    sono barriere che mi bloccano
    ora che siamo virtualmente connessi
    non trovo alcuna connessione
    c’è lo sconosciuto che una volta ho ignorato
    lo saluto con un saluto travestito
    si chiede cosa sia successo alla normalità?
    abbiamo dato per così tanto tempo
    ora che il mio orologio striscia in un feroce silenzio
    la speranza respira liberamente dentro queste mura
    mentre ascolto la mia sedia a dondolo scricchiolante
    canticchiare una canzone triste

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I dislike my quiet house. No grandchildren allowed over. Me, wife and daughter work in the public and nursing. Poor daughter has a minor case of the coronaviras and lock-end for four days from her work. I take care of her. Cooking and so-on. I pray the new world. We are wiser and kinder to each other.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My prayers go out to your daughter. I hope all is well with her now.
      Thank you for sharing your experience.
      I pray you and yours will make it out of this pandemic unharmed.

      As for the world…..I hope everyone will learn. Life is precious.
      We are fragile. Cherish every moment.

      I always get the impression, you believe in these statements.
      Probably due to your service time.
      You don’t take anything for granted.

      Be well my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Maria, so happy and grateful for this beautiful message of appreciation.
      Your words made me so happy. Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.

      Take good care of yourself. Madrid is not a healthy place right now.

      Voy a tener una cirugía correctiva en mi corazón mañana. Me iré por un tiempo.
      Espero volver a conectarme con usted después de que regrese.

      I wish all the best for you and everyone in your heart.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. My appreciations are from the heart.
        I am also happy that we have coincided in this poetic debate.
        I am going to imagine
        that I have a dandelio in my hands and blow it with great force; allthe seeds fly away. It is done. Everything will work out, but surely with a lot of effort.
        Ww wish you the best,my husband Fran an myselfl.
        A hug.
        María from Madrid.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, this is our lives right now. Things will get better. As you say, this will pass.
      Thank you for your encouraging words and ray of sunshine.
      You brighten a room just by entering.
      Thank you.


  7. Drew, It’s Meaningful.
    The Poem Suits the current Situation of the World. Everyone Learn to smile even better than before. Don’t take anything granted. Beautiful poem. 🙂 God bless you.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Strange times when the air is clean due to no one traveling… and not even by transformers (nod to Star Trek re-runs)… We actually had some ice overnight on the 9th alone with some snow flurries. And that isn’t common in my area at all!

    No palm trees here, but at least all the trees are greening out. And I’ve got a nice picture window to look out at all the rains we’ve been having.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your lovely words. They are so appreciated.

      Me? Finally escaped the island and back at home. I have my heart procedure tomorrow (Tuesday 19th).
      Other than that all is great. Feeling positive and happy.

      How are you?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re very welcome it’s always my pleasure 😊

        Oh yay it’s really wonderful that you are finally back home.

        I’m going to say a prayer for you that everything goes smoothly with your procedure tomorrow, so that you can get back to good health asap.

        I was a little sick but I’m doing okay now.

        Sending you big hugs, take good care of yourself Drew.


  9. Hello my beautiful friend, I wanted to wish you all the best with your upcoming surgery and to let you know I’m thinking of you. Sending you love, light, strength and a tonne of heartfelt hugs. 💕💗❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think like the two great wars in the twentieth century, this pandemic will leave long lasting scars that will not easily be forgotten.
      So muhc sadness and loss. Yes, I too can’t wait to hug people and shake hands. The “touch” connection is badly missing from our current world.
      Thank you for your beautiful words.

      I am grateful and touched by your message.

      Liked by 1 person

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